WGA 2017 – 2019 Grants Process
Letter of Interest Instructions
Breaking the Cycle of Female Poverty: Intervention and Prevention
The Women’s Giving Alliance (WGA) invites nonprofit organizations serving one or more of the five counties comprising Northeast Florida to submit Letters of Interest for its 2017-2019 grants to improve the lives of women and girls in Northeast Florida. This year, the WGA has a new focus: Breaking the Cycle of Female Poverty – Intervention and Prevention. WGA seeks proposals for programs that provide women and/or girls in Northeast Florida with effective and sustainable tools to break the cycle of female poverty.
WGA is particularly interested in proposals that target Intervention and/or Prevention, and:
- Offer a strategic, comprehensive and integrated approach (e.g. wrap-around services) or partner with others to achieve this approach
- Are evidence-based and achieve measurable results
- Offer a sustainable, lasting impact (e.g. two-generational)
- Are easily accessible to women and/or girls (e.g. provided directly in their neighborhoods, schools or workplaces)
- Offer strong support services (e.g. peer support, mentoring, trauma-informed intervention, intensive case management)
- If targeting prevention, focus on:
- Reproductive Health or
- Preparing girls and women for high demand, high-paying jobs, or
- Education and mentoring, from earliest childhood, to improve the likelihood of economic stability for girls and women
The grants are for two years and are paid in installments. WGA members will make two or three scheduled visits during the grant cycle to monitor progress.
Please note: In this cycle, nonprofits with a current WGA grant are eligible to apply.
To complete the Letter of Interest, click on the LOI link or go to the following: The link will allow you to complete the Letter of Interest and submit it online. Please Note: If you are unable to complete the form in one sitting – or there is a break in internet service – you can receive an email link that takes you directly back to your partially completed form. To do this, you should press “save” at the bottom of the page when you step away – as well as provide your email below. Your form will be saved for up to 28 days.
If you have any questions, please contact Joanne Cohen, Vice President Philanthropic Services, The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida, at or 904-356-4483.
Isabelle Owen Spence and Kiki Karpen
Co-Chairs, Grants Leadership Team