Diversity Council Meeting

September 28, 2006

Leon Miller

Hyong Yi

Colleen Singleton

Laurette Hall

David Lari

James Johnson

Angela Shannon

Karla Gray

Wanda Reeves

Kim McKessy

I. Welcome

A. Meeting was called to order at 9:07 am.

B. Meeting Minutes from August 24, 2006 were approved with changes.

1. The session times in II. B. 1. should be changed to 11:00 a.m., 12:45 a.m., and 2:15 p.m.

2. Continued discussion was necessary to decide whether there will be web drawings as referenced in II. B. 2. this was not final (Please see discussion in Diversity Appreciation Committee Update below).

3. Continued discussion was necessary to decide on the t-shirts in II. B. 4 (Please see discussion in Diversity Appreciation Committee Update below).

II. Diversity Appreciation Day Committee Update – Angela Shannon

A. Prizes

1. We may have about 12-15 drawings per session based on the amount of donations we have.

2. Jacqueline will email inventory list later this afternoon.

3. We need to be most concerned about the people that attend than those who do not attend.

4. It was concluded that there will not be web drawings. The webmasters are working on SharePoint and this would create a work overload for them.

B. T-Shirts

1. Logo presented by Angela.

2. Discussion was had as to whether to put the sentence “We recognize employees as our most important resource.” on the back.

3. The location of the Logo was discussed.

4. It was suggested that the setup of the shirt be simple, with the logo on the left and the statement “We Value Diversity”.

5. It was also discussed that we should get 600 t-shirts and use them as a selling tool to encourage attendance - the first 200 attendees will receive the t-shirt as a prize.

C. Catering

1. Jason’s Deli will be the caterer.

a. They will bring a variety of sandwiches on white and wheat bread, and a variety of deserts.

b. We will give out tent cards to attendees letting them know what their food choices are, so that when we get to the meal portion of the program they already know what they want to have. This will expedite the process of giving out food.

c. Discussion was had on whether there should be cups and ice or just straws because the drinks will be in cans and bottles of water.

d. Laurette will coordinate recycling.

D. Volunteers (Volunteer List for Diversity Celebration)

1. We will need volunteers for lunch table, t-shirt giveaway, book giveaway, to guide the lunch lines, clean and reset tables, at stage to help collect cards for raffle.

2. Discussion was had as to whether we will have volunteers in shifts or from 8 am to 4:30 pm.

3. Colleen will coordinate the volunteers.

E. Program

1. Discussion was had as to how to keep the program on schedule and not have a chaotic crowd.

2. It was said that they should pick up their t-shirt, their book, their raffle card, and their lunch. Then they sit and listen to the speaker while they enjoy their lunch.

3. Those who arrive late will have to skip the lunch counter and come back to it after the presentations.

III. Affiliate Groups Discussion Points – James Johnson

A. Discussion was had as to when, how and if such groups should be introduced in the County.

B. It was decided that more information would be compiled on the groups, how the groups were handled by other government agencies, and what the need may be.

IV. Announcements

A. Resignation of Kim McKessy

1. Kim was thanked for her service.

2. She was wished success in her future endeavors.

3. We will begin recruitment for a replacement.

V. Next Meeting October 26, 2006 from 9:00 am –11:00 am

A. There will be a short meeting prior and an email will go out about this.

B. Nominations for a replacement for Kim will be submitted at that time.

Submitted by: Jacqueline Y. Weathers, Administrative Support Assistant III, HR

Signed by: _________________________________________________

A. Leon Miller, Committee Member in lieu of Chairperson