Brant Masters, Past Masters and Warden’s Association

Thursday Oct. 20, 2016

Acting President, WB Allan Durnford welcomed all to St. Johns Lodge No. 35, Cayuga and called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.

Regrets; There were no regrets reported.

The minutes of the September meeting were read and having no errors or emissions were moved for adoption by WB Don Wolan, seconded by VWB John Mitchell and carried.

Committee Reports

The President reported that VWB Mitchell had returned, to the Ass., the new Regalia Case in lue of an older doctors bag type case.

Social; WB Durnford reported a positive balance of $48.26


RWB Don Elliott informed the members that he had emailed three of the district lodges for feedback on member email addresses but, had no response.

Masonic Education/Long Range Planning

VWB Mudford reported that the LOI would commence following the meeting.

Treasurer’s Report

It was moved by RWB Bill Topp, seconded by WB Chuck Cart that the report be accepted as read, carried. It was moved by RWB Elliott, seconded by WB Wolan that the invoice for $510.67 from Ad Plus Promotions, for the Key Lights be accepted and paid in full, the motion carried.

New Business

VWB Mudford moved that the following Constitution and By-Law changes be amended; Article No. 4, Section A, In addition to the annual meeting, there shall be 3 meetings of the members in each fiscal year, held on such dates and in such locations as may be determined by the Executive Committee, and shall be held in March, October and December.

Section B, The annual meeting of the members (“annual meeting”) shall be held in June of each fiscal year.

Article No. 5, Section A, The financial year of the Association shall start on the 1st day of June and end on the 31st day of May in each fiscal year.

The President reminded all of the upcoming Grand Master’s Banquet, on Nov. 5th.

The Secretary informed the members that he would update the current Constitution and By-Laws and send copies to the Executive.

WB Wolan spoke concerning the Brant District Display Case, he remarked that the video presentation, F 2 F needed to be updated and/or a new video made.

RWB William Clark informed the members that Ruth Lefler’s article, on Brant Masonic District and its 100th anniversary would feature in Saturday Oct. 29th’s Expositor.

Having no further business, the meeting was called for adjournment by WB Wolan.