RightCare© by Derbyshire Health United
RightCare© Aims:
- To provide Out of Hours Primary Care support to patients who have been identified by GP practices and Derbyshire Health United;
- To give direct telephone access to a range of OOH Primary Care services through Derbyshire Health United, thus avoiding the NHS Direct loop
- To enable OOH clinicians to access and follow pre-determined care management plans, ensuringcontinuity of care
- To avoid inappropriate secondary care admissions.
Who is Rightcare© for?
The decision to include patients is one that lies with practices and the initiating clinician. Examples may include:
- Clinical high demand patients
- High Cost users of secondary care
- Patients requiring specialist primary care services
- Frequent inappropriate users of Emergency Services (A&E, Ambulance)
- Appropriate long term condition patients
- Appropriate patients managed as part of the Palliative Care Schemes across Derbyshire
- Patients with Learning Disabilities
- Some Mental Health conditions
Identification of patients
- Sources of information to assist in the identification of appropriate patients may includeGPs & Nurses/Clinicians in Practices
- Practices Accessing PCT Health Informatics Data
- Most expensive
- High users
Completion of Care Management Plan
- Any clinician considered appropriate by the practice may refer a patient and complete the Care Management Plan. This must be in conjunction with the patient and their carers to establish the best prospects of patient concordance. The plan should include appropriate clinical details, current medication and specific instructions /advice on the required patient management for the receiving clinician should the patient access the service.
- Educate the patient and appropriate carers in accessing the scheme completing with the patient the Patient Information Leaflet making sure that they understand when to access the scheme, how to access through the direct telephone number and what to expect when they contact the service. A copy of the care management plan is forwarded to Derbyshire Health United
- Appropriate records are made at the practice
© 2008 Derbyshire Health United Ltd
What DHUWill Do next…
- Register the patient and Care Management Plan
- Notify NHS Direct and East Midlands Ambulance Service that the patient is part of the programme.
- Confirm registration back to the practice together with the review date.
When patients contact the service
- The patient (or carer) will be put straight through to a clinician who will have access to the Care Management Plan via Adastra and will manage the patient episode accordingly.
- Details of the consultation will be forwarded to the patients own surgery by 0800hrs the following day and where appropriate an entry will be made in the patients hand held records.
(Should the patient contact NHS Direct or call an ambulance by dialling 999 – information systems will alert these organisations that the patient is participating in the RightcareProgramme. This ensures appropriate interventions. Should EMAS attend the patient, they too will have notification of Rightcare and can discuss with an appropriate patient management.)
This process is managed entirely by e-mail.
The e-mail addresses to use are as follows:-
This is the e-mail address referrers should use to request the latest version of our RightCare© Plan (Automatically replies)
This is the e-mail address referrers should use to send their completed RightCare© plans to.
Rightcare forms can only be received via email Monday to Friday prior to 1600 hours for them to be actioned. Please do not attach any additional information to the Care Plan as unfortunately there is no where to log this information.
This is the e-mail address referrers should use to request information about the RightCare© system
The Team can be contacted on the DHU Healthcare Professional Line 0844 7420501 if you have any queries regarding RightCare©.
© 2008 Derbyshire Health United Ltd