Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.0
Configuration Guide for: Compliance Supporting Data Pre-calculation / Date: 04/01/09

Settlements & Billing

BPM Configuration Guide: Compliance Supporting Data Pre-calculation

Version 5.0

Confidential / CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 16
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.0
Configuration Guide for: Compliance Supporting Data Pre-calculation / Date: 04/01/09

Table of Contents

1.Purpose of Document




3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

3.3Successor Charge Codes

3.4Inputs – External Systems

3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

3.6CAISO Formula


4.Charge Code Effective Date

1.Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to capture the business and functional requirements for the MRTU SaMC Compliance Supporting Data Pre-calculation.



No Pay is a settlement mechanism to encourage Generating Units, Dynamic System Resources, Participating Loads, and System Resources to schedule A/S in accordance with the CAISO Tariff and Protocols in order to uphold a resource’s obligation to make awarded capacity available for ISO Dispatch, to follow Dispatch Instructions, and to avoid Uninstructed Deviations.

The No Compliance charges rescind A/S capacity payments to the extent that the requirements for A/S were not fulfilled for Spinning Reserves, Non-Spinning Reserves, Regulation Up, Regulation Down, and RUC under CC 6124, CC 6224, CC 6524, CC 6624, and CC 6824 respectively. For units that self-provide A/S, the Non Compliance quantity is reflected as a reduction to qualified self-provision under the obligation settlement charges, CC 6194 Spinning Reserve Obligation Settlement, CC 6294 Non-Spinning Reserve Obligation Settlement, CC 6594 Regulation Up Obligation Settlement, and CC 6694 Regulation Down Obligation Settlement.

The Non Compliance and No Pay quantities are calculated in the Compliance Application (CAP) per Settlement Interval and resource then consumed by the Settlements system as billable quantities for Non Compliance charges and adjustments to Ancillary Service Obligation amounts. Additionally, resource data utilized by CAP for computation of the Non Compliance and No Pay quantities will be provided to Settlements as supporting data for publication on the relevant Settlements Statement for Charge Code validation and review purposes.


The supporting CAP data for No Pay and Non Compliance charges is provided for validation and review purposes by Market Participants via the published Settlement Statement. The Compliance Supporting Data Pre-calculation will facilitate visibility of CAP resource data on the Settlement Statement for verification of resource specific data that factor into the creation Non Compliance and No Pay quantities. For further detail, please refer to BPM for Compliance Monitoring.

3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

Bus Req ID / Business Rule
1.0 / All input Compliance data that is required for validation by Market Participants should be accessible for review by analysts and published on the relevant Settlement Statements.

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name
Ancillary Services Pre-Calc

3.3Successor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name

3.4Inputs – External Systems

Row # / Variable Name / Description
Please see the BPM for Compliance Monitoring for additional information on the input variables below.
1 / MSSNoPaySupplementalDataFlag
BrtF’S’mdhi / MSS No Pay Supplemental Data Flag by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d Trade Hour h Settlement Interval i.
2 / ResidualImbalanceEnergyNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Residual Imbalance Energy No Pay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
3 / DayAheadEnergySchedNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Day Ahead Energy Sched No Pay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h Settlement Interval i.
4 / MeterNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Meter No Pay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i
5 / RegulatingScheduleNoPaySupplementalDataFlag
BrtF’S’mdhi / Regulating Schedule No Pay Supplemental Data Flag
by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d Trade Hour h Settlement Interval i.
6 / ReportingMaximumAvailabilityNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reporting Maximum Availability No Pay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
7 / ReportingMinimumAvailabilityNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reporting Minimum Availability NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
8 / OperatingReserveIncrementalAvailabilityNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Operating Reserve Incremental Availability No Pay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
9 / DispatchOperatingTargetNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Dispatch Operating Target No Pay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
10 / SpinTotalSelfScheduleNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Spin Total Self Schedule No Pay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
11 / BAResourceHourlyDAAwardedSpinBidCapacity BrtT’uI’M’VL’W’R’F’S’a’mdh / BA Resource Hourly DA Awarded Spin Bid Capacityby BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Type T’, UDC ID u,MSS Gross or Net Flag I’, MSS LAP M’,RUC Participation Flag V, Load Following Flag L’, MSS Emission Pay Flag W’, Penalty Resource ID R’,Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Intertie Constraint ID a’,Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h.
12 / BAResource15MinRTMHourlyAwardedSpinBidCapacity BrtT’uI’M’VL’W’R’F’S’a’mdhc / BA Resource 15Min RTM Hourly Awarded Spin Bid Capacity by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Type T’, UDC ID u,MSS Gross or Net Flag I’, MSS LAP M’,RUC Participation Flag V, Load Following Flag L’, MSS Emission Pay Flag W’, Penalty Resource ID R’,Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Intertie Constraint ID a’,Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h.
13 / SpinTotalBidScheduleNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / SpinTotalBidScheduleNoPaySupplementalDataQty
by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
14 / NonSpinTotalSelfScheduleNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Non Spin Total Self Schedule NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
15 / BAResourceHourlyDAAwardedNonSpinBidCapacity BrtT’uI’M’VL’W’R’F’S’a’mdh / BA Resource Hourly DA Awarded Non Spin Bid Capacity by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Type T’, UDC ID u,MSS Gross or Net Flag I’, MSS LAP M’,RUC Participation Flag V, Load Following Flag L’, MSS Emission Pay Flag W’, Penalty Resource ID R’,Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Intertie Constraint ID a’,Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h.
16 / BAResource15MinRTMHourlyAwardedNonSpinBidCapacityBrtT’uI’M’VL’W’R’F’S’a’mdhc / BA Resource 15Min RTM Hourly Awarded Non Spin Bid Capacityby BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Type T’, UDC ID u,MSS Gross or Net Flag I’, MSS LAP M’,RUC Participation Flag V, Load Following Flag L’, MSS Emission Pay Flag W’, Penalty Resource ID R’,Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Intertie Constraint ID a’,Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h.
17 / NonSpinTotalBidScheduleNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Non Spin Total Bid Schedule NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
18 / SpinIIENoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Spin IIE NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
19 / NonSpinIIENoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Non Spin IIE NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
20 / SpinUnavailableNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Spin Unavailable NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
21 / SpinUndeliveredNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Spin Undelivered NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
22 / SpinUndispatchableNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Spin Undispatchable NoPay Supplemental Data Qty
by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i
23 / SpinUnsynchronizedNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Spin Unsynchronized NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
24 / SpinAwardedBidNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Spin Awarded Bid NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
25 / SpinSelfProvidedNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Spin Self Provided No Pay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i
26 / SpinTotalNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Spin Total No Pay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
27 / NonSpinUnavailableNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Non Spin Unavailable NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
28 / NonSpinUndeliveredNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Non Spin Undelivered NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
29 / NonSpinUndispatchableNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Non Spin Undispatchable NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
30 / NonSpinUnsynchronizedNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Non Spin Unsynchronized NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
31 / NonSpinAwardedBidNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Non Spin Awarded Bid NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
32 / NonSpinSelfProvidedNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Non Spin Self Provided NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
33 / NonSpinTotalNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Non Spin Total NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
34 / RUCBidCapacityNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / RUC Bid Capacity NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
35 / RUCRACapacityNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / RUC RA Capacity NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h Settlement Interval i.
36 / RUCUndispatchableCapacityNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / RUC Undispatchable Capacity NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
37 / RUCUndispatchableBidCapacityNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / RUC Undispatchable Bid Capacity NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
38 / RUCUndispatchableRACapacityNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / RUC Undispatchable RA Capacity NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
39 / RUCUndeliveredBidCapacityNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / RUC Undelivered Bid Capacity NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
40 / RUCUndeliveredRACapacityNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / RUC Undelivered RA Capacity NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
41 / RUCTotalNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / RUC Total NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
42 / SpinTaggedCapacityNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Spin Tagged Capacity NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
43 / SpinCheckoutCapacityNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Spin Checkout Capacity NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h Settlement Interval i.
44 / SpinInstructedNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Spin Instructed NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
45 / SpinUntaggedCapacityNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Spin Untagged Capacity NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
46 / SpinDeclinedCapacityNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Spin Declined Capacity NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
47 / NonSpinTaggedCapacityNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Non Spin Tagged Capacity No Pay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
48 / NonSpinCheckoutCapacityNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Non Spin Checkout Capacity NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h Settlement Interval i.
49 / NonSpinInstructedNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Non Spin Instructed NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
50 / NonSpinUntaggedCapacityNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Non Spin Untagged Capacity NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
51 / NonSpinDeclinedCapacityNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Non Spin Declined Capacity No Pay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
52 / RegScheduleNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Schedule NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
53 / RegUpBidAwardNonComplianceNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Up Bid Award Non Compliance NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
54 / RegDownBidAwardNonComplianceNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Down Bid Award Non Compliance NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
55 / RegUpSelfProvisionNonComplianceNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Up Self Provision Non Compliance NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
56 / RegDownSelfProvisionNonComplianceNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Down Self Provision Non Compliance NoPay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
57 / RUCRANonComplianceSupplementalDataQty BrtF’S’mdhi / RUC RA Non Compliance Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
58 / RegUpUnavailableNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Up Unavailable No Pay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
59 / RegDownUnavailableNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Down Unavailable No Pay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
60 / RegUpUnavailableNoPaySupplementalDataMinute
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Up Unavailable No Pay Supplemental Data Minute
by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
61 / RegDownUnavailableNoPaySupplementalDataMinute
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Down Unavailable No Pay Supplemental Data Minute
by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
62 / RegUpOffControlNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Up Off Control No Pay Supplemental Data Qty
by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
63 / RegDownOffControlNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Down Off Control No Pay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
64 / RegUpOffControlNoPaySupplementalDataMinutes
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Up Off Control No Pay Supplemental Data Minutes by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
65 / RegDownOffControlNoPaySupplementalDataMinutes
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Down Off Control No Pay Supplemental Data Minutes
by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
66 / RegUpOutOfRangeNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Up Out Of Range No Pay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
67 / RegDownOutOfRangeNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Down Out Of Range No Pay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
68 / RegUpOutOfRangeNoPaySupplementalDataMinutes
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Up Out Of Range No Pay Supplemental Data Minutes
by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
69 / RegDownOutOfRangeNoPaySupplementalDataMinutes
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Down Out Of Range No Pay Supplemental Data Minutes by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
70 / RegUpConstrainedLimitsNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Up Constrained Limits No Pay Supplemental Data Qty
by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
71 / RegDownConstrainedLimitsNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Down Constrained Limits No Pay Supplemental Data Qty
by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
72 / RegUpConstrainedLimitsNoPaySupplementalDataMinutes
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Up Constrained Limits No Pay Supplemental Data Minutes
by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
73 / RegDownConstrainedLimitsNoPaySupplementalDataMinutes
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Down Constrained Limits No Pay Supplemental Data Minutes
by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
74 / RegUpCommunication ErrorNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Up Communication Error No Pay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
75 / RegDownCommunication ErrorNoPaySupplementalDataQty
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Down Communication Error No Pay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
76 / RegUpCommunication ErrorNoPaySupplementalDataMinutes
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Up Communication Error No Pay Supplemental Data Minutes
by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
77 / RegDownCommunication ErrorNoPaySupplementalDataMinutes
BrtF’S’mdhi / Reg Down Communication Error No Pay Supplemental Data Minutes by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
78 / RUCNoPayBidNonComplianceSupplementalDataQty BrtF’S’mdhi / RUC No Pay Bid Non Compliance Supplemental Data Qty by by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
79 / ExpectedNoPaySupplementalDataQty BrtF’S’mdhi / Expected No Pay Supplemental Data Qty by BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’, Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h, Settlement Interval i.
80 / BAResourceHourlyRUCAwardedBidCapacity BrtuT’I’M’VL’W’R’F’S’mdh / BA Resource Hourly RUC Awarded Bid Capacityby BA ID B, Rsrc ID r, Resource Type t, Entity Type T’, UDC ID u,MSS Gross or Net Flag I’, MSS LAP M’,RUC Participation Flag V, Load Following Flag L’, MSS Emission Pay Flag W’, Penalty Resource ID R’,Entity Component Type F’, Entity Component Subtype S’,Trade Month m, Trade Date d, Trade Hour h.

3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

Row # / Variable Name / Predecessor Charge Code/
Pre-calc Configuration
1 / DAAwardedRegUpBidCapacity BrtF’S’dh / Ancillary Services Pre -calc
2 / DARegUpCapacityQSP BrtF’S’dh / Ancillary Services Pre
3 / HourlyRTSpinQSP BrtF’S’dh / Ancillary Services Pre
4 / HourlyRTNonSpinQSP BrtF’S’dh / Ancillary Services Pre
5 / HourlyHASPSpinQSP BrtF’S’dh / Ancillary Services Pre
6 / HourlyHASPNonSpinQSP BrtF’S’dh / Ancillary Services Pre
7 / DASpinCapacityQSP BrtF’S’dh / Ancillary Services Pre-calc
8 / DANSPNCapacityQSP BrtF’S’dh / Ancillary Services Pre-calc
9 / HourlyTotalNonSpinQSP BrtF’S’dh / Ancillary Services Pre-calc
10 / HourlyTotalSpinQSP BrtF’S’dh / Ancillary Services Pre-calc

3.6CAISO Formula

Note: The intended purpose of this pre-calculation is drill down capability and publication of Compliance supporting data on the Settlements Statements. The atypical charge types listed facilitates visibility of the Compliance data whereby the primary BDs are configured as inputs, but are not included in the CT formula. Drill down capability and publication on the Settlements Statement is made possible by defining the BDs as inputs. It is not necessary to configure a calculation that utilizes each BD as an operand in order to achieve visibility. Therefore, for simplicity reasons, the input BDs are omitted from the charge type formula and the CT is set to 1.