Algebra 2H
Course Guidelines
Mrs. Nick
2010-2011 School Year
Preparation for Class
Bring the following materials to class each day:
-a pencil with an eraser
-your textbook (which should be covered)
-a loose-leaf, 3-ring notebook
-a scientific calculator (a TI-83 or TI-84graphing calculator would be best)
Expect homework to be assigned every class period.
At the top of your homework should be your name, the date and (if out of the textbook) the assignment number.
The assignment for the day will be written on the back board under “Algebra 2H.” The syllabus for each unit is also listed on my website.
You are fortunate that the math dept purchased new textbooks for this course for last year. The new book has extensive online help. You can view lesson tutorials, obtain additional practice problems, and see how to do odd numbered homework problems step by step. I expect you to use this online help when you are stuck on your homework. To get help on your homework online follow the following steps:
- Go to
- Type the following QuickPass code (which is in the inside cover of your book): A24825c1
- Click on Hotmath Homework Help under Math Resources on left side of screen
- Choose a particular page and problem number
- Click the down arrow repeatedly to see step by step how to do the problem
Homework will be checked every class. You will receive the following points based on the quality of your homework:
0 if you did not do your homework.
1 if the assignment is done but you did not show your work; or if some the assignment is done but it is obvious you did not put in the required effort.
2 if most of your homework is complete with work shown but some problems are not done or hardly attempted.
3 if your homework is neat with work shown, and you have attempted every problem assigned.
You will lose points for homework shown to me late. Late assignments will be accepted up until the day of the test.
At the end of the marking period, these points will be added together and divided by the total number of possible points. The resulting number will be part of your homework grade for the quarter.
After I check your homework, you will receive the answers to all even numbered problems. While you are waiting for your classmates’ homework to be checked, it is your responsibility to check your answers, and find problems that you would like to see worked out on the board (if the answer key does not already show all the steps). Questions will usually be answered at the beginning of class. After the first unit, I will no longer go over odd numbered problems in class as you will be expected to go online to see them worked out step by step.
Unit Sheets
At the beginning of each unit, a “unit sheet” will be passed out which will consist of graphs and multi-step problems. The graphs/problems from this sheet will be turned in for a grade at the end of each unit on test day. It is expected you will work on these problems on your own time during the unit. You can then ask questions about problems you are having difficulties with during class when we have extra time or after school. DO NOT LEAVE THEM UNTIL THE NIGHT BEFORE THE TEST!!!!!
SAT Practice
We will do practice SAT problems throughout the year. You will be required to take two SAT “practice quizzes” every marking period to be completed on your own time. These will be graded but you will not need to get every question correct to get a good grade. After they are returned we will go over the most commonly missed problems.
Quizzes and Tests
Expect quizzes to be given each unit. If you do poorly on a quiz, there will usually be a make-up quiz that you may take on your own time. Only students who have done the homework pertaining to the quiz are eligible to take amake-up quiz!
At the end of each unit there will be a test. Although you may make up quizzes if you do poorly, no make-up tests are allowed!!!
Friday Bonus Questions (FBQs)
Every Friday (or Thursday if your class does not meet Friday) there will be an extra credit problem available on a hand-out. You may turn in this problem Monday (or Tuesday if we don’t meet Monday) for 3 extra credit points to be applied anywhere you need them. To receive full credit, you must fully explain how you arrived at your answer, and show all work (and have the answer correct of course).
Your grade for each marking period will be weighted as follows:
Homework: 20%
SAT practice quizzes10%
Unit Sheet Average: 20%
Quiz Average: 20%
Test Average: 30%
Friday bonus points will be added onto your lowest test grade, quiz grade, unit sheet grade, orhomework average (whichever is lowest) before the final grade is calculated at the end of each marking period.