Bradford on Avon Flower Club Newsletter May 2015

Thank you to everyone who came along to the AGM. Once the business part was over Marcel Floyd came hotfoot from the Malvern show and inspired us with his talk on clematis. If you watched Gardener’s World on Friday 8th he was featured with his planting of clematis in a boat!

Questionnaires were there to be filled in and will be available again at the June meeting- we really welcome your ideas- you do not have to fill in all of the questions but any comments will help the committee to plan things. I have also attached the questionnaire at the end of the newsletter if you would rather fill it out at home and return the questionnaire to me via e-mail.

Jan Jones has been our President for the last 3 years and her final job was to chair the AGM. Thanks go to Jan for all her help and support . Our new President is Rosemary Stevens.

A reminder that subs are now due. Once again we have kept them to £40 for the year –considering that from this we have to pay affiliation fees of £7.70p (To be paid in November for 2016) to NAFAS and the SW Area of NAFAS that leaves just £32.30p from each member for the committee to organize all of the demonstrations we have . Which is why we have so many fund raising activities. If you would like to pay on line the details of the club that you need are sort code 40-13-17 and account number 81037234 (Bradford on Avon and District Flower Club) If you decide to pay in this way please then send an e-mail to Cath at to let her know you have paid that way. Otherwise you can pay Joan at the meeting on the 4th June or send a cheque made out to Bradford on Avon and District Flower Club to Mrs J Finch, 40 Palairet Close, Bradford on Avon, Wilts. BA15 1US

On the 1st May the club distributed 30 “Lonely Bouquet” posies made at the practice class. These had a card attached with details of NAFAS and asking people to take them home. These were distributed around Bradford on Avon and also in Box, Holt and Broughton Gifford. If any of you saw them or were lucky enough to take one home please do let me know.

Our next event is the trip to Chelsea on the 21st May. I will be sending out an e-mail with last minute notices to those going on the trip at the beginning of next week. Once again we wish Cath and Lucy the best of luck with the SW Area creation for NAFAS in the main marquee. We look forward to seeing it on the 21st. Lucy will be on the stand until 2pm and Cath will be there after 2pm so do go and say Hello!

Wednesday 27th May Practice Class 7.30pm at URC Hall in Holt

The theme is “Playing with the Palette” Anyone who would like to take part please ring Rosemary who will give you a simple title to interpret- then everyone attending will guess what your title was. If you find this a bit daunting ring Rosemary on 01225 858751 and she will talk you through it.

Thursday 4th June Demonstration by Julia Russett 7.30pm at Holt Village Hall

The title of Julia’s demonstration is “My Life with Flowers”

Julia has just qualified as an Area Demonstrator so we are lucky to have booked her. Well chosen Lucy!

The competition will be “Playing with Colours” This will still be an informal competition with coins for charity being put by your favourite arrangement. Do give it a go as it helps to give other people ideas and hopefully make them want to have a go.

As usual there will be home made cakes with tea/coffee following the demonstration. This evening is free to members- £5 for visitors.

There will be a plant stall so please bring along any cuttings or spare seedlings.

Wednesday 10th June- Cream Tea at the home of Jilly Heath from 4pm

The cost of this social event is £7.50p with a donation from the proceeds going to Jilly’s choice of charity “Wiltshire Air Ambulance” It will be held at “Huckshards”, The Gravel in Holt BA14 6RA. Jilly’s phone number is 01225 782385

The timing of the event is so that those of you still working can hopefully come along as well.

This event is open to non-members – we do need an idea of numbers attending so if you are interested please contact Joan Finch on 01225 863878.

There will be a plant stall and Bric-a-Brac stall- all contributions welcome!

A reminder of the following events.

May 23rd and 24th Fundraising Canal Walk in aid of the Alzheimer’s Support

These walks are from Bradford on Avon to Seend on Sat 23rd (7 miles) and from Seend to Devizes on Sunday 24th (4 miles). Cynthia would like to do one of these as her friend Brenda Turk, a life member and past President of our club, suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. If anyone fancies joining Cynthia on either of these walks please contact her on 01225 863640.

Gardening Festival “Celebration of summer gardening”at Bowood House 5th and 6th of June

At the AGM Marcel Floyd was telling us about this event as he is involved with the planning of it. It sounds well worth a visit. For more information visit

In case you enjoy visiting gardens- the May issue of Gardener’s World magazine has a 2 for 1 entry card and guide for 360 gardens.

Here’s hoping for warm sunshine for our Chelsea trip and the Cream tea!


(on behalf of the committee)