Bradley Parish Council

Clerk to the Council: Mrs Brenda Kirkham

7 Ashes Lane, Fenny Bentley, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1LD

Unapproved Minutes of a meeting of Bradley Parish Council held on

Thursday 30 March 2017 at 7.30 pm in Bradley School

Present:Cllr E Mitchell (Chairman)Cllr S Archer

Cllr T LawtonCllr G DuttonOne member of the public Mrs B Kirkham (Clerk)

Mrs M Higton (new Clerk)

No / Item / Action
1 / Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Moran and Cllr S Bull (DDDC)
2 / Public Speaking
A member of the public asked whether Bradley should join with other parishes to steer matters with regard to the Airfield development. Cllr Mitchell commented that Bradley had contributed in the past but the development was no longer in Bradley parish.
Clerk to report to Cllr Bull that Hadley Lane had not been swept, Clerk to report pothole by the Church and the missing line at the junction with A517.
Cllr Mitchell confirmed that the balance in the Village Hall fund was £18,048.85. No suitable site had been identified for a play area. / Clerk
3 / Declaration of Interests
There were no declarations of interest in any items on the agenda.
4 / Chairman’s Opening Remarks
The Chairman had attended the recent Area Community Forum where discussion had taken place on the increase in Council tax; the new Derbyshire Connect Bus Service and the new access road to the Airfield Industrial Estate. Councillors discussed the timescale for installation of the new access road.
5 / Approval & ratification of the Minutes of the previous meeting
The Council resolved to accept the minutes of the previous meeting held on the 19 January 2017 as a true record.
6 / Matters Arising from the previous minutes
Cllr Archer confirmed that the New Park Farm footpath was now clear.
7 / Public Space Protection Orders
There was no Public Space Protection Orders in place for Bradley Parish, so this matter was not relevant.
8 / Planning
a) 17/00172/FUL - Single storey side extension with balcony roof and front dormer windows - Bourne Hurst, Corley Lane, Bradley
The Council had no objection to this application.
b) Other urgent planning matters
There were no other urgent planning matters. / Clerk
9 / Finance & Administration
Current Financial Statement
The balance in the Parish Council bank account was £2,803.03.
Authorisation & Payment of Invoices
The Council resolved to make the following payments:
DALC Subscription / 172.62
Clerk's Salary / 173.32
HMRC / 43.40
Lester Lowe / 229.80
/ Clerk
10 / Correspondence
All items of correspondence had been circulated by email.
11 / Appointment of Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer
The Council resolved to offer the position of Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to Ms Higton. Ms Higton accepted the position.
12 / Any other Business
There were no other matters raised.
13 / Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting was arranged for Thursday 18 May 2017 at Bradley School at 7.30 pm

Signed ………………………………………………….. 18 May 2017