Recreation Committee Minutes
Rec Members: Cara Jackson, Kristie Gray, Mike Pomeroy, Jay Clark, Andy Martin, Marilyn Cook, Kevin Brown, Roxanne Eastman, Kathleen Cunneen, Mark Woodward, Pete Sonnhalter, Dave Carpenter, Mary Dan Pomeroy
Rec Director: Hilary Linehan – 765-4224 or home office 765-4309
Community Members Present: Clyde Cook, Brian Bowen, Wayne Josler, Mark McMahon
7:10 p.m. Mary Dan Pomeroy called the meeting to order
Reviewed 8/1/07 minutes; motion made to accept as is, seconded, 1 abstained and all approved
Mary Dan asked for ideas of Projects for Hilary to start with:
1. survey results – how to use/share
2. winter/spring activities programs
3. developing brochures of trails in the Town
4. getting Hilary familiar with the existing progams in town
5. handle on finances/budgets for next year etc.
6. scheduling various field usage for the next season ** ready by basketball signups
7. development of town forms (usage fees policy etc) ** ready by basketball signups
8. “meet Hilary” time
9. UVRA meeting 9/13 at 11:00 a.m. – have her introduced at a meeting-they meet once a month
10. talk with town treasure regarding the recreation funds/accounts and how TYS accounts/funds transfer to town/recreation
11. develop website for Thetford Recreation on town website/create an e-mail list of people that want to be on the recreation committee e-mail list
Motion made that these are the intended priorities for Hilary to start with:
1. basketball/ski program - getting forms for coaches, players, insurance etc. in order-
2. “shadowing” to get to know Thetford
3. review survey results from Town Meeting
Motion seconded and all approved
7:23 Pete Sonnhalter and Mark Woodward joined the meeting
7:40 Dave Carpenter joined the meeting
Post Mills Project: Kevin Brown talked with Gary Ulman and rough estimate of $3,500 to complete the baseball field – Gary Ulman has set aside dates to do this if we want
Motion made for Kevin and Mike to be project manages-seconded and approved
Lease Agreement for the Cooks and Howards – per Mark McMahon, at the attorneys now and the select board will get it to the Cooks and Howards – Cara mentioned that practices started there today and Mark said everyone is covered – we do not have to deal with this again.
Discussion about approaching the TES school board about scheduling at their facility and if the Recreation Department should take over the scheduling of the fields and work in conjunction with Mr. T. – Mark McMahon said that the select board has a verbal agreement with the school board already about this happening. This does not include the scheduling of the gym at TES.
Discussion letter approval of Thetford Jaguars not affiliated with the Thetford Recreation Committee – Roxanne explained what it was for-motion made to sign the letter – Mark McMahon suggested putting “currently” in the letter – voted 7 in favor – voted opposed 3, with changes - misunderstanding of what voting on –not sponsored by the town although it does use its facilities – motion to accept with changes, 11 votes in favor – 1 abstained.
Discussion of the recreation committee budgets
Mark McMahon and Hilary will discuss her office hours and where she can work here – Mark will contact her
Clyde Cook mentioned field usage and why soccer using just Howard’s field and not football – Cara explained the reason was the rule change for soccer – Kathleen said would be great if the town knew this reason – Cara will do this
Clyde Cook asked what money was originally intended to fix Howard’s field – Kevin Brown explained what we wanted to do to Howard’s field and why we did not do it this summer
Wayne Josler questioned the soccer rule changes and why – explained that the Upper Valley Recreation changed the rules – and explained that because so many kids have to use the 2 fields so more playing time for the kids all around (more games scheduled) - discussion about why football not sharing the use of Howard’s field as well – Brian Bowen mentioned getting the word out on this rule change and why using the Howard’s field for just soccer – Kathleen Cunneen further explained how we should let the town know and better communication to the town regarding what we are doing
Clyde Cook suggested that because baseball participation is down in Thetford, use the money targeted for the baseball field to fix the soccer field (who has more participants)
Thank you letters for volunteers who helped with the TES field: Mary Dan read what was written; motion to approve, voted and approved- Roxanne will get them out by mail
8:46 motion made to adjourn the meeting; voted and approved