Britannia Community Primary School

Curriculum Policy Statement

February 2014

Curriculum Policy Statement

“Britannia- Open the Door to Opportunity”

Britannia’s Philosophy Of Education

At Britannia we strive to provide a creative and inspiring curriculum in which the full potential of each child can be developed. This involves the acquisition of appropriate skills and knowledge, the development of natural abilities and learning to live as responsible and caring members of the community.

We aim to help children to grow in confidence and maturity so they can enter secondary school, and, later, adulthood with the ability to pursue, wholeheartedly, academic, social and cultural activities.

We believe people function best in a happy atmosphere, and that all pupils, parents and staff should be encouraged and supported so as to perform at the highest possible level in all that they do.


These are the aims of the school which underlie the day to day work in respect of all pupils, to develop and utilise the full potential of pupils, teachers and resources:

  • To help pupils acquire knowledge and skills, concepts, basic and transferrable skills, attitudes and values from a variety of sources, which will serve them in the present and prepare them for the future opening the door to opportunity.
  • To challenge pupils to develop lively, enquiring minds, the ability to argue rationally and to apply their skills and knowledge.
  • To develop respect for religious beliefs and moral values, an understanding of other races, cultures and religions and others regardless of race, gender or creed, within a framework of equality and opportunity.
  • To help pupils understand the world in which they live and the interdependence of individuals, groups and nations.
  • To help pupils to appreciate human achievements and aspirations and to understand the potential they have to offer to the development of society.
  • To provide an inclusive curriculum which recognises the individuality of all pupils.

The Curriculum

The curriculum at Britannia is broad and balanced and consists of a wide range of activities and opportunities for learning that go beyond the statutory obligation. In collaboration with parents, visitors and governors we provide a wealth of planned learning experiences.

These include out of school activities, performances, sports competitions, educational visits and music tuition, all of which enhance child development and learning.

Everything that happens at Britannia reflects the school ethos and culture and culture and defines our unique school curriculum.

The National Curriculum (revised 2014)

The National Curriculum in addition to Religious Education compromises the following subjects:

English, Mathematics, Science, Computing, Design and Technology, History, Geography, Art, Music and Physical Education.

At Britannia the staff, led by the curriculum co-ordinator and the Headteacher, have produced school policy statements and long term plans. It is important that we remember we are not just teaching National Curriculum, but we are using it as a vehicle to extend learning as far as possible for all children. It is the policy of the Governing Body to ensure that there is staff development in line with the School Improvement Plan. In order to develop pupil into skilful, socially-adapted and well balanced individuals, able to face the changes being brought about in society, we need to consider the importance of the integration of cross curricular issues. Staff are strongly encouraged to make links between subjects ensuring that computing and PHSCE are woven throughout the curriculum areas.


Careful monitoring should take place in order to ensure continuity and progression over the whole curriculum in all age ranges. Teacher assessment is supported by a variety of information including discussion, observation, marking and testing. Progress is tracked closely by the SLT and subject coordinators.

Statutory Testing

Children are formally assessed against the EYFS in the Summer term of reception.

KS1- standard assessments and teacher assessments take place in the Summer of Year 2 and Year 6.

There is a requirement on schools to inform parents of the results of these tests and the results of the end of KS2 tests are published nationally.

N.Longstaff in collaboration with SLT – date reviewed (Feb 2014)

Due for review- Feb 2015

Date shared with governors- March 2014