British Association for Community Child Health
Annual Scientific Meeting 2009 Speakers and workshop topics are now confirmed. Visit the BACCH website for information on the full programme, speaker biographies,and how to register.Registration fees for members attending the whole conference have been frozen at 2007 rates. Early bird registration ends on 21st August.
Don't forget that you can bring your trainee for free(accommodation and dinner are optional extras) providing you are full BACCH member and are attending the conference on both days.Trainees just need to write the name ofthe person they are attending withon their registration form - please be aware that we require all registrations to be in place by 7th September at the latest.
There will be an informal meeting over lunch on Wednesday 16th September for SASG and specialty doctors.
Notice of Annual General Meeting The BACCH AGM will take place at 5.15pm on Tuesday 15th September during the Annual Scientific Meeting at Leeds Trinity & All Saints College in Horsforth.
ACCEA Ifyou wish to apply for BACCH recommendation for the 2010 round of the ACCEA awards, you must submit the application form and any additional supplementary forms to BACCH by 5pm on Thursday 17th September. Applicants must also ensure they apply to ACCEA through the ACCEA online application system, which is anticipated to be live at the end of September. Click here to download the forms and view instructions.
NICE Consultations
Alcohol use disorders (prevention) - additional evidence consultation.
Anxiety and depression: identification and referral in primary care - scoping workshop.
Self harm (longer term management) - draft scope consultation.
Prevention of type 2 diabetes - call for evidence.
For information on how to submit comments through the BACCH response to RCPCH, or nominate yourself to represent the RCPCH at the scoping workshop, please visit the BACCH websitefor more information.
NCB Survey
NCB is seeking the views of voluntary sector organisations to help shape its work as a Strategic Partner to the Department of Health, supporting the third sector to build skills and knowledge, and ensuring input from the sector in developing policy. Please take part in this survey at the end you can download a briefing on the implications of the Child Health Strategy for voluntary sector organisations, and enter a draw to win £40 towards a training course of your choice. The survey is open until 5pm on Monday 21 September.
BACCH Regional Meetings
19th November: BACCH Thames SE
British Academy of Childhood Disability
BACD at BACCH Annual Scientific Meeting The BACD keynote lecture will take place on Tuesday 15th September. Dame Phillipa Russell will be presentingTransition: a national overview.Visit the Meeting's webpage for more information.
ACCEA The deadline for submission of your ACCEA forms to BACD is Thursday 17th September2009. The BACD ACCEA committee will consider all applications and recommend candidatesto the RCPCH and ACCEA by their deadlines. The forms will be on the BACD website shortly.
MENDS Study The MENDS study is now able to recruit children between 3 and 15 years of age. We still need your help in what will be the largest and only dose-ranging RCT of melatonin in children with developmental delay. The study incorporates a behavioural intervention, uses objective measures (actigraphy/salivary melatonin/genetic analysis) and although we are approaching 100 children randomised we still need more.Please contactPaul Gringras for more information.
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)has been widely used in research and clinical settings for over 15 years. It involves direct observations of interactions, accounting for developmental level and age, and may be used for an age-range of 18 months through to adulthood. This one-day course is designed to provide information for professionals who would like to understand the administration and scoring of the ADOS. It does not replace a full training course but may be used to help participants decide how to incorporate information from this tool into multi-disciplinary assessments or research. Click here for more information.
BACD Annual Meeting 2010 Save the date -next year's annual meeting will take place on Friday 5th March at the Derby Assembly Rooms.
Child Protection Special Interest Group
CPSIG at BACCH Annual Scientific Meeting The CPSIG keynote lecture will be given by best selling author Jasvinder Sanghera on Forced marriages and honour based violence on Wednesday 16th September.Visit the BACCH website for more information. Drs Deborah Hodes and Shanti Raman will also be running a workshop on Culture and Maltreatment on this day.
DCSF Consultation on Serious Case Reviews: Revised Chapter 8 of Working Together to Safeguard ChildrenThe Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) has launched a consultation on new guidance designed to improve the quality of serious case reviews. Deadline for responses is 23 October 2009. Click here to see the consultation document.
CSA Handbook Consultation The RCPCH is currently updating the Physical Signs of Child Sexual Abuse handbook. As part of the update, it isseeking feedback from individuals who have used the book since it was published in 2008, specificallyon any issues with using the book in clinical practice or in court that you think the RCPCH should be aware of. The deadline to submit comments is Friday 11th September. Click here for more information.
SAIF Forum The DH SAIF Forum is being redeveloped and they are currently looking for more people to sign up. A supra-secure support, advice and information forum for clinicians to discuss challenging issues, share experience and expertise about front-line clinical practice. Please contact Denise Snow if you would like more information
Peer Review Study Day CPSIG is working with the RCPCH todevelop guidelines for peer review in child protection, and this will be linked to a study day in Birminghamon 26th November. More information will be available shortly.
Child Public Health Interest Group
CPHIG at BACCH Annual Scientific Meeting The CPHIG keynote lecture will takeplaceon Tuesday 15th September and given by Dr Elspeth Webb.Visit the BACCH website for more information.
Annual General Meeting will take placeon Tuesday 15th September during the BACCH Annual Meeting in Leeds. More information to follow shortly.
Vacancy on CPHIG Executive CPHIG are looking to recruit a BACCH member for the CPHIG Executive Committee. If you are interested, please contact Kelly Robinson by 1st September.
British Paediatric Mental Health Group
BPMHG at BACCH Annual Scientific Meeting The BPMHG keynote lecture will take place on Wednesday 16th September and be given by Dr Emma Fillmore on The health needs of asylum seeking young people - more complex than we think. Please visit the BACCH website for more information on the programme and registeration.
New Horizons towards a shared vision for mental healthThe Department of Health has published a consultation document around mental health services. It looks at early intervention by providing universal and targeted support for families and at-risk groups. It also includes proposals for a youth mental health service which would work with 14-25 year-olds. Deadline for responses is 15 October 2009.
Visit the BACCH website's Conference Directory for information on relevant events taking place across the UK.
British Association for Community Child Health