Bridging Poem (general—for all levels)

Author unknown, updated by Carol Lee Spages

From Girl Scout Daisies dressed in blue
Where everythingis fresh and new,
We learn our Promise and our Law
And grow strong as we grow tall.

As Girl Scout Brownieswe are eager tolearn,
Withjourneys to followand Try-its to earn.
Wemake the world a better place
With big Brownie smilesupon our face.

In Girl Scout Juniors, we venture on,
Exploring ourcommunity and beyond.
In a circle of friendship, hand in hand.
We're helping people wherever we can.
In Girl ScoutsCadettes we can reallysoar,

Destinations have now openedtheir door.
The Silver Award isours toachieve

There are places to go andlots to see.

Girl Scout Seniors havebecome morebold.

Someofus willearn theGold.

With leadershipexperience burning bright

We always want to do what's right.

Girl Scout Ambassadors are at the top.

Ourexciting adventures will never stop.

As advocateswe take the lead

The Promise and Lawwe will always heed.

Little girls into women grow,
Sharing with others all they know.
Girl Scout adultsare there to lead
And lend a hand where there's a need.
From level to level, step by step
With sister Girl Scouts,our futures we prep.

We meet the challenges each level brings,
And then we're on to bigger things.

Bridge to Girl Scout Brownies

(author unknown...revised by Carol Lee Spages)

Girl ScoutDaisies, cross the bridge,
Your Daisy days are done.
Come and join our Brownie ring...
Findadventure and lots of fun.

Bridge to Girl Scout Juniors

(author unknown...revised by Carol Lee Spages)


Twoyears have passed since you first stood
By the magic pool and learned you could
Do lots of things in a Girl Scout way
And truly live by the words you say.
Journeys and badgeshave become yours
As youworked and played inand out doors.
Being a Girl Scout Brownie has filled your hearts
Broadened your sights and brought new starts.
You committed toour Promiseand showed respect,
We learned working together is whatto expect.
So Girl Scout Browniesfly on and find
That Girl Scout Juniors are true and kind.

Now we give you Brownie wings,
That you may fly to bigger things!

Bridge to Girl Scout Cadettes

(author unknown...revised by Carol Lee Spages)

When you were a Girl Scout Junior
You learned a lot of things

Through discover, connect, take action
And theskills badges and service brings.

Now you come to Girl Scout Cadettes

Ready to take a greater part
In Girl Scouting and your community,
Andthis next stepis just the start.

Bridge to Girl Scout Seniors poem

(author unknown...revised by Carol Lee Spages)


Take my hand in eagerness
As Girl Scout Seniors webecome
We're proud to be bridging
Toearn the awards that can be done.

Take my hand in thanking
Ouradvisor and our guide
With sincere appreciation
For standing by our side.

Take my hand in friendship
I give to you this day
Remember all the good times
We had along the way.

Take my handfor helping
Other people that we know
The more we give to others
The more that we will grow.

Take my hand in learning
To camp on nature's ground
Enjoying trails and campfires
With new friends that we have found.

Take my hand to follow new
Girl Scoutingjourneys in our sight
We'll join hands with each other
And in friendship we'll unite.

Take my hand in giving
Our knowledge ofGirl Scouts
To girls we meet and talk to
Who have so many doubts.

(In unison):
We give our hands in promise
To hold our country dear
And abide by the Girl Scout Law
Each day throughout the year.

Bridge to Girl Scout Ambassador

Girl Scout Senior,you’re now at the top...

Girl Scout Ambassador-- do not stop.

There is much more ahead for you to learn,

Journeys to follow and badges to earn.

Become an advocate for yourself and beyond

Speak up for a cause of which you are fond.

As youcross the bridgewith all the rest,

I challenge you to do your best,

To live your life with no major flaw

By following the Girl Scout Promise and Law.

Carol Lee Spages

Bridge to Girl Scout Adults

(by Joan McEniry)

Spoken by Girl Scout Ambassadors bridging to adult Girl Scouts...

We are the present... and the future too.
We turned our eyes to you to point the way.
We learned to walk, ourselves, against the day
When you no longer lead us by the hand.
You taught us the meaning we need
For, soon, there will be those
Whom we must lead
In ways which you have shown.
And, having taught us,
Show us that you are not afraid for us to walk alone.
You taught us to reach for the stars.
To gather to ourselves the dreams
That beckoned once to you.
You taught us those things that we must know
To make your dream, our dream come true!