Priory School Parent Forum

Wednesday27 September 2017



L Hart (Chair)

E Williams (AHT)

R Nabholz Duncan

J Singh

H Mandiwall

R Sandys

P Walton

S Christie

L Snow

N Jones

S Kandjii


A Gregory

R Carlyle

S Roper


  1. Introduction & Welcome

All members introduced themselves personally and said which year group their child is in. There was a good spread of KS3 and KS4 parents.

  1. Priory Partners

LHa updated the group on partnerships formed so far and asked for suggestions and ideas in which Priory students could partner the community in various ways. Suggested activities were voluntary work in local charity shops and litter picking in the Fawcett Road area. A brief discussion began about how well we acquaint ourselves with our immediate neighbours and it was agreed that more could be done by the school to foster very local partnerships. Action: LHa to raise with SVa.

  1. Rewards & Sanctions

EWi answered several questions about the validity of the current reward policy and explained how the leadership team intend to make the current systems more robust and rigorous, for example monitoring the giving of ERAs by class teachers and sharing documentation with Faculty Heads to ensure all staff are consistent with the reward currency usage. EWi explained about ‘Top 100’ and how we will ensure the ‘right’ children get invited to reward trips. EWi / LHa discussed the many ways in which we currently reward students and it was agreed by all that, within the budget we get, we do well across the school. Several parents remain concerned that ERAs do not necessarily work with KS4 students who may need other incentives to go above and beyond.

EWi explained current thought around sanctions and being a school that uses more advanced restorative approaches with students. EWi explained the school’s approach to discipline which is the Unconditional Positive Regard model. She explained how we are approaching the management of behaviour through training and CPD. It was agreed by all that consistency is the key and the point was raised about getting into our feeder primaries and perhaps doing work with them prior to students arriving at Priory. It was also noted that there is a citywide approach to better support for families and better support for mental health. Action: LHa to include as an agenda item again for the next meeting and take further feedback from parents. There was a brief discussion about uniform and sanctions around the non-conformity of uniform wearing, particularly with expectations around shoe wear. EWi explained why we continue to allow black trainers.

  1. Open Forum for SLT

EWi answered questions about the recent knife attack outside of school. Parents expressed the view that there should have been communication from the head teacher earlier to stop parents worrying when they took phone calls from their children who may be prone to getting facts incorrect. Parents felt that an immediate text message or something on the website would have alleviated parental concerns. Action: EWi to discuss with SVa.

Forum members mentioned that Priory students can be seen smoking outside of the school during school hours and in uniform. EWi asked that the school be informed of this immediately in future so that she is able to go outside and check. Parents were reassured that this would be taken as a serious matter.

  1. AOB

EWi discussed how the forthcoming ‘Meet the Tutor’ Evening would be a curry / quiz night to create a more friendly and informal gathering. EWi explained that numbers were low for the recent Year 6 Parents Evening in July and how SLT have been discussing ways to raise parental participation in larger events such as Parents’ Evenings. Year 7 Students will write out invitations to their parents, and it is hoped this personal touch will foster good early relationships with parents and remind students that an event centred around them and their education is coming up in the near future and that they should want to attend it.

Meeting concluded at 7.10 pm.

Can I ask all attendees to read these minutes to ensure I have not left out anything important. As you know, I’ve taken part and taken notes, and I may have missed something! Many thanks.

Lorraine Hart


Date of next meeting – Thursday 14 December, 6-7pm in the school library.