Autreat 2013registration form
(Please list names of all family members who will attend, and ages of any children under 18)
Name / Age(if under 18) / Days attending
(specify which day(s), or write “All”) / Fee category
(A-H, see below) / Special requests
(Days only, no meals etc.)
(For fees and partial registration options, please see pages below).
AddressCity / State or Province / Zip or postal code / Country
Phone (day) / Phone (evening)
ANI member household? / yes / no
If no, would you like to join? / Yes / no
Add $15 (for residents of United States, Canada, or Mexico)
or $20 (for all other countries) to total.
(This will be used for scholarships and Autreat program enhancement.)
Total enclosed:If alternate materials format is needed, please indicate: / Braille / Large Print / Tape / Disk
If accessible lodging is needed, please indicate:
Any other accessibility needs:
Upon receipt of your registration, you will be sent a packet containing additional information including directions, a map to the campus, and menu information.
Please save the file on your computer and complete the form. (You may need to change permission to allow editing). Then, email the file to: . In addition, print the completed form and snail-mail the hardcopy, together with payment, in US dollars, to:
Autism Network InternationalP.O. Box 35448
NY 13235-5448
The sums below are in U.S. dollars.
Advance registration is required to attend Autreat. Registration form MUST be received before July25, 2013.
Full-time registration
These are the fees for people who are registering for all four days of Autreat(1), including four nights' lodging in standard 2-person residence hall rooms, and all meals from dinner Monday through lunch Friday. Fees for adults and youth include a refundable room key deposit of $50. Fees for children do not include key deposits. If you want your child to have his/her own room key, add $50 for the key deposit.Key deposit requires the return of the key on Friday (or earlier) by the key return deadline.
FEE CATEGORY / 4-DAY TOTALA Adults with full-time jobs(2) / 615
B Adults without full-time jobs / 560
C Youth 12-17 (3) / 560
D Children 5-11 (3) / 370
E Children under 5, with bed(3,4) / 295
F Children under 5, without bed(3,4) / 125
G Adults living on disability or public assistance / 395
H Support people(5) / 375
Note 1: For fees for people who wish to attend only part of Autreat, not the full four days/nights, please check out our web site at:
Note 2: We realize that not all full-time jobs are high paying. If you have a full-time job but can't afford this rate, add a note explaining this, and you may register at the rate for adults without full-time jobs.
Note 3: The rate for children and teens includes a daytime activity program for children under 18. Staff:child ratio is approximately 1:6. If your child needs more support than this, please bring an aide for your child, or contact ANI about hiring extra staff for an additional fee.The assistant is eligible for category Hregistration.
Note 4: There are two twin-size beds per bedroom. For children under age 5, families may bring their own portable cribs or cots, so a young child can sleep in the same room with two other family members. In that case, the young child sleeping in the family's own crib or cot would be charged the Category F rate. If the child is sharing the room with only one other family member, Category E applies.
Note 5: This rate is for people who are attending Autreat for the purpose of providing support for a disabled person who could not participate without a helper. Examples are personal care attendants for adults and 1:1 aides for children.
Work Shift Rebate
Adults and teens paying for the full 4 days, meals, and overnights may earn a $20 work rebate. Pay the full cost when registering. The rebate will be given upon completion of a work shift during Autreat. Support people are not eligible for work shift rebates; their rate is set $20 lower than anyone else's because we don't expect them to have time to do a work shift while also providing support for another person.
Partial Registration Options
For full-time registration:
If attending days only, but making your own lodging arrangements off-site: Subtract $100 per child in category D and E (but not in F), $150 for teens and adults. Please indicate Days only on registration form. Please note that day-only registration does not include parking. People who register for days-only and want to park on campus, will need to purchase university parking permits for $3 per vehicle per day.
If making your own meal arrangements and not eating meals provided by Autreat: Subtract $140 for ADULTS and YOUTH ages 12-17; subtract $70 for CHILDREN ages 5-11. No fee adjustment for children under 5. Please indicate No meals on registration form.
People who wish to attend only part of Autreat, not the full four days/nights, please check out our web site, at for fee information.
Room Option
Standard room: a single bed in a 2-bed room, with one roommate (included with registration, no extra fee).
A private room (no roommate) costs an additional $100. AVAILABILITY OF PRIVATE ROOMS IS NOT GUARANTEED. You will be placed on a waiting list in order of postmark date of mailed payment, and will be notified after July 25 as to whether a private room will be available. It is recommended that you fill out the roommate-matching form, in case a private room is not available. If a private room is not available, your private room fee will be refunded to you.
A limited number of 4-bed suites is available for families or groups of 3-4 people who wish to room together. Please indicate if you and your family or preferred roommates would like to request one of these suites. Priority for suites will be given to family units. The key deposit for a 4-person suite is higher than the key deposit for a 2-person room.
Standard overnight lodging includes rental of a linen package (one package to last the entire event) containing sheets, blanket, pillow, and towels. The linens are "institutional" and we do not know and cannot control their fabric content or the products used in washing them. If you prefer to bring your own bedding and towels, subtract $10 per person (except young children in category F), and include No linens on registraiton form.
ANI Membership
Previously, fees differed between ANI and non-ANI members. This is no longer the case. However, interested people may still purchase a membership in ANI for $15 (North American mailing addresses) or $20 (all other mailing addresses). The cost difference is due to differences in mailing costs.
For additional information on Autreat 2013:
or for ongoing Autreat updates and discussion online, join:
For general Autreat information via Internet, check out our web site: