
Revision Date: 8/18/2011


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2013-2014 PIP Addendum

Program Name


Healthcare EE Program


Date Submitted


June 9, 2014

Subprogram Name

/ /

Utility Name


Southern California Edison

Program ID




IOU Program Contact


Kim Rodriguez

This form is to be used to document any required changes to the Program Implementation Plans (PIPs). The following are triggers that will require a PIP change:

1.  Changes to eligibility rules

2.  Changes affecting incentive levels

3.  Fund shifts (indicate advice letter approval below if required)

4.  Portfolio Budget and Other Commission–Directed Changes

5.  Changes to Program Theory/Logic Models

6.  Addition or elimination of programs and/or sub-programs (indicate advice letter approval below)

7.  Changes in program targets

8.  Change in sub-program approach - unless the IOUs submit logic models for the sub-programs (to be defined) with IOUs

9.  Changes in incented measures

10.  Changes in adopted PPMs/MTIs (indicate advice letter approval below if required)

Identify Specific Trigger (above) requiring the PIP change

Driver of Change:

The purpose of the modification is to encourage customers with committed projects to expedite installation of projects.

Description of Change (if advice letter approval required, indicate Commission resolution or approval and provide hyperlink to advice letter):

This program will offer a limited time incentive increase for eligible projects that are committed on or before April 30, 2014 and complete their projects on an expedited time schedule. See “Replacement Language” section below for additional detail. Customers would only receive the added incentive if they installed by an agreed upon installation date to ensure savings will be realized in 2014.

PIP Section and/or Wording to be Changed or replaced:

6.a.iii Incentive Levels

Replacement Language or Information

Add the following paragraph at the end of the PIP section, 6.a.iii Incentive Levels:

This program will offer a limited time incentive increase for projects that are committed on or before April 30, 2014 and complete their projects on an expedited time schedule. Eligible projects must have an expected completion date (stated as of April 30, 2014) of November 2014 through March 2015. In addition, projects must meet a minimum size requirement of 100 kW and meet expedited installation timeline requirements. Projects that meet requirements will be eligible for a 50% kW and kWh incentive increase, not to exceed project costs.

Revised Energy Savings (If Any):


Other PIP Changes Required: