Child Care & Support Services Management

(Child Development)

August 29, 2017– June 7, 2018



Mrs. Kimberly Preston

School: 814.362.3845 (7:35AM – 3:15PM)

*best method of contact – e-mail

Find classroom information, field trips, and student pictures on the school district web page - “School” - “Bradford Area High School” - “School Staff”


TEXTBOOK: Child & Adult Care Professionals (2006) Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.

Working with Young Children (2012 ) Goodheart-Willcox

Essentials for Working with Young Children (2017)

Second Edition Council for Professional Recognition

DECRIPTION: This 3-year, 3 period-a-day program is designed to prepare students for careers working with children, such as, but not limited to, childcare in a center or a home daycare, public or private early childhood education teacher or assistant, school counselor;child psychologist, au pair, nanny, children’s librarian, pediatrician, social worker; or children’s author.

Students will be participating in a national certification program called CDA (Child Development Associate) and may become CDA certified through this class by:

  1. Successfully completing a minimum of 120 hours of instruction in eight different areas.
  2. Fulfilling and documenting the required number (480) of hands-on hours in a child care facility (“placement”) with the help of a cooperating teacher.
  3. Passing the PA state NOCTI written and practical tests given in April of the student’s senior year.
  4. Passing the national CDA on-line exam and practical test, in which the student is observed as a lead teacher for 2 hours by a CDA Professional Development Specialist.
  5. Receiving a passing grade on a portfolio,prepared duringin-class time,according to the CDA regulations.


A uniform to wear to placement

All Clearances, drug testing, and TB testing

Transportation to and from the placement site

ApplicationFee ($425) to obtain CDA Certificationpaidfor by the BA

School District provided the student has successfully completed the requirements before their graduation from Bradford High School.



Students are required to contact their cooperating teacher AND Mrs. Preston by 8:30 AM if they will be absent from placement.

Being tardy to class (up to 5 minutes) 3 times in one marking period will result in two hours of detention. Over 5 minutes late is considered cutting class.

Make-up work: Missed classroom work may be turned in up to two weeks after the student returns from an excused absence.

Late work: A student’s grade will be deducted for assignments turned in late with the exception of prior arrangements with the teacher.

Homework: Students will be given adequate class time to complete all assignments. However, homework maybe assigned.

Dishonesty: in the form of plagiarism, lying, stealing or cheating, etc. may result in dismissal from the class.


Are asked to volunteerin various ways in the classroom and on field trips with submission of the proper forms for approval of the BASD Administration.

FCCLA: Family Career, Community, Leaders of America “” “” is a national service organization in which all Child Development students are a BHS Member. By paying a $18 membership fee, students may become members on the state level and be eligible to participate in the State Leadership Conference (SCL) in March. FCCLA raises funds in a variety of ways with the proceeds going to individual student’s accounts to pay for membership, field trips, special clothing, and SLC. We complete a float for the BHS Homecoming parade and a community service project each school year.

Field Trips:

One permission slip is signed by the parent giving permission for the student to attend placement and complete required testing or clearances.

Students will not be able to attend field trips and must complete an alternate assignment if they have cut class in the current marking period or have a failing grade in any of their classes.

Students can earn through provided fundraising OR must provide money for any registration or entrance fees and meals on field trips.

Individual field trips listed below will require individual permission slips:


September: 11th Placement begins for CD II & III

15 Sub Sale Forms Due

22nd – Subs made and delivered

October: 2nd - 5th evening 5:30 – 8:30 preparation of FCCLA Homecoming Float

5th - FCCLA Registration for Regional Leadership Meeting (RLM) is due $25

6th Homecoming Parade

11th Placement for CD I begins

23rd - 26th FCCLA Bake Salepreparation 3:30 – 8:30 dinner will be provided

27th - FCCLA Bake Sale delivery

30th - FCCLA RLM Burgettstown High School

Dinner stop:

November: 1st FCCLA State Membership Dues of $18 must be turned in

30th FCCLA State Leadership Convention (SLC) down payment due $100

January: 19th FCCLA Registration for SLC Second payment due $100

February: 23rd Final Payment for FCCLA SLC due $100

March: 14-16, 2018 - FCCLASLC ,

Kalahari Water Park, 250 Kalahari Boulevard, Pocono Manor, PA

(cost - $300 per student)

April: NOCTI Testingfor Seniors

May: CDA Testing for Seniors


Each 9-week marking period a student’s grade comes from:

Professionalism: 30% (Calling cooperating teacher when absent, uniform dress, cooperation)

Exams: 25%, Quizzes: 15%, Projects: 25%, Journals: 5%FINAL/10%total grade for year