Boy Scout Troop 370

Troop Policy and Practices

July 1, 2017

Part A. Scout Appearance

A1. A scout shall be properly attired for scout activities according to these guidelines:

·  Class A Uniform - Complete regulation uniform including (scout, khaki, black, or olive) pants, scout belt, official scout shirt, merit badge sash, and emulates. Scout or non-athletic shorts may be substituted in warm weather only with regulation short or long socks.

·  Class A- Uniform – Official scout shirt is worn with other appropriate attire. Merit badge sash is required at troop Court of Honors.

·  Class B+ Dress – Approved troop shirt and appropriate attire.

·  Class B Dress – Any scout logo shirt and appropriate attire.

A2. A scout shall wear a type A (or A-) uniform to troop meetings, Court of Honors, Scout Camp, First Aid Meet or any other event as designated on the troop calendar or trip forms.

A3. It is a current practice that a scout receiving his Eagle award be dressed in a class A uniform.

A4. The Order of Arrow sash may be worn by OA member(s) at any OA event and must be worn at OA elections.

A5. A scout is expected to keep an orderly appearance.

Part B. Participation

B1. Attendance (participation and scout spirit) is a requirement for rank advancement. These minimum guidelines should be met:

·  66 % attendance at Troop Meetings (2 out of 3) or a phone call *

·  50 % attendance at trips and events

·  25 % attendance at Community Service Project(s)

* A scout is expected to notify the Scoutmaster, an Assistant Scoutmaster, Senior Patrol Leader or a Patrol Leader of any impending absence before the event, which yields partial credit for attending. The attendance year begins January 1 – December 31.

B2. Each scout shall pay $15.00 per year as a dues requirement, which is collected at time of recharter (December).

B3. A financial account is maintained by the Troop for each scout. Deposits to the scouts account include:

· Scout camp deposit and subsequent payments.

· Approved fundraisers in which profit sharing is approved.

Withdrawals may be within these guidelines:

· Payment of Scout Camp

· Payment for any scout activity

· Transfer to another scout unit when so requested by the transferring scout and receiving unit

· Annual registration fee and/or Dues

Those funds in a scout account, which are Scout Camp fees (paid) are refundable with the exception of camp deposit paid to Juniata Valley Council.

A Scout Camp deposit is refundable under conditions prescribed by The Juniata Valley Council in the case of emergency of extenuating circumstances.

Once a scouter or scout turning 18 is no longer registered with the troop, which occurs on January 1 of the new charter year, that individual has 6 months to specify in writing to the Committee Chairperson how their funds shall be dispersed:

·  Refund to scout or scouter

·  Designate other purposes i.e. transfer to other scouts or troop funds

·  Or a combination of the two above.

When such request is not made, these funds will be transferred into the troop general fund.

B4. Each scout should have a scout handbook at troop meetings and outings.

B5. Any personal belongings, including electronic equipment and accessories brought to scouting events is the sole responsibility of the scout. Electronic devices can interfere and distract scouts when away from home. Parents should carefully consider whether or not such equipment should be brought to scout events. Use of electronic equipment will be at the discretion of the leader in charge of that event.

B6. A boy, interested in joining the troop, may attend not more than three troop meetings and/or activities before submitting an application to join. National BSA insurance covers this event.

B7. An Eagle Scout Candidate will have a meeting with any or all of the following, 6 months prior to his 18th birthday, the Scoutmaster, the Assistant Scoutmaster(s) and Committee members to determine the possibility or not interest of the scout reaching Eagle (scout must be Life Rank at this time). The scout will be told at this meeting what he will need to reach Eagle and set up goals that will need to be met as well as a time frame in which they will need done. At 3 months until 18th birthday another meeting will be set up as before to see if achieving Eagle Rank is still possible.

B8. There is a defined process for all rank advancement. The Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters will conduct required scout conferences when the requirements for a rank are complete. The Advancement Chairperson or designee shall conduct all Boards of Review with members selected from the Troop Committee. For Eagle Rank, proposals for Eagle Scout projects will follow the approval sequence starting with the signature of the benefit organization. It will then be presented first to the Scoutmaster for his review and approval before going to the Troop Committee. The Scoutmaster should be present during a project application presentation to the Troop Committee. Likewise, the final Eagle Application sequence is to begin with the Scoutmaster, who must first give approval before going to the Troop Committee Chair and Advancement Committee.

B9. A Life Scout may ask any registered adult leader to be his Eagle Adviser. The Adviser’s role is to assist the scout as needed during the Eagle Project planning, execution, written documentation, and the final application process. The Adviser is not to complete any task for a scout in this process. The Adviser is not required to be present during the execution of any project. He or she is there to advise, assist with the required paperwork, and advise the scout of an acceptable project and plan. Following Eagle Rank approval, the Adviser can also assist the family in planning the recognition ceremony. The Eagle Adviser is not permitted to take part in the Scout Conference or Board of Review, but is permitted to be present during a project application presentation to the Troop Committee.

Part C. Troop Administrative Operations

C1. The Troop shall charter following this general timetable:

October – send notification to families

December 10– deadline for payments

December 14– submit charter to Council

C2. The basic annual fee structure for a scout is the summation as follows: (National fee and Council fee may change)

Scout basic fee = National requirement ($24.00)

Scout insurance = Council requirement ($ 3.50)

Troop registration fee for youth = $15.00 dues

The basic annual fee structure for an adult Scouter is the basic National requirement (currently $24.00) plus $3.50 insurance fees.

C3. Any scout transferring from another unit pays a $1.00 transfer charge in lieu of the basic fee, but pays all other fees as outlined above. A scout joining after March 1, pays a prorated fee of the basic fee based on each remaining months of the charter being 1/12, but pays all other fees as outlined above.

C4. The Troop fiscal and calendar year is January 1 – December 31. The Charter Organization Representative (COR) shall be approved by St John Lutheran Church in Bellefonte. The Troop Committee positions, Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster(s) positions shall be approved by the COR on the annual Troop Charter. New adult members added to Charter after January 1 will be recommended by the Troop Committee Chairperson and subject to approval by the COR. The Scoutmaster shall certify acceptance of all scouts each charter year.

C5. The Scoutmaster shall preside at all other Troop functions with the charge over Assistant Scoutmasters, Junior Assistant Scoutmasters, and Boy Scouts within the framework of Troop Policy and approved matters. The Scoutmaster shall determine which boy leadership positions are elected and which are appointed according to the current Troop dynamics. When the Scoutmaster is absent, he shall designate a registered adult leader to be in charge. The Scoutmaster’s duties include:

· Operating the Troop Program

· Training boy leaders

· Maintaining close contact and support with the Senior Patrol Leader

· Maintaining contact with other Troop adult leaders

· Promoting patrol method

· Scheduling of Patrol Leaders Council Meetings

· Liaison with Council and District resources, people and events

· Promoting Scouting principles in youth development, and in the operation of the Troop.

Part D – Troop Committee

D1. The Troop Committee shall be comprised of all registered adult leaders 21 years of age and older. Eligibility includes the following:

a.  Any parent upon submission and approval of an adult leader application.

b.  Any other adult with a genuine interest in fostering scouting principles and serving as a positive role model for youth upon submission and approval of an adult leader application.

c.  Completion of all required youth safety training and background checks as determined by National BSA and Pennsylvania law.

D2. Ex-officio (or non-voting) members of the committee – who may serve on sub-committees as well – shall include the following:

a.  Senior Patrol Leader

b.  Troop Scoutmaster

c.  Assistant Scoutmasters 21 years of age and older

d.  Assistant Scoutmasters between the ages of 18 and 21

e.  Representative from Chartering Organization

These individuals may not motion nor second a motion.

D3. Positions on the committee shall include the following:

a.  Chairperson – Duties will include (but are not limited to):

1.  Organize the committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated, and completed.

2.  Maintain close relationship with chartered organization representative and Scoutmaster.

3.  Interpret national and local policies.

4.  Call, preside over, and promote attendance at troop committee meetings.

5.  Appoint and dissolve sub-committees as necessary.

6.  Selection requires approval of the chartering organization.

b.  Vice-chairperson – Duties will include (but are not limited to):

1.  Shall preside over meetings in the absence of the Chair.

2.  Shall preside as temporary Chair upon the resignation of the chair until a new chair is elected and approved.

c.  Secretary– Duties will include (but are not limited to):

1.  Keep minutes of meetings.

2.  Report minutes of previous meeting.

3.  Handle publicity.

d.  Treasurer – Duties will include (but are not limited to):

1.  Handle all troop funds and pay bills on recommendation of Scoutmaster and authorization of troop committee.

2.  Prepare report for each meeting.

3.  Maintain individual scout accounts.

e.  Advancement Coordinator – Duties will include (but are not limited to):

1.  Encourage scouts to advance in rank.

2.  Arrange boards of review as necessary.

3.  Maintain advancement record for all scouts within troop.

4.  Present scouts with merit badges and rank patches.

f.  Other positions as determined by the chairperson

D4. Voting

a.  Quorum consists of the majority of current committee members (i.e. 50% +1).

b.  All committee members shall have a single vote.

c.  In the event of a tie vote, the chairperson shall serve as the tie-breaker (i.e. gets a second vote).

D5. Meetings

a.  The troop committee shall meet a minimum of five (5) times during the calendar year. Lack of quorum does not negate meeting as counting as part of national requirements.

b.  Special meetings of the committee may be called by the chairperson or the majority of the committee members with a minimum of 48 hours notice.

c.  All adult leaders (committee members, scoutmaster, and assistant scoutmasters) are expected to attend a minimum of four (4) troop events per year in order to remain on the charter. Exceptions to this guideline may be presented to the committee for consideration.

D6. The Troop Committee shall set Troop policy and act on all matter related to the following:

a.  Approval of annual troop calendar.

b.  Recommendations made by Patrol Leaders Council.

c.  Recommendations by Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters.

d.  Troop equipment, transportation, and financial needs.

e.  Eagle Scout project pre-approvals.

f.  Fundraising.

g.  Other duties as prescribed by National BSA.

Part E – Adoption and Additions to Rules and Practices

E1. Any addition or revision to these Rules and Practices can be made after review and discussion at a Troop Committee Meeting and then adopted at a Troop Committee Meeting at least 30 days after said meeting.

E2. Following adoption, the date of implementation shall also be stated, with the suggestion that it be done on July 1 or January 1.

Adopted: June 19, 2017