Welcome to the new Pyes Pa Doctors opening Wednesday 18th January 2017. (closing at 109 Chadwick Road midday Tuesday 17th January 2017). Please read our important info below

Opening hours/After Hours:We are open Monday-Friday 8.00am-4.30pm. Closed weekends and Public holidays. When we are closed please phone our normal number which will be answered by a triage nurse (Homecare Medical) or visit 2nd Avenue Health Centre, 19 Second Ave, Tauranga.

Enrolment requirements: We can enrol you if you intend to use us as your regular GP and you intend on residing in NZ for a minimum of 183 days in the next 12 months. It is a Ministry of Health requirement that we have a copy of either birth certificate or NZ Passport as proof of ID – photo ID is required for everyone over age 16 years - and practice policy that we have evidence of your residential address. If you have a passport that is the only evidence of name required. However if you have no passportif your legal name is different from your birth certificate we require evidence of this (eg marriage certificate). Without these things we are unable to process your enrolment. If your notes need to be transferred in from another doctors surgery we can only offer you an appointment once we receive your medical records (this normally takes 5-10 days). Immunisation records for all children moving here from overseas MUST BE provided at the time of enrolling.

First appointment: Your first appointment with us is a total of 60 mins – 30 minutes with the nurse first and then 30 minutes with the doctor. The cost for this is $75.00 ($45 doc $30 nurse). We prefer these are done same day but if this is not possible the appointments can be on different days.

Appointments: If you make an appointment for example Drivers Licence Medical, Insurance Medical, minor surgery or a special medical (like Dive or Outward Bound) please advise the receptionist what your appointment is for so that she can allow appropriate time in the appointment.

Walk ins: ie people that turn up to see doctor with no appointment – may only be seen if the doctor has a free appointment slot at that time. We encourage you to pre-book your appointment as if you just turn up we may not be able to fit you in.

Staff: We have 3 GP’s working here – owner Dr Murray Hay, Dr Sue Genner & Dr Yen Chen (starts Monday 23 January 2017) . Our practice nurses are Annette, Anna-Lisa and Raewyn. Our receptionists are Kat and Rachel and our Practice Manager is Christine.

Fees: Please note that Pyes Pa Doctors fees will be increased compared to Greerton Health.Children under 12 years old doctors consultations are free. However a fee may be charged for things that involve consumable items like liquid nitrogen, dressings and nebulisers.

Prescriptions: We require 48 hours notice for renewal of a prescription. The cost for this is $20.00. If you require it within 48 hours and/or faxed an increased fee will apply.

Results: It is our policy to only contact you if any tests/procedures that you have had come back to us with abnormal results. If you hear nothing from us you can assume everything is normal. You are welcome to ring and speak to the nurse to check your results at any time.

Preventative Health Care: We strongly encourage you to have immunisations and regular health checks as recommended by the MOH and will regularly remind you if these are due.

Change of bank account number: From 1 October number for direct credit/internet banking is 06-0541-0823026-25