Bridgewood Estates HOA Board Meeting

2001 28th Street Ct NW

November11, 2013

Attendees: Mort Hopland, Margaret Brammall, Robert Marshall,Steve Piacitelli, Erin Hunter

Juanita Carbaugh (HOA Manager)

Mort Hopland called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.

Minutes and Finances


  • It was moved, seconded and approved to accept the minutes of the October meeting.


The budget was approved with the following modifications:

  • We will mail one bill at the beginning of the year, with $700 due by January 31 unless homeowners decide to set up two payments by ACh, with $350 deducted in January and the remainder deducted in July. This will save mailing fees. Juanita will draft a policy regarding delinquencies.
  • We will have bimonthly meetings and aim to invite Juanita to every second meeting.
  • We should consider rain sensors to cut down on the water consumption.

Old Business

Homeowner survey

  • The survey is now online.

Governing Documents RewriteCommittee

  • Juanita was present at the initial meeting.
  • The bylaws and CC&Rs conflict in how to amend the bylaws in order to change the quorum requirements. The CC&Rs are more restrictive.
  • It was moved, seconded and approved to ask our attorney for a written opinion on the subject. The committee recommends reducing the quorum to 34%, which will comply with the law, and to allow passage of a change based on a supermajority of the homeowners who are actually present at the meeting. This will give more control to the people who participate.
  • The committee discussed the idea of town hall informational meetings.

Landscaping contract

Three bids were received, with the following bids (including tax)

  • Clark Brothers: $24,867
  • Pacific Gardeners: $27,342
  • Crown Homes: $31,000

It was moved, seconded and approved to accept the bid of Pacific Gardeners, which includes extras such as additional maintenance for Jahn Avenue to bring it up to the standard of the portion outside Trellis Grove.


  • The No Soliciting sign has been made.
  • To replaceall stop signs with strapping will cost $299.75 plus tax, with additional costs if the posts are rotted. It was moved, seconded and approved to allow up to $1,000 for the project.
  • The cost to clean and paint the current signs is $2,025. It will cost $2,880 to replace them with new reflective signs that are up to code. It was moved, seconded and approved to order new signs that are code compliant.
  • The cost for street sweeping is more than originally estimated. We will consider having it done before Thanksgiving. We will vote on this by email after getting a more accurate bid based on exact mileage.

New Business

Rotten tree at entrance

  • We will examine it by this weekend and vote on how to handle it by email.

Complaint about home in need of paint

  • We will contact the homeowner informally to inquire about their plans for maintenance.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55pm.

Margaret Brammall, Secretary

Bridgewood Homeowners Association