Monday, 24th September2012 Area Meeting,

Innovation House, Meath County Council, Navan


Cllr JV Farrelly


Cllr. O. Fox, Cllr. B. Reilly, Cllr. E. Cassidy, Cllr. C. Yore


Mr. Kevin Stewart, Area Manager, Ms. Á. Bird, Area Administrator, Mr Shane Carroll, Area Engineer,Ms. L. Hennessy, A/Staff Officer, Mr. Paul McNulty, Senior Executive Engineer & Mr. Jonathan Ryan, Senior Resident Engineer.

  1. Confirmation of Minutes

The Minutes of the Area Committee meeting held on the 23rd July2012 were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr. E. Cassidyand seconded by Cllr. O. Fox.

  1. ‘Up date on the N51 Road Pavement Refurbishment Contract in Athboy’

Mr. Paul McNulty, Engineer, informed the members that tenders for the above works had been received and the contract is to be awarded to Roadstone. Contracts to be signed by week ending 28th September 2012, 32 week work schedule. A drawing of the works was circulated to the members. Once the contracts are signed work must commence within 21 days. There will be a work embargo during the months of December 2012 & January 2013.

On behalf of Meath County Council, Mr, Jonathan Ryan, Engineer, will be the supervising Engineer on site and will be liaising with the traders.

As the funding is coming from the NRA works will only be carried out on the N51. There will be no detour in place as there will not be an official road closure. Works will be carried out in phases, one phase at a time, with traffic light management systems in place. The cost of the tender price is €1.2 million plus VAT.

The following issues were raised by the members:

  • Is there a location for the Bus Stop.
  • Two locations mentioned would have a loss of 12 car parking spaces.
  • Has Bus Eireann provided figures as to how many people use the service.

The Area Engineer informed the members that the Council had met with Bus Eireann however, under legalisation the decision regarding the placement of bus stops is a matter for Bus Eireann and An Garda Siochana. The Council is invited along as a curtsey. Presently there is no agreement in place regarding the location of bus bays.

  1. Reports

Housing Report

Ms Á. Bird, Area Administrator submitted the Housing Report to the meeting, copy previously circulated.

Roads Report

Mr. S. Carroll, Area Engineer, submitted the Roads Report to the meeting, copy previously circulated.

Mr. Kevin Stewart, Area Manager, informed the members that based on the Household charge collection figures, a further cut in budget is expected. Circa €645,000 has already been deducted from the budget. If a collection rate of between 60%-65% is achieved a deduction of €108,500 will result and a collection rate under 60% will result in a deduction of €217,000. A collection rate above 65% will result in no further cuts to the budget. Meath County Council’s current collection rate is 57.2%.

The Manager stated that 1% equals 600 houses and to achieve a 65% collection rate, 4,200 additional households would need to have the charge paid by mid November and to achieve a 60% collection rate, 1,400 households would need to pay the charge.

The following issues were raised by the members and noted by Mr. S. Carroll:

  • What is the plan in relation to the condition of lanes

Mr. S. Carroll informed the members that a complete restoration would be required but there is no funding available. The area will continue to patch the potholes however it is understood that after a period of time the pot holes will re emerge, the area will continue to maintain the roads to the best standard that available resources allow. Priority is given to the higher speed roads and the grant jobs.

Because of cuts to budgets the Areas were directed by the Transport section to reduce the amount of plant on hire in which a JCB and pick-ups were off hired.The sections within the area have now reduced from six to three due to budgets and resources.

Sanitary Report

Mr. S. Carroll, Area Engineer, submitted the Sanitary Report to the meeting copy previously circulated.

  1. Any other business raised with the permission of the Cathaoirleach.

The following issues were raised by the members:

Cllr. C. Yore – Flooding at Fosterfield, Athboy

A formal request was submitted by Cllr. O. Fox regarding an expression of interest from Oldcastle Soccer Club with a view to developing the cowplot at Milltown, Oldcastle.

Cllr O. Fox – Proposed to advance this request, seconded by Cllr. B. Reilly.

Mr. Kevin Stewart, Area Manager, advised the members that a S183 would be required for a formal disposal or lease of these lands which would be brought to the full Council for agreement.

Cllr. JV Farrelly – Milltown Cowplot, Oldcastle – to include in the S183 that a lease would be subject to planning permission being granted.

Cllr. O. Fox – Any up date on the Carlanstown Cowplot.

Cllr. B. Reilly – Condition of Drakestown, Carlanstown, Rath ná Rí, Rockfield Rd, Sycamore Drive.

Area Engineer informed the members that works are due to commence on the entrance of Magdalene Court, Kells, start date 1st October 2012 & works at St. Colmcilles Villas also to commence on 1st October 2012.

Mr. S. Carroll, Area Engineer, informed the members that the following estates will be taken in charge by the Council following the statutory process period.

  • Bridgewater, Kells
  • Newrath, Kells
  • Cherryhill Green, Kells
  • Ardan, Athboy
  • O’Growney Close, Athboy
  • Village Green, Carlanstown

This concluded the business of the meeting.

SIGNED: ______

An Cathaoirleach

sept 2012 MinutesPage 1 of 3

Kells Town Council and Area Office, Civic Offices, Headfort Place,Kells, County Meath

Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, Email: , web: