Guidelines on the planting of memorial trees and the placing of memorial benches on Bowden Common.

1 The role of the Trustees of Bowden Common

The Trustees are responsible for ensuring the future of the 27 acres of Bowden Common and for maintaining the Common for the benefit of the whole village.

2 The aims of these guidelines.

These guidelines outline the broad approach which the Trustees adopt in responding to requests to plant memorial trees and/or to site memorial benches on Bowden Common. They respond to the main questions which potential sponsors are likely to ask.

3 Memorial Trees

a) Is it possible to plant a memorial tree on Bowden Common and, if so, where can memorial trees be planted?

In principle, it is possible to plant a memorial tree on Bowden Common. When a request is submitted, it is considered by the Trustees of the Common.

Decisions as to where a memorial tree may be planted are based on the following criteria:

  • the proposed site for a memorial tree is identified in the current Management Plan for Bowden Common as one where new planting is needed.


  • there is agreement that identified existing trees need replacing because, for example, they are diseased or damaged.

Note also that:

  • as a general rule, the planting of single trees in open areas, where they would alter the visual aspect of the Common, is not favoured.

b) What kinds of trees may be planted?

Scottish Borders Council guidance in respect of trees at their woodland burial sites is that memorial trees should be chosen from a list of native trees. A similar policy is adopted in respect of tree planting on Bowden Common. Trees of an age and size likely to present transportation and/or maintenance problems are not approved for planting.

A complete list of trees likely to be approved by the Trustees is given in Appendix 1 to these guidelines, together with recommendations about the suitable stock types to purchase.

c) Who takes responsibility for the costs of purchasing, planting and maintenance of memorial trees?

Responsibility for purchase of the tree (also stakes and ties) rests with the sponsor. However, a memorial tree should only be purchased once permission has been obtained for the tree to be planted. In other words, details of the selected tree, its planting site and the timing of the planting should all have been agreed by both the sponsor and the Trustees prior to purchase.

Furthermore, the Trustees request that trees are purchased from a reputable supplier. As appropriate, the Trustees can provide advice on this matter.

A representative of the Trustees can assist with the planting of the tree. Please note that no additional planting of flowers, or placing or other memorabilia around the tree, is permitted. The Trustees reserve the right to remove any such additional planting and memorabilia.

With regard to maintenance, memorial trees are managed in the same way as all other trees on the Common.

d) When can a memorial tree be planted?

Memorial trees are to be planted during the tree-planting season, normally the winter months, between November and February.

An exception to this general rule is if someone requests a cell-grown transplant. The season may then be extended to begin in September and to continue until late May.

e) Are memorial plaques permitted?

Plaques relating to memorial trees are not permitted.

4 Memorial benches

The provision and upkeep of a variety of seating is important for maintaining the accessibility of Bowden Common for the benefit of the whole village.

a) Where can new seating be placed?

The following criteria guide decisions about the siting of new memorial benches:

  • a first priority is the provision of seating where little currently exists, for example, along newly-opened and/or newly-restored paths.
  • a second priority is the replacement of existing seating which has fallen into disrepair.

b) What kind of seating is suitable?

The style and material of the seating should be appropriate for the tranquil, rural setting of Bowden Common and be able to withstand prevailing weather conditions. Thus:

  • the seating should be of a durable, hardwood material.
  • the size and design of the seating should not be visually obtrusive.
  • on some sites, the provision of single, perch seats is appropriate.

It is suggested that sponsors wishing to place a memorial bench on Bowden Common enclose a picture of the proposed seating with their application.

c) Are memorial plaques permitted?

Memorial plaques are present on many existing benches. Small, appropriately-designed plaques continue to be permitted on new seating on the section of the Common nearer to the village. No plaques are permitted on seating placed on the part of the Common which extends beyond the red road.

Please note that, as existing seating falls into disrepair, the Trustees cannot guarantee transfer of existing memorial plaques onto new seating.

d) Maintenance and repair

The Trustees are responsible for the maintenance and repair of benches and other seating on Bowden Common.

5 Making a request

Someone seeking to place a memorial tree or bench on the Common should, in the first instance, complete a short application form. A sample is in Appendix 2 of these guidelines. Copies of the form are available from the Secretary of Bowden Village Committee.

6 The decision-making process

At least three Trustees are involved in considering, and reaching a majority decision on, requests to plant a tree or place a bench on the Common. Their decisions must conform to the guidelines set out here.

Applicants receive written confirmation of the decision taken and, when an application is not approved, a brief explanation is given. The decision-making process is timed around the normal schedule of Trustee meetings. A decision will normally be made within 6-8 weeks but, during holiday periods, may take up to three calendar months.

7 Conflict of interest issues

If one of the Trustees of the Common wishes to site a memorial tree or bench on Bowden Common, or is a member or close friend of a family making such a request, they will exclude themselves from the decision-making process.

Appendix 1

The trees listed below are those which are native to the UK and are suitable for growing around Bowden.

Acer campestrefield maple

Alnusglutinosacommon alder

Betula pendulasilver birch

Betulapubescensdowny birch



Malus sylvestriscrab apple


Prunusaviumgean/wild cherry

Prunusaviumbird cherry

Quercuspetreasessile oak

Quercusroburpedunculate oak

Sorbus ariawhitebeam


Trees should be young stock grown without pruning to fit with the naturalness of the site. Suitable stock types to purchase are:-

  • Maidens – one year old stems (fruit trees generally).
  • Whips/transplants – unpruned trees generally 30cm—120cm height.
  • Feathered whips – unpruned trees usually with side branches generally 1-5-1.8m height.

Stock of these types establish and grow better, are cheaper to buy and easier to stake and protect if required.

Standard and ½ standard trees are not appropriate for the common ie trees which have been pruned to create clean stems up to a height of 1.5m (1/2 std) and 1.8m (full std).

Appendix 2


Before completing this form, please read the guidelines relating to memorial trees and benches on Bowden Common.

1 Applicant's name and contact details

Name ......



Telephone number and/or e mail address ......


2 Details of request

i) Memorial tree

I wish to plant a memorial tree on Bowden Common inmemory

of ......

My preferred choice of tree from the approved list is ......


If you would like to consult a representative of the Trustees before choosing a tree

from the approved list, please state that here ......

ii) Memorial bench

I wish to place a memorial bench on Bowden Common in memory of


I attach a picture of my choice of bench/seat......


If you would like to consult a representative of the Trustees before making a choice of bench/seat, please state that here.


Only complete the following if requesting to place a bench/seat on the part of the Common nearer to the village.

I should like to place a small memorial plaque on the bench/seat. My proposed wording

is ......

The dimensions of the proposed plaque are......

Signature of applicant: ......

Date: ......

Please return your completed form to:

Secretary of Bowden Village Committee @ or Andrea Beavon, 1 Cotland Cottages, Bowden, TD6 0SW

Bowden Village CommitteeDecember 2016