Job Description
Job Title / Deputy Director of FinancePost ref no.
Band / Band 8d
Service area / Finance
Location/Base / Trust Headquarters, New Mill, Saltaire
Accountable to / Director of Finance and Contracting
1. Job Purpose:
The post holder will be required to deputise for the Director of Finance, Contracting and Facilities across all aspects of his / her responsibility.
This is a strategic role which will take lead responsibility for:
· Coordinating financial planning activities across the Trust including developing overall operational and longer term financial plans for the Trust to ensure the delivery of key financial targets / regulator requirements.
· Management of the in year financial position and all financial reporting including in year monitoring returns to Monitor, Board and Committees, Executive Management Team, Locality Performance Meetings. Management of statutory annual accounts arrangements and assurance of external submissions and audit working papers.
· Developing the financial performance framework including critically reviewing, supporting development of and challenging the adequacy of cost reduction plans.
· Leading, coordinating and directing the Trust’s finance teams to provide excellent financial information and responsive business partnering, advice and support.
· Provision of sound professional advice and support to the Director of Finance other Directors and Deputy Directors in ensuring the development and implementation of financial policy and strategy for the Trust and management of the in year position.
· Contribute to Board workshops and / or Executive briefings to provide technical financial guidance.
· Provision of expert financial advice and support to the Trust by interpreting national policy and exercising personal judgement to apply knowledge to specific circumstances with minimal supervision.
· Financial governance through the design and review of financial systems and controls which are required as an NHS Foundation Trust. This will include the development of systems to evaluate and monitor financial risk in line with the Monitor compliance regime.
· Lead and co-ordinate financial awareness programmes for non finance managers and Board members.
Provision of proactive financial management support and advice on business planning and service developments within the Trust.
· Provide leadership to the payroll team and work closely with the payroll manager to deliver cost effective services to a high standard service both internally and externally to consortium clients.
· Leading and setting the direction and objectives of the finance and payroll teams’ Heads of Service
· Develop and maintain close working relationships with a range of senior finance colleagues across the Bradford District and wider Yorkshire and Humber communities to develop best practice.
2. Organisational Chart
- Main duties:
Financial Governance
· Take a lead role on issues of financial governance throughout the Trust including managing the production, ongoing maintenance and compliance of all standing orders, standing financial instructions and financial procedures.
· Work with the Director of Finance, Contracting & Facilities to ensure appropriate standards of financial advice and governance are cascaded throughout the organisation.
· To take the lead on the completion of the financial assessments required under the Auditors ensuring best practice is adhered to at all times.
· Support the Director by developing strategies for the management of financial risk and ensuring that financial governance is embedded and integrated as part of the wider assurance framework of the Trust.
· The post holder will be accountable for the coordination of internal and external audit work across the finance team and be responsible for ensuring that all agreed recommendations are implemented and followed up at appropriate intervals.
· Accountability for ensuring that the statutory requirements are met in connection with the management of Charitable Trust Funds and that the funds are deployed in the most efficient manner.
Financial Accounting
· Ensure the planning, preparation and coordination of activities to secure the timely production of all statutory accounts, external submissions and financial aspects of the Annual Report. Ensure the accounts represent a true and fair view and that the accounts are interpreted for Board members and other stakeholders.
· Ensure the effective provision of financial services to the Trust including cash and treasury management functions, banking, payment of accounts and payroll services.
· Ensure the development of cash flow forecasting and treasury management functions which meet the needs of a Foundation Trust.
· Ensure effective arrangements are in place for the delivery of all out-sourced financial services with particular emphasis on managing the operational relationships with NHS Shared Business Services.
· The post holder will be responsible for the implementation and interpretation of changes in accounting guidelines and policy and new Department of Health and Monitor guidance that impacts on the whole of the Trust.
Financial Management
· Accountable for the Trust’s financial planning process and production of the Trust’s financial plans and forecasts. This will include ensuring that service plans and targets are identified and accurately costed and for presenting an accurate budget for Trust Board sign off.
· Ensure full consideration of the financial viability and robustness of business plans/cases.
· Support the Director in ensuring that the Trust’s meets its financial targets, maintains financial control and balances its budget every year.
· Lead and develop the financial performance framework.
· Provision of strategic financial and business planning advice.
· Ensuring the provision of a professional, effective and responsive devolved financial management function to support delivery of the Trust’s objectives.
Ensure the production of high quality and timely corporate financial performance reports to internal stakeholders.
· Ensure that appropriate training is provided to budget holders and clinicians to improve financial awareness, performance, cost effectiveness and efficiency, revenue generation and to maximise the use of assets.
· Develop tfinancial monitoring arrangements for Trustwide Efficiency schemes.
Financial Planning and Strategy
· Support the Director to develop the Trust’s medium and long term revenue and capital financial strategy supporting delivery of the Trust’s objectives.
· Ensure that the financial implications of external reviews of the Trust’s services are fully understood and appropriate strategies developed which minimise the financial risk to the Trust.
· Accountable for the Trust’s capital financial planning process and through the Head of Service ensure the provision of financial advice, support and monitoring of the Trust’s Strategic Capital Investment Programme.
· Lead the financial input into the Trust’s benchmarking, market testing and best value plans and projects.
· Prepare strategic financial plans at Locality/Directorate level ensuring that they are linked to activity and workforce plans and reconcile with the Trust’s strategic financial plans and budgets.
· Develop the future financial model in the light of the output from the iterations of the Trust’s overall Business Plan, taking account of service developments, capital investment, PFI, activity and workforce changes.
· Undertake sensitivity analysis on financial projections within the plan based on identified financial risks. Identify key drivers in the model that could adversely impact on the Trust’s Monitor risk rating.
Other Duties and General Responsibilities
· Promote the development of a shared vision for the Finance Directorate and promote a culture where all staff understand, are involved and working together towards the achievement of service and Trust objectives.
· Plan, allocate and direct workload of the Heads of Service to achieve internal/external deadlines, agreed work plans and service standards.
· Lead the Trust’s Finance Staff Development strategy for the professional development of staff.
· To actively participate in an annual review and, using a personal development plan, develop own knowledge and practice and support the development of others following relevant Trust policies and procedures.
· Attend the Audit and Finance, Business & Investment Committees.
· Attend Locality Performance meetings.
· mittee.
· Liaise with Monitor and Commisisoners as appropriate.
· To promote a culture of strong formal control and good financial governance across the Trust.
· Create an environment of high motivation that recognises the objectives of the Finance Department and the Trust.
· Deputise for the Director of Finance, Contracting and Facilities at the Board, Committees and other local and national meetings as required.
Where not expressly stated in the core duties above, included in the post holder’s duties are any other responsibilities for policy or service development/implementation, security of physical and financial resources, human resources, information resources and research & development.
4. Working as part of a Team
The post holder will need to work in partnership with the Finance and Payroll Teams’ Heads of Service to deliver the Departmental and Trust objectives by promoting a team-based approach to working in the Department.
5. Managing Self
The post holder will be required to:
· Participate in regular supervision
· Attend all mandatory and required training
· Participate in annual appraisals Comply with all Trust policies, procedures and protocols
· Pay regard to Trust materials and equipment
· Through continuous personal development, to maintain knowledge of the latest developments within the NHS and accountancy field.
· Carry out duties with due regard to the Trust’s Equal Opportunity Policy
· Seek advice and support from the Director as necessary
· Prioritise workloads to deliver agreed outcomes
· Conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times (whether in person, by telephone or written communication), treating others with respect and courtesy
6. Staff Supervision and Support
The Deputy Director of Finance will ensure that the Finance and Payroll Teams’ Heads of Service understand the key objectives and outputs for their area of work and individual role, and are adequately trained and supported to deliver key outputs.
This will include responsibility to ensure that:
a. Staff receive appraisals and feedback regarding their performance and development needs and are clear about their own objectives and timescales for delivery
b. Work within the team is planned to ensure delivery of wider departmental objectives
c. Any weaknesses within the team, which require individual development or training provision, are identified and addressed
d. Staff are sufficiently developed to work individually as well as in a supported team environment and receive leadership which ensures clarity of purpose and direction
e. Staff show other team members respect and behave in a professional manner at all times
f. Any pertinent information is disseminated to other colleagues to ensure that learning is shared and team members are briefed regarding key corporate messages, e.g. Board-in-Brief
- Financial Responsibility
£130m approximate annual Trust turnover. Direct Departmental budgets in excess of £4m and Capital Programme approximately £3m.
8. Safeguarding
All staff members have a duty to report any concerns they have about the safety or well being of adult service users, members of their families, including children. Employees should be aware of their roles & responsibilities to both prevent and respond appropriately to abuse. They should undertake the safeguarding training required for their particular role.
9. Core Values:
Below is the Trust’s Vision and Values
The Trust’s vision statement is:
To provide the best possible care for the people of Bradford, Airedale and Craven and to be recognised as one of the country’s leading providers of integrated community health care services.
Aim 1: To provide a top quality service
Aim 2: To achieve excellence in patient experience
Aim 3: To ensure great relationships between the Trust, its staff and stakeholders
Aim 4: To deliver excellent value for money
Core Statements:
1. Infection Control - All clinical and non-clinical staff groups
Responsible for, in respect to your area of work, for ensuring so far as is reasonably practicable and in accordance with Trust policies that you are aware of your individual responsibilities in regard to infection prevention and control this requires you to:
· Maintain safe infection prevention and control environment for yourself and others.
· Be familiar with and comply with current infection prevention and control, guidelines, policies and procedures.
· Raise matters of non-compliance with your manager.
· Attend infection prevention and control mandatory training as dictated by your manager.
· Be appraised in relation to infection prevention and control.
2. Risk Management
All staff need a basic working knowledge of risk management. They all have a responsibility to identify and report risks, hazards, incidents, accidents and near misses promptly, in accordance with Trust Policy. All staff must be familiar with emergency procedures, risk management systems and incident management in their workplace.
3. Health and Safety
All employees have a responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work Etc Act 1974 for their own health, safety and welfare and to ensure that the agreed safety procedures are carried out to provide a safe environment for other employees and anyone else that may be affected by the carrying out of their duties.
Employees must co-operate with the Trust in meeting its statutory obligations with regard to health and safety legislation and must report any accidents, incidents and problems as soon as practicable to their immediate supervisor.
The Trust has a written health and safety policy which employees have a general duty to read in order that they are fully conversant with its requirements.
4. Patient care
Bradford District Care Trust is committed to ensuring the highest standards of care and treatment and expects that all staff employed within the organisation will treat service users, their carers, relatives and friends with dignity and respectat all times duringtheir contact with services we provide.
5. Information Management
All members of staff are bound by the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 and any breaches of the Act or of the confidential nature of the work of this post could lead to dismissal.