Captain’s Meeting Minutes
Ricky’s All Day Grill
March 6th, 2016
Executive Members:President-Sandra Milne, Vice President - Shannon Wilson, Treasurer- Sandi Orr, Draw Master- Jim Fleckenstein, Secretary-Melissa Kimmitt
- Call To Order – 2:16pm
- Opening Roll Call – Opus Bullshitters not present
- Adoption of Agenda– Moved by: Nicki Rolls
Seconded by: Les Miller; Carried
- Approval of Minutes From Last Meeting – Moved by: Darcy Daigle
Seconded by: Fred Newbold; Carried
- Executive Reports:
a)Presidents Report
All teams are doing well. Thank you to all the teams for a good job reporting the scores to Jim. On March 11, 2016, there is an Oil Kings event. The poster is on the TAME Facebook page and has been since February 17, 2016. All tickets must be purchased prior to the event online. If you would like information on purchasing tickets, please speak to one of the executive members. TAME has been in discussion with the other leagues (City League & Pub League) regarding the combination of the year-end banquet. More information to come in the Vice President’s report.
b)Vice President’s Report
-Banquet Information – The banquet will be held Saturday, April 30, 2016 at the Polish Hall (10960 104 St). Time of the cocktails/dinner to be confirmed shortly. It has been determined that the banquet will be combined with all three leagues (TAME, City League, & Pub League). Tickets are $15/member and $30/guest. There will be a sit-down dinner, jitney (first 32 entries), dance and DJ (Ian Waugh). League presentations will be held between courses (order to be determined). Special event winners/most sportsmanlike awards to be presented during the awards presentation.
-Team Payout Distribution - It was put to the captains to a vote for team envelopes to be presented upon entrance or if they wished to have the envelopes presented during the award presentations. Majority of captains voted to receive envelopes upon entrance to the banquet.
c)Treasurer’s Report
Current treasurer’s report does not include fees for Mixed Doubles, which are being collected during this meeting. The $1000 under “winter banquet meals, prizes, DJ, etc.” is for the deposit for the venue for the banquet. The lower office fees compared to last year is due to the reduced amount of printing due to schedules being both emailed and posted to the website due to smaller divisions and more rounds between captain’s meetings.
Approval of treasurer’s report – Moved by: Angelina Palumbi
Seconded by: Darryll Walsh; Carried
d)Draw Master’s Report
Thank you for getting scoresheets to the draw master in a timely manner so that results and stats can be provided. New schedules for the next round have been distributed to all team captains or representatives. The captains were polled on whether they distribute the printed schedules to their players. The majority said “no”. A consensus was reached that in the future, hard copy scoresheets will be provided to the captains in the packages provided to the captains but schedules are available on the website and should be printed by the players or captains should a hard copy be desired.
- Old Business – No old business
- New Business
It is requested that captains take to their players the positions up for election at this year’s AGM. The positions up for election this year are President and Draw Master. For Draw Master, Jim Fleckenstein is not running. In order to be nominated, the individual must be a member in good standing with the league and either in attendance at the meeting or have a letter signed by them acknowledging their willingness to have their name stand as a nominee.
- Closing Roll Call – All teams present
- Motion To Adjourn – Moved by: Jay Jensen
Seconded by: Angelina Palumbi; Carried
- Meeting adjourned – 2:42pm