BOYS:Varsity & JV Swim v. Cypress H.S. (home) @3pm

Varsity Tennis @ Kennedy H.S. @3pm;release @1:30pm

JV Tennis v. Kennedy H.S. (home) @3pm

Varsity Volleyball @ Kennedy H.S. @4:30pm;release @1:10pm

JV Volleyball @ Kennedy H.S. @3:15pm;release @1:10pm

GIRLS: Varsity & JV Softball @ Kennedy H.S. @3:15pm;release @


Varsity & JV Swim v. Cypress H.S.(home) @3pm


*Please rise for the flag salute, <pause> ready, begin.

* There will be a cheer and song meeting on Wednesday during both lunches this week. This meeting is for any students who are interested in cheer or song for next year. If you are interested in cheer and song for next year, please meet in room 1004 this Wednesday during both lunches.

* This Friday the 17th, the softball program will be hosting a tamale dinner in the cafeteria from 5-7pm. Tickets are available for $10. The ticket price includesa plate with two tamales, beans, salad, drink, and dessert. Please contact Coach German or Coach Harding for tickets. We encourage you to come out and support your lady tigers.

* Attention Valencia boys who are interested in joining the all male hip hop team. There will be a mandatory parent meeting onWednesday, April 15th at 6:00pmin room 302. All audition packets and tryout information will be given out at the meeting. A parent must be in attendance in order for you to try out. See you there!

* Attention Seniors: SoCalGrad will be back on campus this THURSDAY, April 16thduring LUNCH on the stage in the Quad to deliver your SENIOR GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS and other graduation products! Please stop by the SoCalGrad table to pick up your items. If you have NOT ordered your CAP AND GOWN, GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS, or CLASS RINGS, you can still order at this time. Please don’t forget to bring your order form and deposit to place your order! GRADUATION IS COMING SOON. SEE YOUTHURSDAYAT LUNCH!

* Prom ticket sales will begin on April 16th with a two day special. Tickets will be $65 with an ASB sticker and $80 without an ASB sticker on the 16th and 17th of April. Prices will make a considerable jump after these two days, so it’s time to get moving. Guest passes are available at the finance window. Start taking care of them now before you buy your tickets. If you ask someone now, you’ll be ready to enjoy the discount on the first two days of ticket sales.

* ASB Elections will take place next week from April 20-April 24th. Voting will be online. Take the time to vote for your choices for next year’s ASB.

* All Senior Distinguished Scholars bio sheets are due to the Activities Office by April 17th. If you are a senior and received an invitation to Distinguished Scholars Night, please return the bio form no later than this Friday.

* Attention students, summer school information is now available for this summer.All summer school applications are due to the Counseling Office byMay 1st.

* Prom Project 2015!! Please see Mrs. Douglas in counseling if you are interested and are a senior girl! You may qualify for a free prom dress!

* College Campus Day returns this Thursday, April 16th. Wear spirit wear from you favorite college to let everyone know where you want to go to college.

*TIGER CHALLENGE! Get started on the right foot again! Let’s make a push to do our best for the final quarter of the year.