In order to be continuously improving the quality of our ensembles, it is necessary that every member of the music department acquaint himself/herself with this handbook, carefully reading the rules, regulations, and achievements of our organization. This will help prepare you for the responsibilities that are yours as a member of the Kingsford Middle and High School Music Ensembles. When a question comes to mind, consult this handbook first: if you do not find the answer, ask the director. This document is to be considered the guidelines for all activities in music department. This, in conjunction with the director and the principals, determine your role in the music department. OBSERVE THIS DOCUMENT.
Band and Chorus are elective courses lasting ONE FULL YEAR and is designed to fill three main objectives:
1.) Provide an outlet for vocal/instrumental education and creativity.
2.) Provide music for the school and community when possible; and,
3.) provide an enjoyable forum for varied and interesting activities within the school curriculum.
In our nation's capitalist system, you receive compensation commensurate to your productivity. The same is true in music. You will get, in grade, credit and self fulfillment, what you earn. Grades are determined in the following manner:
1.) Periodic tests and assignments.
2.) Performs to potential on a daily basis.(LARGE PERCENT) Practice sheets included.
3.) Prompt and active attendance at all required rehearsals, performances, and functions including those voluntary commitments that you take on.
4.) Ancillary considerations that may have a bearing on the musical groups ability to perform to it's best potential (this will include prompt daily attendance to class).
Every member of the ensemble is expected to attend every rehearsal (regular and extra), and every public appearance of this organization. Illness and family vacations will be accepted as a legitimate excuse if the director is notified IN ADVANCE BY A PARENT VIA PHONE CALL OR LETTER. Work absences will not be excused so long as the teacher has provided the schedule 4 weeks ahead of time, or the student has agreed to an unscheduled performance. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT ALL MEMBERS AND PARENTS UNDERSTAND THE ABOVE WRITTEN RULE. THE DIRECTORS WILL NOT EXCUSE PERSONS ABSENT WITHOUT NOTICE PRIOR TO THE REHEARSAL OR PERFORMANCE-PERIOD. WHEN A STUDENT IS TO BE EXCUSED, THE DIRECTOR MUST BE NOTIFIED BY THE PARENT. STUDENT CONTACTS WILL BE DISREGARDED. AN UNEXCUSED ABSENCE FOR A MAJOR EVENT WILL DROP A STUDENTS FINAL 9 WEEK GRADE 2 FULL LETTER GRADES (A TO C) DOWN WITH NO OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE IT UP.
Performing in the pubic eye is the name of the game for band and chorus. Always keep the latest edition of the performance schedule (from the handbook or monthly newsletter) in your home to remind you of pending dates. As the times on the schedule are approximate, the blackboard will have the exact items and requirements. They are the final word on performances- check them daily. While every effort is made to remind you of upcoming commitments, YOU, AND YOU ALONE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MEETING THIS REQUIREMENT.
Though a rehearsal or performance can never be duplicated when an excused absence occurs, there are other ways the musician can make up the time lost. Therefore, students who are excused must turn in a paper (specifics may be in this handbook at section II-B). The directors will NOT ask for student make-ups. It is the students responsibility. AN UNEXCUSED ABSENCE FOR A MAJOR EVENT WILL DROP A STUDENTS FINAL 9 WEEK GRADE 2 FULL LETTER GRADES (A TO C) DOWN WITH NO OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE IT UP. Though each case will be evaluated on an individual basis.
When you appear at a public performance (usually in uniform) you represent yourself, your family, and your school to the general public. Conduct yourself in a such a way that you will reflect credit upon yourself and the ensemble you are part of. One individual can discredit an entire community, school, or group.
As a rule, all students are required to attend all functions listed. Failure to do so may result in a failing grade for the class, expulsion from the ensemble with the loss of credit, or some other effect determined by the director and/or principal. Of course, some performances and rehearsals are more important than others to the ensemble's goals, and this will be reflected in the total effect the missed function will have on your grade. For example, missing a required sectional for which you have been given ample notice will not have the same effect as missing a football game, concert, or festival appearance. Those people who have helped out with certain aspects of band activities such as loading crew, summer parades, solo & ensemble, extra-curricular choirs, pep band, jazz band, etc. will be given grade consideration, BUT, these will not take the place of required performances.
Music Department Paper for EXCUSED performance Absences.
To be excused from a previously scheduled performance event a student should have a note from their parents indicating what performance date will be missed and why. Students will be excused for family vacations and other such personal business. If the student is in town, they are expected to be at the scheduled event. Work WILL NOT be excused. Family emergencies and personal illness will be accepted after the fact, but when possible a phone call or email to the director would be greatly appreciated.
The paper
The paper will consist of 5 pages:
Page 1, will consist of the students name, what event and date the performance was missed and the title of the paper.
Page 2, 3 and 4 will be the body of the paper. There are to be no pictures, graphs or titles in this portion. Letters should be size 12 and sentences should be double spaced. Margins on side and top should be no more than 1 ¼.
Students are to choose a musical topic to write about. Easy ones are those like Composers Bach, Beethoven, John Phillip Sousa and the like. More difficult ones are music professions like Music Therapy, recording industry, teaching in music, composition, others you may think of.
Page 5 should be the bibliography, graphs and pictures you may wish to include. The bibliography should include three sources, only two of which can be on line. Please be advised all papers will be checked for plagiarism and returned to be rewritten with the reduction in grade given.
The Lives of the Great Composers by Harold C Schonberg
Living Biographies of Great Composers by Henry Thomas
Any time words are taken directly from the source it should be in quotations and given a reference number. These can be included on page 5.
“The final work Bach completed was a chorale prelude on the organ.”1
1-taken from The Lives of great composers pg 12
Page 1
Joe Smith
Christmas Concert Dec.21
Life of BachPage 2
Bach had many brothers and sisters and workedPage 3
In the churches writing and performing music on thePage 4
Organ. There was lots of other stuff he did too. Just check.Page 5
The Kingsford Music Booster Club, Breitung Board of Education, and many members of the music ensembles over the years have worked hard so that we have sharp looking, top quality uniforms for our use. Due to the high cost of these uniforms, extreme care must be taken, and each member will be held responsible for the condition of the uniform they check out.
For Band-Pants, Jacket, Hats, Caps and Plumes. Students supply ALL BLACK SHOES, BLACK SOCKS (ankle height) & WHITE GLOVES (gloves will be supplied at a cost). The student will be responsible for the purchase of a button down short sleeved shirt that will be described at the beginning of the year. All shirts will be the same make!
Fitting. We will fit you as close as possible from out of stock. All minor adjustments are your responsibility. You are not allowed to cut ANY material from a uniform when adjusting it. Turn up the sleeve material or trouser legs when shortening.
1.) ALL of the designated uniform must be worn all of the time, inside or outside the building when performing and must be worn as designed.
2.) Shoes will be cleaned and shined for every public appearance in uniform.
3.) Students will be responsible for the proper care including hanging after every performance.
4.) Students wearing Kingsford uniforms will be expected to represent our school with their very best behavior. Any conduct unbecoming of a member will be dealt with severely. You are a member of the Kingsford music department be proud of your accomplishments.
5) Band students will be responsible for a $10.00 fee for dry cleaning. There will be one dry cleaning done at the end of the marching season. Fines will be assessed to students leaving uniforms, music or instruments out.
Music is costly, and should never be treated as a cheap piece of paper. Music is school owned property for your temporary use, just like a textbook. Many publishers will no longer sell individual parts, only full band sets. Where individual parts are available, costs are in the area of: March size-$.65, Octavo size- $.80, Concert Size $1.90 and Choir music $1.20 to $4.00. Therefore, carelessness in the maintenance of music proves costly.
Music Regulation:
1.) Music will be marked in pencil only, unless otherwise instructed by the director.
2.) Students are required to have their own three ring binder and clear storage sheets for their music and book III. These are kept with your instrument or you may ask for a slot in which to keep your music.
1) CHALLENGING: Students will be seated as soon as possible after marching band. Chairing will consist of the chromatic scale, a selection of music and possible sight reading. The directors judgment is final, however students will be given every opportunity to challenge. Rules for challenging will be given students at the beginning of the concert season.
1.) School Instruments: piccolo, oboe, bassoon, Eb clarinet, alto clarinet, bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet, valve and bass trombones, baritone, tuba, and all concert and marching percussion. Use of these instruments by music members will be determined by the director. There is a $30.00 rental fee for the year for any students using one or more of these instruments. Money will be put in the district account and used for repair and maintenance.
2.) Instrument Repairs: Necessary repairs of a minor nature will be made by the director. If it is necessary for a repair to be made, there may be a slight charge to those students who are having an instrument they own repaired. The charge will be only for the cost of the replaced item or material; no labor charge will be made (if the repair is made by the director).
Instruments needing major repairs will be sent out for service , and the cost of the repair will be the responsibility of the student owning the instrument. School instrument repairs will not be charged for if the repair being made is due to normal wear and tear ( this will be covered by the rental fee). Careless use or malicious destruction of an instrument will be charged to the student responsible for the damage. It is recommended that repairs of a Major nature be handled through Michelsen Music Repair & Supply of Negaunee (1-800-475-4892) or Instrumental Music Company (1-866-813-2263. Representative of each visit Kingsford once a month. There are also three area music stores which will accommodate your repair needs.
1.) WOODWIND PLAYERS: Must have 3 extra reeds, complete caps, lyre, flip folder,(lyres and flip folder provided by the school) and swab(s) for cleaning the instrument. Periodic inspections will be made by the band director.
2.) BRASS PLAYERS: Must have a lyre, flip folder,(lyres and flip folder provided by the school)and cleaning materials to keep their instrument in top playing condition (mouthpiece, brush, snake, etc.) Mouthpiece must be free from receiver pipe and All slides greased. A bottle of valve oil or slide lubricant is a must. Periodic inspections will be made by the band director.
3.) PERCUSSIONISTS: Must have their own concert and marching snare sticks. All other sticks and mallets for both marching and concert season will be provided. All percussionists are responsible for the neatness of the percussion storage areas and cabinet.
4.) ALL INSTRUMENTS are to be stored in their correct place if left in the band department. There will be no instruments left in or around the rehearsal room. Exceptions will be made ONLY with the permission of the director.
1.) The JOHN PHILIP SOUSA AWARD is presented to the High School Band's outstanding senior.
2.) NATIONAL CHORAL AWARD is presented to the outstanding senior in the Concert Chorale.
3.) ARIAN AWARD is presented to the music departments overall outstanding senior musician.
4.) CHOPIN AWARD is presented to the music departments outstanding senior piano accompanist.
5.) JAZZ AWARD will be presented to an outstanding senior in the Jazz Ensemble.
6.) LIZA MINNELLI AWARD will be presented to an outstanding senior in Heart & Soul.
(All of the above awards consisit of an individual “plaque or "trophy" style award, and a large plaque in the muisc area which will have the seniors name engraved on and be on permanent display. All awards are selected by the directors with the input of the performing ensemble at large.)
7.) Award medals or ribbons earned at solo/ensemble and band festivals will be supplied to individuals earning such an award. Students will also receive awards for their years of participation in their high school years.
ENSEMBLE COUNCIL is made up of: President, Vice-president, Secretary, treasurer, Uniform Custodian, and representatives. The officers will be elected each Fall to assist the director with the administration of the instrumental music program. (The band council will be made up of squad leaders and drum majors.)
1.) President: Elected by the band members. The President is in charge of the band in the absence of the director. He/she supervises all music activities, and presides at music council meetings.
2.) Vice-President: Elected by the ensemble members. Assists the President. In the absence of the president, the vice-president will assume the president's duties. Also responsible for public relations and advertising programs.
3.) Secretary: Elected by the ensemble members. Handles daily attendance, and ensemble business and correspondence.
4.) Treasurer: Elected by the ensemble members. Handles finances, tickets, and any other money matters.
5.) Council Representatives: Four students elected by the ensemble members. One from each class (where applicable).
6.) Uniform Custodian: Appointed by the director. In charge of issuing uniforms and keeping track of them.
7.) Head Librarian: Not necessarily a member of the music department, appointed by the director. He/she is in charge of the library, and may have one or two assistants. Keeping up the ensemble scrapbook and putting award winner names in the cabinets is also a responsibility.
8.) Drum Majors (Drum Majors are in total control of the band and will be treated with the same degree of respect as the director.) Squad Leaders and Color Guard will be director appointed.
9.) Section Leader: Usually an upperclassman, is in charge of his/her particular section both in conduct and performance. Is expected to handle some sectionals. Will also be responsible for that section's preparation. He/she should also expect to participate in solo/ensemble.
The parents of every student in all music ensembles, grades K-12 are considered members of the Kingsford Music Booster Club as well as community members at large. This group is very important to the music ensembles and the director in a moral as well as financial way. Their projects aid the music department in purchasing important equipment and items not covered in the music budget. They are also called upon to be chaperones and to assist with trips and affairs involving visiting ensembles, festivals, etc.
Meetings for the music booster club are the third Monday of the month through out the school year. The meetings are held at 6:30 PM in the high school chorus room.
The Music room is for the use of organized Band and Chorus music rehearsals only- along with other related rehearsals such as solos, ensembles, pep band, etc. No other group may use the department at any time without the express written consent of the music director and building principal (see board policy in main office for Board Procedure)
Students who may have a study period and are assigned to the music room instead of study hall: It is expected that half of the period will be spent in a music related activity: practice, music, etc. Band members will improve with practice, and the department can often use extra hands. Students are to adhere to the handbook policy and should not leave the room without a signed agenda book and then only to go expressly where the agenda book indicates.
Music Ensembles are a very important part of the schools special events (football games, graduation, spring concerts)and every student must strive to make each performance outstanding.