Brisbane Book Club - Monthly Themes 2017
January - Monday 9th
Theme: International persons and stories of mystery
Often over the summer we lose ourselves in stories of conspiracy and intrigue, escaping the heat of summer with a page turner that takes us into a world of thrills and secrecy. For our first meeting of 2017, the theme is all about spies, intrigue, conspiracy! While novels are often thrilling, this month may also be a great opportunity to explore some non-fiction as sometimes when it comes to spies, international plots and conspiracy, the truth is stranger than fiction.
February - Monday 6th
Theme: Back to Nature
This month, the amazing Sir David Attenborough pays Brisbane a visit with his stage show. In celebrating the life of Sir David, this month we focus on books that are about the natural world. This theme is all about adventures into the jungle, stories of reconnecting with nature or books about exploring animals and plants.
March - Monday 6th
Theme: Space, Matter, Movement
The World Science Festival returns to Brisbane March 22-26 ( At the same time, the Queensland Museum is hosting the Hadron Collider exhibition ( which will bring the public inside the world’s largest physics experiment – the LHC. Physics is often seen as for a select few – often full of abstract principles, and difficult mathematics that is beyond most of us. However physics touches all our lives, and few of us don’t know the names Einstein, Feynman or Oppenheimer. However the world works is both fascinating but also has served as the basis for many stories. For this month, the bookclub theme is inspired about all things from physics – whether it be the story of the apple hitting Newton on the head, to stories of anatomy, the building of the atomic bomb, to grand scifi stories of space exploration.
April - Monday 3rd
Theme: Wizards, Witches and Warlocks
2017 is the 20th anniversary of the release of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” by J.K. Rowling. This was the first book in a series that began a global love affair with the magical world of Hogwarts. 20 years later the story is still is incredibly popular, having been adapted into films, and finding an audience across all age groups. On April 1, the QSO will be performing a special concert featuring the score from the film ( So April is all about books that are magical. Perhaps if you have never read Harry Potter it would be a good time to try it, or another book that inspires a little magic for you!
May - Tuesday 8 May
Theme: Pulp Fiction
Our bookclub often focuses on classics and ‘fine works’ of literature, but I know we all have our guilty pleasures. This month celebrates these – the books you indulge in! Often these are the poorly written stories, based on sensationalist themes with absurd events and giant plot holes but we just love them anyway. So this month we bring out our best pulp fiction!
June - Monday 5th
Theme: The Streets of your Town
Brisbane. We all live here – but how many stories do you know about your town? How many local authors do you know of? This month we will take a look at our city and feature stories by local authors, or stories across the years about our city.
July - Monday 3rd
Theme: Of Anatolia
2017 marks 600 years since the death of the poet Imadaddin Nasimi. Nasimi is considered one of the greatest Turkic mystical poets and is much celebrated in modern Iran, Turkey and Kazakhstan. This month we return to the region of Imadaddin, and will feature stories by writers and poets of Iranian, Turkish and Kazakhstani heritage. And of course, Imadaddin’s works are perfect for this month.
August - Monday 7th
Theme: Scotland, the Brave!
While Scotland has featured as a theme in the past, 2017 is a very special year for this incredible nation. Firstly, 2017 is the Scotland's Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology ( which celebrates all that is historical about Scotland – from the landscape, to the epic battles fought on them, to the many traditions and stories that have come from this region. Secondly, 2017 marks 200 years since the publication of Walter Scott’s “Rob Roy” a story which features one of the most iconic real-life Scotsmen. This month we will take a walk through Scottish history, and stories should feature Scotland in all its glory.
September - Monday 4th
Theme: The Big Issue Short Story Month
Support for the Big Issue Short Story edition is back in 2017! The Big Issue release their fiction edition in August. Support the cause by buying a copy then telling us about one of the short stories that appealed. If you can't get a copy, tell us about any short story collection that you have read recently.
October - Tuesday 9th
Theme: Forgotten, Overlooked, Brilliant
In the era of book prizes, ‘best of’ lists and countless ratings on the internet, many books often don’t become best sellers. These stories, often brilliantly written are often lost to those who should read them, simply due to missing out on a top accolade or not receiving the media attention that is required to establish themselves as a classic. This month is all about the obscure – unknown writers, stories that you have found brilliant, books that just missed out on prizes that you felt should have won.
November - Monday 6th
Theme: Swiftly tell a Fairy Tale
November is the month of Johnathan Swift’s 350th birthday. The Queensland Ballet is also performing “Hansel and Gretel” one of the most famed of the Grimm’s brothers fairy tale. This month therefore pick a story by Swift or delve into the world of the fairy tale. Many fairy tales began not as wonderful children’s stories but as cautionary tales that would be better suited to the horror section of a modern book store. Perhaps you’ve never read an original Grimm’s story or would prefer to explore a more modern story inspired by the traditional fairy tale?
December- Monday 4th
Theme: War and Peace
In continuing the ongoing reflection of 100 years since WWI (1915-1918) and inspired by the saga by Tolstoy, this month we return to stories of war. Part of war is also the hope that accompanies many brutal conflicts, that of having a peaceful existence. This month therefore will also focus on stories of making peace with the adversary. Humans have fought battles as long as we have existed, and this theme is all about reflecting on the impact of war on the people. This month is for stories about how war changes the individual as well as the saga of war and peace that humanity cycles through.