Our Lady of the Lakes

Parish Pastoral Council Minutes

January 16, 2017

Location: St. Theresa’s

Members Present: Therese Hebding, Ann Paige, Lou Tyrrell, Patsy Lentz, Matt Tette, Chris Trombley, Sarah Parshall, Cathy Matulewicz, Darwyn Jepsen, Fr. Leo, Fr. Felicjan

Members Absent: Greg Squires & Fred Bonhag

Opening Prayer: Fr. Leo

Minutes: The December minutes were accepted as written.

Agenda: The January agenda was accepted as written.

Old Business: - Lent begins March 1. Chris will put an article in the bulletin and sign up sheets in the worship sites for the third and final year of the Lenten program “Living the Eucharist.” There are other programs available and this will be discussed in the fall. Cathy will help Chris with the program this year so she can take over next year.

- Day of Reflection at end of Lenten program is open to all groups. It was decided to hold it on April 30. Need to start planning now.

- Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is going well and will be continued.

- CMA - at $40,570 towards goal of $55,836 - about 72.66%. Fr. Leo will put something in the bulletin to remind people.

Seven Elements: - Stewardship: Next part is to identify all ministries in the worship sites to determine what is needed most, i.e. Eucharistic ministers, lectors, altar servers, etc. The binders that were put together a couple of years ago need to be updated. There should be ongoing training for ministries and maybe booklets for each worship sites.

- Evangelization: There was talk about a lending library and having a blog on the book study. There was discussion on other ideas besides books to help adults with faith formation. One idea was to bring back Fruit of the Vine or something similar. Ann will take over as chair when Chris moves, but still looking for more members and someone else who could take over as chair.

- Communications: Matt knows of someone who might be interested in keeping the Facebook page updated. She will talk with Patty Larzelere.

New Business: Parish-wide event - maybe the Day of Reflection on April 30 could be opened up to the parish with a meal.

Pastor Comments: - Epiphany Mass was a success.

- Fr. Jack may be around as his trip to Florida is indefinite at this point. There will still be no 7 am mass for the winter as it was not budgeted for and he may be going to Florida at any time.

- Still no word on the relegation of St. Mary’s.

- A reminder that the ministry binders need to be updated as the talent segment of Stewardship is the next step.

Standing Reports: - St. Mike’s: 5th Grade Chicken & Biscuit Dinner on Feb. 4

- St. Jan’s: Ontario County OFA still interested in providing a meal once a week in the church. Naples Council of Churches has information about homeless shelters (in church). There was discussion but no action taken as Parish Council members want more information.

- St. Theresa’s: Nothing

- St. Patrick’s: There is an organist and the Care of the Community meeting will be held this coming Wednesday - 1/18.

Meeting ended at 8:20 p.m. with a prayer.

Next meeting is Monday, February 13 at 7 p.m. at St. Mike‘s.

Respectively submitted,

Connie Murphy

Recording Secretary