2010 - 2011 Annual Report

LGBT Bristol
Bristol Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
and Transgender Forum

Funded by :

The Equalities and Inclusion Team at

Bristol City Council

We would like to thank all those who donate their time, money

and gifts in kind to LGBT Bristol

From the Constitution (Governing Document) the Objects of

LGBT Bristol

“ To advance the education of the public in all aspects of discrimination suffered by reason of sexual orientation and in particular by relieving discrimination and hardship and by removing barriers to equal participation and social benefits, that may be suffered by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people who are in need, in such ways that are charitable in law ”

Chair's Report 2010 - 2011


This past year has been a very busy year for the Forum, It has been another busy year for the Forum.oOur Under One Sky research project, funded by the EHRC to record the experience of– the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Lesbian Gay and Bisexual EHRC funded research for people in Bristol, - finished in July.and aA comprehensive report is now available.

A monthly support group - Rhapsody - was started for BME LGBT people by the steering group that oversaw the Under One Sky project

The steering Group of 'Under One Sky' launched a social networking group for BME LGBT people in Bristol. Thank you to them all of the steering group for their hard work and continuing commitment to work to address the needs and issues of BMEthis marginalised sector of the LGBT peoplecommunities in our Cityin Bristol.

On 30th September 2009 we held a large meeting at Council House to further our work campaigningcontinue our campaign to reduceeradicate homophobia in Bristol's schools. This e meeting was so well attended by both the public, council staff and councillors that we it had to move from a large room to the much larger Councillors Chambers Council Chamber. There we recorded a pledge by Cllr. Gary Hopkins, to sign- up to Stonewall's Education Champions programme.

WThe work on the programme started in January this year and the Forum is participating in the working group set up by the Council's Children and Young People Services and Skills departments, at Council to develop their action plan to promote an their LGBT Strategy in Schools. It should be noted that Stonewall (and the Education Champions programme) is an LGB organisation and following requests by the Forum and Council Equalities Officers the Council has pledged to work to an LGBT inclusive agenda.[Antonella1]

In October we held a meeting to encourage LGBT people to become openly out school governors and several people have now joined as openly LGBT governors in this capcity. We also worked alongside the Council in setting up ato support the formation of a self-organised group for people working or supporting thein or with the education system in Bristol. [Antonella2]

For LGBT History Month in February 2010 the Forum held two events in partnership with others. The first was a film showingscreening of Topher Campell’s film “In This Our Lives” at the Watershed,held in partnership with Rhapsody, the support group for BME LGBT people in Bristol, that was set up following as a legacy of the Under One Sky project, organised the screening with funds provided by the Forum, with great success.

The second event was a talk on Edward Carpenter by Sheila Rowbotham in partnership with Bristol Libraries. An extremely informative evening on the life of this sexual and feminist pioneer, it was so well attended that there was standing room only.

At tThe AGM, in October 2009,saw the election of a youngera new Management Committee was elected, as well as new Officers and change of chairs. A successful Development Day in January at Windmill City Farm led to contributed a number of new ideas and a raft ofto the work programme for 2010-11. These included ing an event for IDAHOT – International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. The Forum will also have and a visible presence at Bristol Pride 2010 in Bristoland wasTrustees and Staff were enthused by the intense to see so much activity and creativity put forward to creating astage the 30th Bristol Pride for Bristol.

Despite the downturn in the economy, the Forum has managed to increaseadd toit's reserves [Antonella3]and is increasingly using full cost recovery. We now have 4 months worth of reserves and are continuing to strive towards the target of 6 months reserves plus exit costs.

Much work has been achievedaccomplished behind the scenes too, with work towards afomulation of a volunteer strategy, drafting of a Data Protection Policy, preliminary work towards attaining the PQASSO kite mark, (the recognised standard of excellence for charities),for which ourwith funding obtained from Quartet by our Fundraising Officer, Laura Welti has applied for £2,000 worth of funding from Quartet, and new office procedures., Bby the time this Report is published, the Forum will also have a formal Reserves Policy andto complement theup-to-date updated Exit Strategy, to be agreed at our next ManagementCommittee Meeting.

Work has continued towards officially becoming inclusive of Transgender people; and at the AGM in 2009 Forum members proposed that the name and constitution be changed to formally acknowledge the inclusion of Transgender members. That vote will happentake place on 12th January 2011 at the 2010 AGM.

Our Development Worker, Sarah, attended training with Gendered Intelligence in preparation for this vote and for the work consultation leading up to it. It should be noted that both the staff and Trustees of the Forum have been committed to working inclusively towards the Transgender agendaStaff and Trustees have committed themselves to working inclusively towards this - at the next AGM it is envisaged planned that the training Sarah attended will be extended to all Trustees and members, by holding an event withinviting Gendered Intelligence to hold a sessionimmediately before the next AGM. beforehand.

Next year, in addition toincluding our funding targets, the Forum plans to continue :

continue its work,in challenging homophobia in education;

stage to work to have events for IDAHOT, Pride Week and LGBT History Month;

to work more closelyr with the Pride Committee, for 2011;

to work to challenge the discrimination faced by LGBT people through monitoring - especially the 2011 Census;

supporting and the working, withinboth the NHS,and the Fire Service (and others) as well as other voluntary and statutory organistions,to improve LGBT equality within their organisations by continuing to attend and input to stakeholder meetings and associated work actively contribute to a change of culture;

to provide infrastructural e support to small and start -up LGBT organisations (,where funding and resources allow it);

to challenge both social and institutional homophobia,andtogether with transphobia, heterosexism and other forms of discrimination.

Many thanks to all the Management Committee who have worked so hard this year and, to the staff – particularly Toni Massari who has worked tirelessly on improving the website - and to James Whale, our magazine editor who stepped down in March.

I would like to remind all members that they are eligible to stand for the Management Committee as Trustees and can join through out the year, not just at the AGM. If you have a particular passion, interest or cause do join us and explore what how you can do towardspursue it through the Forum.

Thank you to Bristol City Council for their continuing support and funding, - let’s hope that the cuts they propose will not affect our work too severely.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone - Management Committee, staff, members and our supporters for their ongoing commitment and input to all that the Forum does. Thank you for your support and we hope to see you at future events, including Idaho Day and Pride 2011!

Details of all groups and meetings mentioned in this report can be found on the Forum website at .

You can also find copies of our policies, constitution and newsletters under 'Ddocuments.

Acting Chair Daniel Smart October 2011

Development Worker Post Script

Many thanks to Alan, Logan, Laura and all our hardworking Trustees who have contributed so much to both, the work of the Forum and the future of LGBT life in Bristol. Our events continue to attract more support and attendees,provingevidence that many in Bristol are still interested in campaigning and improving life for LGBT people.

I would like to thank our administrator and web-mistress Toni, for continuing to improve the website, creating a valuable and informative resource for all who access it. The number of people accessing the site has been steadily growing and we are even getting interest from abroad. Thank you also to James Whale, our Editor and his successor Leighton Deburca for changing our public face and tirelessly promoting the Forum.

Statement of Financial Activities for the year ended 31March 2011

Incoming ResourcesTotal Funds 2011Total Funds 2010

Grants Received33,95033,950
Miscellaneous income 1,890 1,890
Total Income35,840 35,840
Resources Expended

Cost of Activities to further

the Charity’s Objects33,933 33,933

Support Costs 7,611 7,611

Management and Admin 2,586 2,586


Net Incoming Resources

Total Funds at 31/03/10 18,501 31/03/09 26,791

Total Funds at 31/03/11 18,501 31/03/10 18,501

Charity Balance as at 31st March 2010


Fixed Assets

Tangible Assets - -

Current Assets

Current Account 18,781 18,781

Cash in Hand 74 74

Debtors 115 115

18,970 18,970

Current Liabilities

Creditors and Accruals

Amounts falling due within 1 year (469) (469)


Total Assets less current Liabilities18,501 18,501


Unrestricted11,607 11,607

Restricted 6,894 6,894

18,501 18,501

These are summarised accounts. A copy of the final accounts is available on application to the office.

Bristol Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Forum Details

The Bristol Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Forum - LGBT Bristol - is a registered charity governed by its memorandum and articles of association.

Charity No : 1098085


The following served as members of the management committee:-

Alan Palmer Co-Chair

Logan BlackburnCo-Chair - until Oct 2010

Robin Corser-LangfordVice Co-Chair - until July 2010

Laura WeltiVice Co-Chair

Lucas Abedecian Treasurer - until Oct 2010

Daniel SmartTreasurer - from Oct 2010

Matt Wallis

StripeCo-optee until Sept 2010

Emily BenewithCo-optee

Daniel CarpenterCo-optee

Anna RutherfordCo-optee

Daryn CarpenterCo-optee

The following were voted in at the AGM in January 2011

Alan PalmerChair

Daniel SmartTreasurer

Matt Wallis

Emily Benewithuntil March 2011

Daniel Carpenter

Anna Rutherford

Daryn Carter

Registered Office and Contact Details :

Create Centre, Smeaton Road, BS1

0117 353 4621

Bankers :

Unity Trust Bank PLC, 9 Brindleyplace, 4 Oozells Square, Birmingham, B1 2HB

Independent Examiner :

Bristol Community Accountancy Project (BCAP), The Park, Daventry Road, Knowle, Bristol, BS4 1QD

Daniel Smart Acting Chair on 16/10/11

[Antonella1]What is this trying to add?

[Antonella2]We and the Council did not set it up, Nicolette and others started it.

[Antonella3]Jargon, poor practice in documents to the membership... what is it meant to convey?