Brief for Pre-testing Family Planning Televison Commercials Story Boards


HCP has hired Lowe Scanad to develop threeTelevsion Commercials about Family Planning specifically addressing; misconceptions about family planning methods, couple commuication and the dangers of having a large unplanned family.

Lowe Scanad has developed 6 Story Boards from which the 3 TVCs will be developed, however before completing the developemnt of the TVCs HCP will conduct a pre-test exercise among representatives of the Family Planning Campaign target audiences in Kampala district .i.e. among men and women aged 18 – 35.

The findings from this exercise will not be published but will be used to make improvemnts and corrections to the TVCs.

Objectives for the Pre-test

The objectives of the pre-test exercise are to:

  1. Find out if the target audience understand the contents of the TVC storyboards.
  2. To establish whether the public relate to the TVC storyboards
  3. To establish if the TVC storyboards are offensive, unclear or attractive to the public
  4. To collect feedback about what the public likes, dislikes about the TVC storyboards and their suggestions for improving the wording of the storyboards.

Pre-test Methodology

Four Focus Group Discussions will be conducted in Naguru and Nsambya in Kampala District among men and women aged 18 – 35.

The FGDs will be arranged according to the gender of the respodents .i.e. the male respodents will be seperated from the female respodents. The FGDs will be conducted by the same sex research assistants and note takers i.e. the male FGDs will be conducted by male research assistants and note takers; these will be recruited from the pool normally used by HCP and will be graduates. The research assistants will under go training where they will be oriented to the campaign, the TVC story boards and tools to be used in the pre-test exercise

FGD Procedure

During the FGDs the reserach assistant will introduce themselves to the mobilized respodents, explain to the puporse of the FGD and then request for permission to conduct the FGD. The RAs will in turn ask the respodents to introduce themselves, before showing them one story board at time followed by questions about each.

Table showing the details of the FGDs

Place / Male FGDs / Female FGDs
Naguru / Aged 18 - 35 / Aged 18 - 35
Nsambya / Aged 18 - 35 / Aged 18 - 35

Recruitment of FGD Respodents

HCP will identify mobilizers through the area local leaders in Naguru and Nsambya to invite the FGD respodents according to the folowing criteria;

  • Literate in English
  • Aged between 18 – 35 years
  • Sholuld not be health workers, community health workers, opinion leaders, political or religious leaders and government official.


Activity / By whom / Date
Drafting methodology/ brief & Budget / Emma / March 26
Approval of methodology and budget / Robert/ Barbara / Cheryl / March 26
Mobilization of Pre-test Respondents / Emma / March 26 -30
Training of Research Assistants / Emma/ Barbara / March 31
Conducting of the Pre-test / Emma / March 31
Pre-test debriefing / Emma / Barbara / April 1
Analysis of FGD findings and Report writing. / Research Assistants / April 1 – 2

Proposed Questions

  1. What is described in the TVC storyboard?
  2. What is the main message (s) of the TVC storyboard?
  3. Who is this TVC storyboard meant for? (Describe that person)
  4. Is there anything unclear in this TVC storyboard? (If yes probe to find out what is unclear)
  5. Is there anything offensive in the TVC storyboard? (Probe for any offences if any)
  6. What do you like about this TVC storyboard? (Probe to find out what is liked about this TVC storyboard)
  7. Is there anything you dislike about this TVC storyboard? (If yes Probe to find out what is disliked about this TVC storyboard)
  8. Is there anything that the TVC storyboard is asking you to do?
  9. How can this TVC storyboardbe improved?

Matrix ranking for each of the TVC story Boards

This will be filled in for each FGD by the Research Assistants

Matrix Rankings











Draws attention of the audience

Message is clear; understandable & relevant

Relates to the target audience