31/10/2017Golden Plover 302 Findhorn Bay (centre) Gordon McMullins
31/10/2017Fieldfare 10 Easter Regaule (NJ0249) Mike Crutch
31/10/2017Kingfisher 1, Snipe 12,Chiffchaff 1 Loch Spynie Gordon Biggs, Pete Gordon

Snipe and Chiffchaff, Loch Spynie 31 October 2017 (Gordon Biggs)
31/10/2017Black-tailed Godwit 42,Shelduck 43 Findhorn Bay (south-west) Gordon McMullins
31/10/2017Long-tailed Duck 72, Common Scoter 37,Velvet Scoter 5Burghead Bay (off Findhorn dunes) Richard Somers Cocks
31/10/2017Snow Bunting 2Burghead David Main
30-31/10/2017Kingfisher 1Aberlour Alan Edward
30/10/2017 SnowBunting 2 still at Spey Bay (just east of golf clubhouse) Mike Collins
30/10/2017Kingfisher 1,Goldcrest 2 Loch Spynie (beside hide) Gordon Biggs

Goldcrests at Loch Spynie,30 October 2017 (Gordon Biggs)
29/10/2017Snow Bunting 2Spey Bay (just east of golf clubhouse) Mike Collins
29/10/2017 (14:30-16:30)Kittiwake 3469,Gannet 440, Great Skua 4,Razorbill 7,Guillemot 4,Red-throated Diver 4,Great Northern Diver 1,Goldeneye 1,Red-breasted Merganser 1,Grey Heron 1 past Lossiemouth in 2 hours Bob Proctor
29/10/2017 (07:20-10:20)Leach's Petrel 1,PomarineSkua 1,Arctic Skua1,Great Skua 1, Gannet 2628,Kittiwake 2518,Razorbill 100,Guillemot 37,Black Guillemot 49,Great Northern Diver 3,Red-throated Diver 11,Long-tailed Duck 107,Common Scoter 3 past Lossiemouth in 3 hours Bob Proctor
29/10/2017Mediterranean Gull 1Lossie estuary David Main
28/10/2017Shoveler 1 (male) Loch Oire Ian Noble
28/10/2017(14:10-15:10)Gannet 343,Kittiwake 36,Razorbill 53,Guillemot 38,Black Guillemot 2,Long-tailed Duck 38,Common Scoter 2,Red-throated Diver 1,Purple Sandpiper 7 past Lossiemouth in 1 hour Bob Proctor
28/10/2017 Whooper Swan 24 Findhorn Bay (fields between Mill of Grange and Invererne) Bill Taylor
28/10/2017Whooper Swan 50Ardivot Bob Proctor
28/10/2017 Whooper Swan 454 Mid Mains (Gilston) Bob Proctor
28/10/2017Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 (adult)Balormie pig farm Bob Proctor
28/10/2017 (08:00-10:00) Gannet 594,Razorbill 607,Guillemot 234,Black Guillemot 18,Kittiwake 200,Long-tailed Duck 56,Common Scoter 35,Red-breasted Merganser 3,Goldeneye 5,Wigeon 1,Great Northern Diver 4,Red-throated Diver 4,Slavonian Grebe 1,Purple Sandpiper 4,Turnstone 3,Dunlin 2 past Lossiemouth in 2 hours Bob Proctor
27/10/2017 Swallow 4Nairn Dan Puplett
27/10/2017Hen Harrier 1,Peregrine 1 over Moor of Tore (NJ0955) Geoff & Debbie Smith
26/10/2017Woodcock 1Kintessack (NJ000600) Robert Potter
26/10/2017Barn Owl 1,Kestrel 1,Mistle Thrush 1Cabrach Valerie Leith

Barn Owl, Cabrach 26 October 2017 (Valerie Leith)
26/10/2017Black-tailed Godwit 55 Findhorn Bay Gordon McMullins

Black-tailed Godwits in Findhorn Bay, 26 October 2017 (Gordon McMullins)
26/10/2017Long-tailed Duck 2Lossiemouth Gordon Biggs

Long-tailed Ducks, Lossiemouth 26 October 2017 (Gordon Biggs)
25/10/2017Black-tailed Godwit 50,Bar-tailed Godwit 8, Golden Plover 252 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks

Black-tailed Godwits [and a Knot]in Findhorn Bay, 25 October 2017 (Richard Somers Cocks)
25/10/2017Snipe 16 Kingston (Lein marsh) Martin Cook
25/10/2017Redshank 100+, Grey Wagtail 2Nairn west beach Jack Harrison

Redshanks at Nairn, 25 October 2017 (Jack Harrison)
25/10/2017Long-tailed Duck 71,Goosander 4Burghead Bay (off Findhorn dunes) Mike Crutch
25/10/2017Meadow Pipit 2 Findhorn dunes Mike Crutch
24/10/2017Golden Plover 332 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
24/10/2017 Swallow 3,Pink-footed Goose c.6000 Findhorn Bay (south side) Mike Youdale
24/10/2017Swallow 3 near Westerfolds Mike Youdale
24/10/2017Whooper Swan 520 Mid Mains (NJ1966) Mike Youdale
24/10/2017Brent Goose 1 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks, Gordon McMullins

Brent Goose in Findhorn Bay, 24 October 2017 (Richard Somers Cocks)
24/10/2017Great Northern Diver 1 still in Burghead Bay (off Findhorn dunes) Richard Somers Cocks

Great Northern Diver, Burghead Bay (off Findhorn dunes) (Richard Somers Cocks)
24/10/2017Swallow 1 Milton Brodie Tony Backx
23/10/2017Grey Wagtail 1 Loch Spynie David Main

Grey Wagtail at Loch Spynie, 23 October 2017 (David Main)
23/10/2017Slavonian Grebe 1 found deadLossie estuary David Main
23/10/2017Great Northern Diver 1Burghead Bay (off Findhorn dunes) Richard Somers Cocks

Great Northern Diver in Burghead Bay, 23 October 2017 (Richard Somers Cocks)
23/10/2017Gadwall 1 (male) Loch Oire Alison Ritchie

Gadwall [male with female Mallard], Loch Oire 23 October 2017 (Alison Ritchie)
23/10/2017Sanderling 21Lossiemouth (flew past north pier) Gordon Biggs

Sanderlings, Lossiemouth 23 October 2017 (Gordon Biggs)
22/10/2017Raven 3Logie (flying south) Allan Lawrence
22/10/2017Mediterranean Gull 1 (adult),Grey Plover 2Lossie estuary Duncan Gibson, Henry Farquhar
22/10/2017Whooper Swan 31,Pink-footed Goose 1700, Curlew 170,Lapwing 43,Kingfisher 1,Redwing 50Cloddach gravel pit Martin & Jenny Cook
22/10/2017Snow Bunting 1, Purple Sandpiper 4Lossiemouth north pier Gordon Biggs

Snow Bunting and Purple Sandpipers at Lossiemouth, 22 October 2017 (Gordon Biggs)
22/10/2017 Stonechat 2Burghead point Gordon Biggs
22/10/2017Long-tailed Duck9, Eider7,Red-throated Diver 1,Rock Pipit 2Burghead (east side) Tony Backx
22/10/2017 (07:35-09:00)Gadwall 7 (3 male, 4 female),Pintail 2 (female),Pochard 1 (female), Whooper Swan c.350,Greylag Goose 200,Kingfisher 2 Loch Spynie David Law

Kingfisher, Loch Spynie 22 October 2017 (David Law)
22/10/2017 Peregrine 1 over Scarffbanks (Loch Spynie) David Law
21/10/2017Lesser Black-backed Gull 2Balormie pig farm (NJ2168) Bob Proctor
21/10/2017 (15:40-16:40)Gannet 315,Razorbill 5,Kittiwake 175,Black-headed Gull 8, Long-tailed Duck 6,Velvet Scoter 3,Wigeon 20,Ringed Plover 1 past Lossiemouth in 1 hour Bob Proctor
21/10/2017 (10:00-11:00)Gannet 293,Razorbill 7, Guillemot 8,Black Guillemot 3,Kittiwake 71,Black-headed Gull 20,Brent Goose (Light-bellied) 1, Long-tailed Duck 12,Common Scoter 20,Teal 2,Red-throated Diver 8,Sanderling 80 past Lossiemouth in 1 hour Bob Proctor
21/10/2017 (08:00-09:00) Gannet 321,Balearic Shearwater 1,Razorbill 38,Guillemot 20,Black Guillemot 4,Kittiwake 25,Black-headed Gull 27,Long-tailed Duck 39,Common Scoter 4,Wigeon 3,Great Northern Diver 3,Red-throated Diver 4 past Lossiemouth in 1 hour Bob Proctor
21/10/2017Pintail 202,Red-breasted Merganser 5, Black-tailed Godwit 60, Bar-tailed Godwit 3,Lapwing 52,Ringed Plover 6, Snipe 1 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks, Gordon McMullins
21/10/2017Whooper Swan 54Netherton (Findhorn Bay - in fields) Richard Somers Cocks
21/10/2017 (early morning)Pink-footed Goose 16130,Barnacle Goose 19,Brent Goose (Light-bellied) 1 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
21/10/2017Golden Plover 1Portgordon Nick Mellor

Golden Plover at Portgordon, 21 October 2017 (Nick Mellor)
21/10/2017 Stonechat 2Cummingston Gordon Biggs

Stonechat, Cummingston 21 October 2017 (Gordon Biggs)
21/10/2017Common Scoter 8,Goosander 1Burghead Gordon Biggs

Common Scoters passing Burghead 21 October 2017 (Gordon Biggs)
21/10/2017Barn Owl 1 dead at roadsideForesterseat (NJ2562) David Law, Martin Cook
21/10/2017Barnacle Goose 7,Pink-footed Goose c.4000,Peregrine 1Bailliesland (NJ2566) David Law
21/10/2017Purple Sandpiper 23Lossiemouth (roosting on rocks near Beach Bar) Moray Bird Club
21/10/2017Red-throated Diver 18Lossiemouth (between harbour and west beach) Moray Bird Club

Red-throated Diver off Lossiemouth, 21 October 2017 (Gordon Biggs)
21/10/2017Ruff 1,Grey Plover 3,Bar-tailed Godwit 4, Goosander 6,Wheatear 1Lossie estuary Moray Bird Club
21/10/2017Ruff 1Lossie estuary Bob Proctor
21/10/2017Sanderling 80 (flew east), Brent Goose (Light-bellied) 1 (flew west) past Lossiemouthharbour Bob Proctor
21/10/2017(08:18)Balearic Shearwater 1 flew westLossiemouth Bob Proctor
20/10/2017Redwing 1000s flying up Glen Avon, south of Tomintoul Alan Edward
20/10/2017Long-tailed Duck 510, Common Scoter 118,Velvet Scoter 3,Slavonian Grebe 1,Black-throated Diver 1,Red-throated Diver 2Burghead Bay (off Findhorn dunes) Richard Somers Cocks
20/10/2017Pink-footed Goose 14400,Barnacle Goose 14,Whooper Swan 11 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
20/10/2017Ring Ouzel 2Portgordon (west end near bridge) David Devonport
20/10/2017Ruff 1,Goosander 4Lossie estuary Mike Crutch
19/10/2017Brent Goose (Light-bellied) 1 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
19/10/2017 Chiffchaff 1 (singing)Moycroft (Elgin NJ2362) David Law
19/10/2017Black Grouse 3 (1 male, 2 female) c.1 mile south of Dallas Gerry Cross
19/10/2017Brambling 1Forres (in garden at the edge of the town) Alison Ritchie
19/10/2017Brambling 6 with Redwings Elgin (west end) David Main
19/10/2017 (14:00)Swallow 1 Elgin (Bishopmill primary school) David Main

Swallow at Bishopmill, 19 October 2017 (David Main)
19/10/2017 (09:15)Redwing 100+Alves (flying west) Tony Backx
19/10/2017 (08:00-10:00)Redwing hundreds Elgin (flying over the west end) David Main
18/10/2017 (10:25)Whooper Swan 40+Portknockie (flew west) Peter MacDonald
18/10/2017Kingfisher 1 Loch Spynie George McRae
18/10/2017Shoveler 1 (female),Pintail 1 (female),Little Grebe 14 Loch Spynie Martin Cook
18/10/2017Whooper Swan 96,Pink-footed Goose 840,Barnacle Goose 2,Greylag Goose 15,Peregrine 1Bailliesland (NJ2566) Martin Cook
18/10/2017Little Grebe 15,Tufted Duck 30,Cormorant 1 Loch na Bo Martin Cook
18/10/2017Little Grebe 15,Goosander 3,Wigeon 57 Loch Oire Martin Cook
18/10/2017Red-throated Diver 5,Eider 8Spey Bay (off Tugnet) Martin Cook
18/10/2017Lapwing 65,Curlew 87,Snipe 13,Whooper Swan 6 (flew west),Tufted Duck 9,Goldeneye 1,Cormorant 43Spey estuary Martin Cook
18/10/2017Long-tailed Duck 1,Goldeneye 1 Nether Dallachy pool Martin Cook

Long-tailed Duck, Nether Dallachy 18 October 2017 (Martin Cook)
18/10/2017Whooper Swan 10 Elgin (flew south-east over Asda) Bob Proctor
17/10/2017Jack Snipe 1 (on marsh at NJ0361),Black-tailed Godwit 44,Ringed Plover 24,Barnacle Goose 5,Peregrine 1 (NJ0362),Golden Plover 88,Knot 62,Dunlin 277,Bar-tailed Godwit 9 (NJ0462),Little Grebe 9 (old River Findhorn channel) Findhorn Bay Gordon McMullins
17/10/2017Slavonian Grebe 1,Grey Plover 2Lossie estuary David Main

Slavonian Grebe, Lossie estuary 17 October 2017 (David Main)
17/10/2017 Peregrine 1,Black-throated Diver 1 (flew east),Gannet 30+ (feeding off headland)Burghead Tony Backx
17/10/2017Peregrine 1,Bar-tailed Godwit12,Oystercatcher 91Burghead Mike Crutch
17/10/2017Whooper Swan 30Forres (flew low over High Street) Ian Bailey
17/10/2017Redwing 10+Clochan Martin Cook
17/10/2017Redwing 75 over Linkwood (Elgin) Bob Proctor
16/10/2017Eider 120+Burghead (east side) Tony Backx

Eiders, Burghead 16 October 2017 (Tony Backx)
16/10/2017 Wheatear 1Kinloss Allan Lawrence
16/10/2017Snipe 5 flew east high over Clochan Martin Cook
16/10/2017Redwing 1,Whooper Swan 14 over Duffus Bob Proctor
16/10/2017 (early morning)Redwing 50 over Linkwood (Elgin) Bob Proctor
16/10/2017Linnet 220Clochan (NJ4060) Martin Cook
15/10/2017Brent Goose (light-bellied) 10Nairn east beachAlisterClunas
15/10/2017Light-bellied Brent Goose 8,Ruff 4,Teal 78Lossie estuary Duncan Gibson, Bob Proctor
15/10/2017 (13:30-14:30)Black Guillemot 6,Razorbill 33,Guillemot 6,Gannet 2,Kittiwake 1,Long-tailed Duck 2,Common Scoter 1 passed Lossiemouth in 1 hour Bob Proctor
15/10/2017 (12:00)Light-bellied Brent Goose 8Lossie estuary David Main

Brent Geese, Lossie estuary 15 October 2017 (David Main)
15/10/2017Whooper Swan 273Balliesland farm Bob Proctor
15/10/2017 (08:00-09:00)PomarineSkua 1,Black Guillemot 10,Whooper Swan 7,Carrion Crow 8 (north-west),Razorbill 590,Guillemot 175,Kittiwake 162,Common Scoter 3,Gannet 80,Red-throated Diver 2 passed Lossiemouth in 1 hour Bob Proctor
14/10/2017Stonechat 1(female)Spey Bay golfcourse Mike Collins
14/10/2017Wheatear 1,Whooper Swan 7 (on sea),Long-tailed Duck3Burghead-Hopeman Bob Johnson
14/10/2017Whooper Swan 25Cloddach quarry Mike Murray
14/10/2017Ruff 10,Mediterranean Gull 1 adult,Teal 58Lossie estuary Bob Proctor
14/10/2017 (15:15)Light-bellied Brent Goose 9 westLossiemouthharbour Bob Proctor
14/10/2017 (11:15)Light-bellied Brent Goose 18 westLossiemouthharbour Gordon Biggs

Brent Geese passing Lossiemouth 14 October 2017 (Gordon Biggs)
14/10/2017 (09:30-10:30)PomarineSkua 1,Black Guillemot 46,Razorbill 945,Guillemot 182,Ruff 7,Great Northern Diver 1,Gannet 106,Kittiwake 66,Common Scoter 1,Long-tailed Duck 5 passed Lossiemouth in 1 hour Bob Proctor
13/10/2017Redwing 4Forres (Ferryhill) Karen Guthrie
13/10/2017Wheatear 1Burghead Bob Johnson
13/10/2017 (afternoon)Ruff 2Lossie estuary Duncan Gibson
13/10/2017 (11:30)Ruff 2Balormie pig farm (south pool) Gordon Biggs

Ruff, Balormie pig farm 13 October 2017 (Gordon Biggs)
12/10/2017Lesser Canada Goose 1Dykelands Farm, Alves (NJ111604) (per BirdGuides)
12/10/2017Grey Plover 1Lossie estuary David Main

Grey Plover, Lossie estuary 12 October 2017 (David Main)
12/10/2017Canada Goose 12,Barnacle Goose 1,Pintail 110,Golden Plover 192,Grey Plover 2,Curlew Sandpiper 2,Knot 41 Findhorn Bay (south end) Gordon McMullins
12/10/2017Snow Goose 2 (dark morphs) Findhorn Bay (together on the mud in front of bird hide) Richard Somers Cocks

Snow Geese, Findhorn Bay 12 October 2017 (Richard Somers Cocks)
12/10/2017 (08:45)Snow Goose 1 (dark morph) Findhorn Bay (flying south-east off bay) Allan Lawrence
11/10/2017Ruff 6Balormie pig farm David Main
11/10/2017Wheatear 1,Grey Plover 2Lossie estuary David Main

Wheatear, Lossie estuary 11 October 2017 (David Main)
11/10/2017Shoveler female,Gadwall pair,Jay 4+ Loch Spynie Duncan Gibson
11/10/2017Grey Plover 2Lossie estuary Duncan Gibson
10/10/2017Snow Goose 2 (dark morphs),Canada Goose 1,Pink-footed Goose 8,000+,Golden Plover 139 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
10/10/2017Whooper Swan 13,Greylag Goose 20+ Milltown airfield area Gordon Biggs

Whooper Swans near Milltown airfield, 10 October 2017 (Gordon Biggs)
10/10/2017Golden Plover 36 Findhorn dunes Bob Johnson
10/10/2017Snow Goose 1 (dark morph) Findhorn Bay (NJ0462) Gordon McMullins
9/10/2017Wheatear 1Burghead Bob Johnson
9/10/2017Kingfisher 1Mosset Burn Gordon McMullins
9/10/2017Black-tailed Godwit 57 Findhorn Bay Gordon McMullins
9/10/2017Whooper Swan ca.60,Little Grebe ca.20 Loch Spynie Jack Harrison
9/10/2017Ruff 7Balormie pig farm Gordon Biggs

Ruff, Balormie pig farm9 October 2017 (Gordon Biggs)
9/10/2017 (14:00)Mediterranean Gull 1,Ruff 6Balormie pig farm David Main
9/10/2017 (10:00)WheatearLossie estuary David Main

Wheatear, Lossie estuary 9 October 2017 (David Main)
8/10/2017Black-tailed Godwit 53Netherton (Findhorn Bay) Ian Suttie
8/10/2017Velvet Scoter 19,Common Scoter 31,Red-breasted Merganser 89,Grey Plover 2,Bar-tailed Godwit 50,Sanderling 50,Snipe 2Nairn Bar Graeme Prest
8/10/2017Snipe 7Kingsteps (Nairn) Graeme Prest
8/10/2017Little Stint 2Balormie pig farm (pool north of road) Gordon Biggs

Little Stint, Balormie pig farm8 October 2017 (Gordon Biggs)
8/10/2017Wheatear 1,Stonechat 6,Turnstone 37,Ringed Plover 4Burghead-Hopeman Bill Taylor
8/10/2017Chiffchaff 2 Loch Spynie David Law
8/10/2017Peregrine 1 Moor of Tore (NJ0954) Geoff & Debbie Smith
8/10/2017Stonechat 3Auchmair Valerie SheachLeith
8/10/2017Redwing 1Gallowhill Valerie SheachLeith
8/10/2017Barnacle Goose 7,Mediterranean Gull 1 (adult),Grey Plover 1,Bar-tailed Godwit 4Lossie estuary Bob Proctor
8/10/2017Little Stint 3Balormie pig farm Duncan Gibson
8/10/2017Ruff 2Balormie pig farm Bob Proctor
8/10/2017 (08:05-09:05)Great Northern Diver 6,Red-throated Diver 5,Barnacle Goose 14,Gannet 339,Kittiwake 191,Puffin 1,Black Guillemot 2,Guillemot 42,Razorbill 78,Long-tailed Duck 14,Common Scoter 6,Wigeon 28,Goldeneye 2,Red-breasted Merganser 13 (females),Pink-footed Goose 26,Carrion Crow 8 (north) passed Lossiemouth in 1 hour Bob Proctor
7/10/2017 (17:00)Wheatear 1,Grey Plover 1Lossie estuary David Main
7/10/2017 (16:30)Whooper Swan 64,Pink-footed Goose 79 Milltown airfield Bob & Moira Johnson
7/10/2017 (11:30)Redwing 1 St Margaret's Church, Aberlour Bob & Moira Johnson
7/10/2017Swallow 15Inverlochty (NJ176616) David Main
7/10/2017 (08:30)WhooperSwan 86 Milltown Raymond Shewan
7/10/2017 (08:00-09:00)Great Northern Diver 1,Red-throated Diver 2,Gannet 158,Common Scoter 12,Razorbill 93,Long-tailed Duck 4,Kittiwake 81,Black Guillemot 4,Guillemot 54,Red-breasted Merganser 2 (females),Wigeon 3 passed Lossiemouth in 1 hour Bob Proctor
6/10/2017Grey Partridge 4Kinloss Allan Lawrence

Grey Partridges, Kinloss 6 October 2017 (Allan Lawrence)
6/10/2017Grey Plover 1 Findhorn Bay (east side) Allan Lawrence
6/10/2017Gadwall 1 (male) Loch Oire Tony Backx

Gadwall on Loch Oire, 6 October 2017 (Tony Backx)
6/10/2017Redshank 54,Dunlin 3Portgordonharbour Tony Backx
6/10/2017Little Stint 6Balormie pig farm (NJ2168) Gordon Biggs

Little Stints at Balormie pig farm, 6 October 2017 (Gordon Biggs)
6/10/2017Purple Sandpiper 4Lossiemouth north pier Gordon Biggs

Purple Sandpipers, Lossiemouth 6 October 2017 (Gordon Biggs)
6/10/2017Red-breasted Merganser 4,Lapwing 120,Swallow 1Spey estuary Martin Cook
6/10/2017Grey Plover 2Lossie estuary Geoff & Debbie Smith
6/10/2017Little Stint 3Balormie pig farm (NJ2168) Geoff & Debbie Smith
5/10/2017Swallow 10Tynet (NJ3861) Martin Cook
4/10/2017Teal 258Montgrew pool (Keith) Melvin Morrison
4/10/2017Crested Tit 1Bogeney (NJ0243) Pete Gordon
4/10/2017Mandarin Duck 1 (male) Cooper Park (Elgin) Hugh Clark

Mandarin Duck, Cooper Park 4 October 2017 (Hugh Clark)
4/10/2017 (15:15)Curlew Sandpiper 1, Little Stint 6,Dunlin 2,Ringed Plover 2Balormie pig farm (NJ2168) Duncan Gibson
4/10/2017Swallow 2Edinkillie (NJ0146) Mike Crutch
3/10/2017 (17:15)Peregrine 1Balormie pig farm Henry Farquhar
3/10/2017Little Stint 1,Sanderling 58,Dunlin 8,Grey Plover 1,Ringed Plover 37Lossiemouth west beach skerries Margaret Sharpe

Little Stint [foreground, with Sanderling and Ringed Plover behind], Lossiemouth west beach 3 October 2017 (Margaret Sharpe)
3/10/2017Stonechat 4,Snipe 2Tomnamoon (NJ0449) Mike Crutch
3/10/2017 Swallow 1Clochan Martin Cook
3/10/2017Eider 200+ off Lossiemouth north pier Gordon Biggs
3/10/2017Goosander 13Lossie estuary Gordon Biggs

Goosanders, Lossie estuary 3 October 2017 (Gordon Biggs)
3/10/2017 (14:00)Curlew Sandpiper 1, Little Stint 4,Ruff 1,Dunlin 1,Ringed Plover 2Balormie pig farm (NJ2168) Duncan Gibson
2/10/2017House Martin 3Ardoch (NJ0049) Mike Crutch
2/10/2017 (17:35-18:35)Kittiwake 523,Gannet 45,Arctic Skua 3,Razorbill 4,Red-throated Diver 1,Pink-footed Goose 104 past Lossiemouth in 1 hour Bob Proctor
2/10/2017House Martin 3Duffus Allan Lawrence
2/10/2017Wheatear 1Netherton (Findhorn Bay) Mike Crutch, Hilary Rolton
2/10/2017 (11:40)Barnacle Goose 1Burghead (flew west with Pink-footed Geese) Geoff & Debbie Smith
2/10/2017Chiffchaff 1Altyre woods (NJ0253) Mike Crutch
1/10/2017 Wheatear 3Covesea links beach Henry Farquhar
1/10/2017Sanderling 42Lossiemouth west beach Henry Farquhar
1/10/2017 (14:30)Little Stint 12, Curlew Sandpiper 1,Ruff 6,Dunlin 1,Ringed Plover 1,Swallow 1Balormie pig farm (NJ2168) Duncan Gibson
1/10/2017Little Stint 2,Curlew Sandpiper 1Nairn (on the beach) per Birdguides