Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 9 December 2008

2.00pm in the Ullswater Room, Rheged, Penrith


Dominic Harrison-CumbriaFire and Rescue Service (Chair)

Dave Coverdale-Barrow CDRP

Steve Murray-Cumbria Police Authority

Claire Lindley-Chief Prosecutor

Paul Musgrave-Cumbria County Council

Lesley Graham-Cumbria County Council

Roger Roberts-Action With Communities in Cumbria

Joe Milburn-Allerdale Borough Council

Vince Jubb-Government Office North West

Mark McKay-Eden District Council

Nicola Brooker-Cumbria Police Authority

Carolyn Curr-Carlisle City Council

Alison Tiplady-Allerdale & Copeland CDRP

Willie Slavin-West Cumbria LSP Forum

Michael Heaslip- West Cumbria SCU ?

John Dyer-South Lakeland District Council

Andy Shine-South Lakeland CDRP

Annette Hennessey-Cumbria Probation Service

Stephen Halliday-Cumbria Constabulary

Andy Davidson-Cumbria Constabulary

1.Welcome and Apologies

The Chair welcomed those present to the meeting.

Apologies were received from the following:

Deborah Royston, George Clements, Barbara Cannon, Chris Egon (Police Authority)

2.Minutes, Matters ArisingDeclarations of Urgent Business

The minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record. There were no matters arising and no declarations of urgent business.

3.Progress on Stronger Action Plan

Lesley Graham presented this item in Stuart Pate’s absence. The two documents on “Activity to Deliver on the Stronger Indicators” which were circulated prior to the meeting were discussed and items were clarified. Detail on activity on NI 4 was requested and an interim narrative report was presented. There is missing information and work is ongoing. It was proposed that a case study be brought to each SSC TP Meeting and this was agreed.

4.Cumbria Police Authority, Policing Plan Consultation

Andy Davidson discussed the document “Policing Priorities for 2009-12” which was circulated prior to the meeting. This is a review after the first year of the plan and there are 5 priority improvement areas.

It was proposed that alcohol should be included as this is a serious issue in Cumbria and is a greater problem than drugs in some places.

Andy will include issues raised at this meeting in the document and he has copies of the “Policing Pledge” which gives the specifics and minimum service standards that communities can expect from the police which can be taken away from this meeting.

Andy is looking at marketing strategies to get the message out to communities on building public confidence and engaging with communities, and local priorities must be agreed. Any further comments should be sent to Andy.

5.Community Development Foundation Study Project

Facilitators are to be invited to the SSC TP Meeting in January 2009 to give a

PowerPoint presentation and more information will be available at that meeting.

6.Towards a commissioning approach

Paul discussed the report “Towards Strategic Commissioning from April 2010” which was circulated prior to the meeting. Background information and an update on the current position were given – the commissioning approach will be vital in the future if funding decreases and the document is open for discussion today. Discussions took place on working in silos and the Stronger element - CDRPs look at the Safer element rather than the Stronger element but the comment was made that by making communities safer they become stronger.

It was felt that re-engineering is needed to make this group “fit for purpose” and that there needs to be more “Stronger” representation at the SSC TP meetings.

Clarification of “commissioning” is needed – Dominic feels it should be in Cumbria with local providers (“open tendering with social clauses”). A presentation by the Procurement team on Strategic Commissioning will be arranged for the next SSC TP meeting in January 2009.

Commissioning has already been agreed for 2009/10 and this is now being looked at for 2010/11.

8.County wide projects – Expressions of interest

An “introduction & background” paper and six Expressions of interest were circulated prior to the meeting. Paul gave the background to this item and he wanted to discuss the process rather that the individual Expressions of interest.

It was agreed that it wasn’t possible to support all the bids tabled at this meeting but unanimous support was given to the bids “Domestic Violence (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) – Coordination” and the “Scafell Project”.

The 4 remaining bids were discussed:

Neighbourhood Watch in Cumbria – an evaluation of impact and clarity on what is hoped to be achieved are required and these are to be reported back to the next meeting.

Crime and Disorder Partnerships – it was agreed at previous SSC TP meetings that funding would be split 60% to CDRPs and 40% for other work.

It was agreed that it needs to be clear what the activity will be as a result of any funding provided and what the outcomes will be. Dominic is clear on the responses to the bidders to obtain the information required for the next meeting on 26 January 2009 and the responses will be circulated 1 week prior to the meeting for consideration.

Paul would like to meet with the bidders to ensure that all the information is accurate. A scoring mechanism was developed last year and it was agreed that this would be used again.

The CuPS Project bid was pass ported by consensus.


Dominic circulated a paper from the TP Chairs meeting on 8 December 2008 and gave feedback on the meeting. Any comments or questions are to be sent to Dominic.

Paul and Lesley are leaving to start new jobs. The support post advert will be advertised and Paul & Lesley’s posts are being debated and will hopefully be filled. Formal thanks were given to Paul and Lesley for all their hard work.

Dominic represented the SSC TP at the CSP Executive Board Meeting on 26 November 2008 when the Red indicators were looked at and he gave feedback on the meeting.

10.Dates and Times of Next Meetings

The document “Future Meeting Dates January 2009 – April 2010” was circulated prior to the meeting - the dates were agreed and all meetings will start at 2.00 pm.

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