Boxing Alberta Special Resolutions to be voted on at the
Annual General Meeting on June 10, 2017
Special Resolution #1
That, effective at the end of the 2017 Annual Meeting, Bylaw 18.1 A. be repealed.
Special Resolution #2
That, effective August 2017, a current Criminal Record Check including Vulnerable Sector is mandatory for all coaches and officials registered with Boxing Alberta. A copy of a current Criminal Record Check with Vulnerable Sector must be attached to the 2017/18 registration in order to be considered complete.
Furthermore, that Boxing Alberta considers a Criminal Record Check including Vulnerable Sector are now considered valid for five years from the date of completion.
Special Resolution #3
That, effective in 2018, any Elite-level Boxer with a current Boxing Alberta membership in good standing who wins a gold medal at the National Championships will receive a$6,000 bursary.
Furthermore, that the personal coach of the gold-medal athlete will receive a bursary of $3,000 as long as they are registered with Boxing Alberta and is a member in good standing.
Additional criteria and rules that set out the distribution of funds will be developed by a special committee of the Boxing Alberta board.
Special Resolution #4
That, effective at the end of the 2017 Annual Meeting, Bylaws 12.1, 12.2, 14 and 15 be repealed and the following substituted:
12.1 The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the following:
BPast President
CVice President I
DVice President II
GDirector of Coaches
HDirector of Athletes
IDirector of Officials and Competitions
JMedical Director
KDirector at Large
12.2 Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at the call of the President of the Association, by giving at lease one (1) week’s notice of the date, time and place of the meeting. The Board of Directors shall meet no less than four times per year and majority of members present shall constitute a quorum.
14 The following Board positions shall be elected in ODD years
B.Vice President II
D.Director of Officials and Competitions
E.Director at Large
F.Medical Director
15 The following Board positions shall be elected in EVEN years
A.Vice President I
B.Director of Coaches
C.Director of Athletes
Special Resolution #5
That, effective at the end of the 2018 Annual Meeting,
A. Bylaw 7.2 be repealed and the following substituted:
7.2The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the following officers:
B.Past President
C.Vice President
E.Member of Board of Directors as appointed if required
B. Bylaws 8.4 and 8.5 be repealed and the following substituted:
A.The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive all monies paid to Boxing Alberta, and shall be responsible for the deposit of the same, in the Association prescribed bank and prescribed account, as the Board of Directors may order.
B.The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for the Annual Budget, and the keeping of the books of Boxing Alberta.
C.The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of all accounts payable, for the approval of the Board; and the paying of those accounts authorized by the Board of Directors of Boxing Alberta.
D.The Secretary-Treasurer shall properly account for the funds of Boxing Alberta and keep proper books and accounts as directed by the Board of Directors.
E.The Secretary-Treasurer shall have a detailed account of all receipts and disbursements available to the Board of Directors and General Assembly, at all Executive, Board and Annual meetings, or whenever requested by the Board of Directors.
F.The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for submitting records of all receipts and disbursement to the Board of Directors of Boxing Alberta for the purpose of the records of the Association.
G.The Secretary-Treasurer may invest monies from time to time in no-risk investments with the written approval of the Executive Committee.
H.The Secretary-Treasurer shall give the required notice of regular, Board, General and Special meetings, and shall prepare agendas for the same, under the direction of the President.
I.The Secretary-Treasurer shall take and keep a permanent record of the minutes of all such meetings, and shall be responsible for all official records of Boxing Alberta.
J.The Secretary-Treasurer shall have charge of all the correspondence of Boxing Alberta and maintain all records pertaining to the same.
C. Bylaws 12.1, 12.2, 14 and 15 be repealed and the following substituted:
12.1 The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the following:
BPast President
CVice President
EDirector of Coaches
FDirector of Athletes
GDirector of Officials and Competitions
HMedical Director
IDirector at Large
14 The following Board positions shall be elected in ODD years
B.Director of Officials and Competitions
C.Director at Large
D.Medical Director
15. The following Board positions shall be elected in EVEN years
A.Vice President
B.Director of Coaches
C.Director of Athletes