Study Guide – Final Examination
Lifespan Psychology
The following study guide is to assist you in your preparation for the exam. It should not be considered a substitute for studying nor should it be considered all inclusive. It is distributed in order to stimulate thought and study in the content areas considered important to this course and subject matter.
Understand significant health risks for school age, early, middle and late adulthood
Meta-cognition and Meta-memory
The effects of heavy television viewing
Understand eating disorders
Understand Erikson’s stages discussed during the 2nd half of class
Sensation seeking or high risk behaviors - what are they and why do they occur
Secondary and Primary effects of aging
Internal and External locus of control – what are they and what types of behavior do they lead to in adolescence?
Know the various types of marriages – both successful and unsuccessful (i.e. volatile, validating etc…) as well as the progression of marital satisfaction (high times and stressed times)
Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence
Super’s 2 phases of work experience
Understand the climacteric and menopause
Def. Osteoporosis
Def. of Sandwich Generation
Keys to good health in middle and late adulthood
Understand the term “Terminal Drop”
Activity v. disengagement theories
Inductive v. Deductive Thought
IQ tests, their purpose, consistency and validity (what do they purport to measure)
Self-esteem in middle childhood and adolescence/ puberty
Priority relationships during childhood, adolescence and adulthood
The effects of early attachment on relationships later in life
Factors in adolescent delinquency
Peak physical and intellectual functioning
The importance of work or job satisfaction at different phases of adulthood
The effects of higher education on the elderly
Brain changes in late adulthood
Teen drop-out factors
Poverty in older adults (who and why)
Living patterns of older adults
Understand Gardner’s multiple intelligence model and know at least 4
Know the risk factors for elder abuse.
Understand mid-life crisis and empty nest syndrome.
Know Kubler-Ross’ stages of grief
Understand what is meant when we say Violence is Violence
Know Marcia’s stages of identity development
Review quizzes