Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Monday 6th December, 2010 in the Supper Room, Assembly Rooms, Briggate, Brighouse.


Mrs. A. Rutherford (Chairman)

Mrs. W. P. Oates (Vice-Chairman)

Mr. P. G. Davies (Secretary)

Councillor C. Stout (Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council)

Councillor Mrs. J. Cawthra (Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council)

Councillor Mrs. C. Beal (Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council)

Mr. C. Squire

Mr. N. Yates

Mr. M. J. Terry

Mr. A. Hartshorn

P.C.S.O. 465 Mardell (West Yorkshire Police)

P.C. 1223 Hay (West Yorkshire Police)

P.C.S.O. 774 Saxelby-Wyatt (West Yorkshire Police)

Mr. J. Meadowcroft (Rastrick Juniors Football Club)

Mrs. A. Bloom (Field Lane All Residents Association)

1. Apologies for absence.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor C. Raistrick, Mr. E. Needham, and Mrs. H. Moon.

2. Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting held on Monday 4th October, 2010.

The minutes of the previous Committee Meeting were proposed and seconded as a correct record.

3. Matters Arising.

(a) Ludenscheid Link, Brighouse.

No further progress had been made with regard to the above location. Councillor Stout advised the Secretary to write to Mr. David Tee regarding a scheme which had been provided on Park Road, Elland which advised motorists to travel at thirty miles per hour and a flashing light had been provided.

·  The Secretary agreed to write to Mr. David Tee regarding the scheme which had been provided, and to enquire if a similar scheme could be provided for the Ludenscheid Link.

(b) Halifax Road, Brighouse.

The Secretary advised members present of the correspondence he had undertaken with regard to the provision of a traffic island at the junctions of Mill Hill Lane and Granny Hall Lane.

·  It was noted that the traffic island is to be provided before the end of the current financial year.

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(c) Brookfoot Lane, Southowram.

Deep concern was expressed with regard to the recent problems relating to the surface of Brookfoot Lane when vehicles had been unable to use the lane because of the road surface. It was noted that the ‘bus service had been suspended for a twenty four hour period. Following the meeting an electronic mailing had been received by Councillor Christine Beal informing her that tests had been carried out on the surface of Brookfoot Lane and the results were awaited.

·  Councillor Stout agreed to arrange a meeting with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and the Secretary with the officers of the Engineering Services Department in January, 2011 regarding Brookfoot Lane, and Withinfields School, Southowram.

·  The Chairman had drafted a letter to Mr. David Tee regarding the surface of Brookfoot Lane and it was agreed that this letter should be sent to Mr. Tee.

(d) Withinfields School, Southowram.

·  It was agreed that this item should be retained on the Agenda.

(e) Bradford Road, Brighouse.

Work on the traffic island at the junction with Houghton Street had commenced. It was noted that the residents do not have any parking facilities. A traffic order is required.

·  It was agreed that this item should be retained on the Agenda.

(f) Brighouse Traffic Review.

It was noted that a joint report is being prepared by Councillor Joyce Cawthra, Mr. N. Yates and Mr. W. Terry regarding the above matter.

(g) Carr Green Lane, Rastrick. Parking of vehicles on the pavement.

Double yellow lines are to be provided on Carr Green Drive. New signage is to appear at the top by the football club. It was noted that a number of schemes are gathered together, and the contractors do the work in one job.

(h) The future of the Brighouse Road Safety Committee.

The Secretary advised members present that the Supper Room had been booked for the forthcoming financial year 2011-2012. A letter of support had been received from Mrs. C. Riordan, M.P. for Halifax. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman had also met Mr. Craig Whittaker, M.P. for the Calder Valley.

4. Correspondence.

(a) Planning.

Planning Application No: 10/01289/OUT – Continuing care retirement community including 96 apartments, 40 bed care home, social centre, bowling green and allotments. Allen Works, Badger Lane, Hipperholme, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX3 8PW.

The Secretary advised members present that a letter of objection had been submitted with regard to the above Planning Application.

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(b) Town and Country Planning Act 1990 – Planning Appeal. Inspectorate Number: APP/A4710/C/10/2134340. Appellant: Mr. Mahmood Akhtar. Address A1 Brighouse Cars, 37 Bethel Street, Brighouse, HD6 1JR.

It was noted that the above Appeal had been withdrawn and the file closed.

(c) Review of Local List.

It was noted that hard copies of the Planning List are no longer despatched on a weekly basis and that the information was updated twice a day on the Calderdale Council website.

5. Date of next Committee Meeting.

The next Committee Meeting will be held on Monday 7th February, 2011 in the Supper Room, Assembly Rooms, Briggate, Brighouse at 7 p.m. A list of dates for the forthcoming financial year was provided by the Secretary.

6. Any other business.

(a) Fire service and road safety week.

The Chairman informed the Committee that a joint promotion for the fire service and road safety week had been held outside Tesco Supermarket, Brighouse. A high number of leaflets had been issued.

(b) Be safe and be seen campaign.

In connection with the Christmas lights ceremony, the Chairman and Secretary had issued reflective armbands, and road safety literature to visitors at the Christmas lights ceremony.

(c) Speeding traffic in the Lower Valley.

Councillor Stout advised members present of speeding statistics for various roads in the lower valley. It was noted that there were no statistics available for Halifax Road, Brighouse.

(d) Brighouse Charity Gala, 2011.

The Chairman advised members present that it was hoped to arrange a joint exercise with the West Yorkshire Fire Service who had a seat belt slide fitted with a dummy. This would demonstrate the need for seat belts to be worn at all times.

(e) Bracken Road, Brighouse.

In her absence, Mrs. Helen Moon had complained that Bracken Road, Brighouse had not been cleared of snow. Mrs. Moon had been advised by the Chairman to contact Councillor Colin Stout.

(f) Christmas Drink Drive Campaign, 2010.

The Chairman advised members present of the forthcoming Christmas Drink Drive Campaign to be held on Tuesday 7th December, 2010 and members were invited to come along and assist.