Comenius Project 2012 – 2014

Guidelines for Home Stay Visits

Selection of Host Families

The selection of suitable host families will be subject to the professional judgement of the Headteacher and teaching staff in the receiving school. Decisions will be based on personal knowledge of families over an extended period (normally two years), and families will only be accepted into the scheme where staff are sure that they will be able to provide a safe, secure and happy home environment for visiting pupils.

Where potential host families are not well known to the receiving school staff will need to conduct further investigations e.g. extended discussions with the parents and a home visit; police and social services checks, where available, to satisfy themselves of the family’s suitability.

Matching Pupils

Children will normally be matched with partners of the same sex, and similar age. Staff will use their knowledge of the children and their families to match children with similar interests and family circumstances wherever possible. Families will be encouraged to make contact well before the visit to enable parents and children to understand each other, assure themselves that they are well matched and build mutual trust and confidence.

Shared Expectations

Host Families

During their stay visiting children will, broadly speaking, be treated as members of the host family.

  • Visiting children must have their own bed. Rooms should only be shared with another child of the same sex and if possible similar age.
  • They should have regular access to washing and toilet facilities in privacy.
  • Their likes and dislikes in food should be considered when planning meals, but they should be encouraged to try the food of the locality.
  • House rules will be talked through with visiting children very early in their stay.
  • When not at school, visiting children will be under the direct care and supervision of host parents. Any plans to delegate such responsibility e.g. to a baby-sitter, older sibling etc., should be discussed with the teacher in charge of the group. Families planning to offer children hazardous activities (e.g. use of private swimming pools, horse riding, sailing, skiing) during their stay should discuss this with their guests’ parents, and school staff before the visit.
  • In the event of minor illness, accidents or other problems the teacher in charge of the group will be informed as soon as possible. Where the problem is major the teacher in charge of the group, and the child’s parents, will be informed immediately.
  • Visiting children will be able to use the family’s phone to call the teacher in charge of the group on request. Reasonable requests to phone a friend in the visiting group will also be allowed.
  • Some telephone calls home will be allowed, but daily calls will be discouraged as they tend to increase feelings of homesickness.

Staff Travelling with the Group

  • Staff travelling with the group will make themselves available at all times during the stay to support children, families and the host school.
  • They will visit each child/host family during the stay, at a mutually convenient agreed time.
  • During the school day they will, in partnership with host school staff, take direct responsibility for the supervision and care of visiting children. They will deal personally with any questions children may have about their experiences.
  • Visiting children, their own parents and host families will have mobile contact numbers for the staff travelling with the group. These may be used to maintain routine contact and discuss minor queries or problems during the day and early evening, and to make emergency contact at any time.
  • Where issues can be resolved over the phone they will be, but staff travelling with the group will be ready to deal with problems on the spot where necessary.


  • Visiting children will behave as good guests in the home, showing respect for their hosts, and their property, and appreciation for their hospitality. They will ask permission to use household facilities e.g. the telephone.
  • They will look after their own belongings, make their bed each day, keep their room tidy, and follow any house rules set.
  • They will acknowledge the parental authority of the host parents, and co-operate with them. If they are unsure about this at any time they will discuss it with the teacher in charge of the group during the school day, or on the telephone if necessary.

Spring 2013