Brake-pad Wear Indicator Reset
ALPHA Test report
Doc ver 1.3 – see change log for description
- This is a NON-public ALPHA release... it may NOT be distributed or discussed with any outside party.
- The GUI (Graphical User Interface) is new, and still has some issues - feel free to comment on them, but this is not what we are testing here..
- This test pertains to two specific categories - models with Service Reminders, and the K1200GT with its BrakePad Wear Indicator (all models - with or without service reminders)
- ALL feedback should be addressed to and pls add "alpha" or "alpha test" in the subject line (we get a lot of mail and that will make life a lot easier for us.
- feel free to add screenshots - a picture tells a thousand words
- pls include the .log latest log file(s) found under your GS-911 install folder (default is C:\Program Files\GS-911 Beta ) – before starting, have a look at the folder and determine the latest (newest) log that already exists – we are only interested in the ones that follow this one…
- for these specific tests, pls refrain from testing anything else (other functions or other control units) – we’re trying to isolate the tests in the logs and the more “other” tests you run, the more data we need to work through in the logs…
Change Log:
Ver1.1 : Amended the process of simulating a worn brake pad to get the brake-pad indicator to light up.
Ver1.2 : Amended the test procedure to confirm new automatic reset…
Ver1.3 : For 812.3ALPHA and amended procedure to identify logs
Brake Pad Wear Indicator Test
We appreciate you taking the time to help us create a better product for the BMW community!
Please complete ALL tables and return the document to
Although BMW introduced the “Automatic resetting of the brake lining wear indicator following braking with new brake pads (only affects the K44)” in CIP10 in the second half of 2007, we would still like to offer this functionality.
Section A: General feedback:
1. / Your name pls2. / Your email address pls (in case we need to clarify something)
3. / What is the version number of the version you are testing?
4. / Your country
5. / The VIN of the motorcycle under test
6. / What year is your motorcycle?
7. / What is the odo reading of your motorcycle (as shown on the instrument cluster) (as well as units km/mi)?
8. / Are any of your service reminders on at present?
9. / Is your Brake Pad Wear Indicator ON at present?
10. / Pls paste a screenshot of the ECU info for the ZFE (Central Vehicle Electronics) controller (copy-paste of the values is not yet available for this version of the GUI). Done?
11. / Pls look in the application folder (C:\Program Files\GS-911 Beta\) and note down the latest .log file… we only need the ones of the tests you’re about to run – otherwise there is just too much data for us to work through
- Yes, we know that brake is incorrectly spelled “break” ;-)
- Yes, we are aware that in the navigation pane we spell it as one word and in the heading of the data pane, they are two words ;-)
Section B: Service Reminders
1. / Make sure you have selected “Imperial” for Measurements in the Tools -> Setup section. Done?2. / Navigate to your model and select “Special functions” and click on “Brake wear check”
3. / Without setting any values, pls supply the read values for:
3.1. / Front brake wear status:
3.2. / Rear Brake wear status:
The following sections are optional… although these are the real test of the software, but if you are not comfortable introducing the Brake Pad Wear warning indicator, then feel free to skip Sections C and D.
Section C: Setting the Brake pad wear indicator:
1. / You can introduce a brake pad warning by unplugging the connector that leads to the sensor. An open circuit should light up the brake pad wear indicator when you turn on the ignition… (only needs to be done for one wheel)Did the indicator light up?
2. / If is lit up, pls reconnect it. Pls cycle the ignition – did the brake pad warning light go out?
Section D: testing the automatic reset function that BMW introduced in the second half of 2007.
The Brake-pad wear indicator should switch off automatically once the closed circuit has been restored (typically new brake pads installed) and the bike has reached a minimum of 40km/h (25mi/h) and the brakes have been activated for a minimum of 2 seconds…
1. / With the brake-pad wear indicator still lit up, take the bike for a test ride (min 40km/h and 2 seconds of brake activation)Did the warning indicator automatically reset (no longer lit)?
Section E: Testing either front or rear status reset
1. / If the warning light is off, re-introduce a brake pad warning indicator again (only needs to be done for one wheel)Did the indicator light up?
2. / If is lit up, pls reconnect it. Pls cycle the ignition – did the brake pad warning light go out?
2.1. / Now select the Brake pad function in GS-911. Did the correct status indicate (front if you disconnected the front sensor and rear if you disconnected the rear or both if you did both)?
2.2. / Now click the respective front or rear “reset status” button. Did the light go out (without cycling the ignition)?
2.3. / If the light did NOT go out in the above, pls cycle the ignition. Did the light go out now?
2.4. / If the light is still on, remove the diagnostic system, and take the bike out for a short test ride (minimum 40km/h and at least 2 seconds of brake activation) – did the warning light reset
Section F: Testing the “Reset front and rear status”
1. / If the warning light is off, re-introduce a brake pad warning indicator again (only needs to be done for one wheel)Did the indicator light up?
2. / If is lit up, pls reconnect it. Pls cycle the ignition – did the brake pad warning light go out?
2.1. / Now select the Brake pad function in GS-911. Did the correct status indicate (front if you disconnected the front sensor and rear if you disconnected the rear or both if you did both)?
2.2. / Now click the “reset front and rear status” button. Did the light go out (without cycling the ignition)?
2.3. / If the light did NOT go out in the above, pls cycle the ignition. Did the light go out now?
2.4. / If the light is still on, remove the diagnostic system, and take the bike out for a short test ride (minimum 40km/h and at least 2 seconds of brake activation) – did the warning light reset
Section G: Concluding the test results
1. / Pls close the GS-911 ALPHA application2. / Brows to the install folder and mail us the latest .log files (all those newer than the one you noted in Section A, point 10.
3. / Any comments on the function and layout of the New GUI?
4. / Any comments specifically on the function of the navigation pane?
5. / Are there any other general issues you would like to bring under our attention?
End of test! ;-)
Thank you for taking the time to do this – we really appreciate your feedback!