Boundary Oak School

Boarding House

Parents’ Handbook


Please help us to update and improve this handbook. If any information is not included that you feel would be useful or if there are details that are inaccurate, do let the houseparents know.




Statement of Boarding Aims

Dear Parents,

Who can help?

The Boarders

Evening Duty Staff

What can you do?



Other Resident Members of Staff

Boarding Assistants

Staff Meetings

Boarders Meetings


Beginning of Term Routine

Beginning of week routine

Boarders’ Daily Routine

Boarders’ Daily Routine Explained in Detail

7.00a.m.Wake Up

7.30a.m.ready for breakfast



3.30p.m.School day ends for Pre-prep

4.00p.m.Lessons end (yR 4-8)

4.40p.m.Lessons end (yr 9-11)

4.30p.m.Clubs and After School Club

5.30p.m.Big Tea

6.15p.m.HOMEWORK/FREE TIME/music practice/phone CALLS FROM home/TECH TIME/TUCK/ FILM NIGHT……………………………………………………………..11

7.30p.m. to 9.30p.m.Boarders bedtime routine


Parental Contact


Mail Out:

School Calendar:

Medication / Illness/ GP Registration




Visits to the school


Tablets and Mobile Phones

Activities and Trips

Fire Procedure

Other Documents


Boarding House Rules


Headmaster Mr James PolanskyQuo Vadis Education, CEO Aaron Stewart


Boundary Oak School

Roche Court

Wickham Road


PO17 5BL.

TELEPHONE School Office (office hours) 01329 280955

E-MAIL (Main Office)

(House Parent)


(Financial administrator)

COMMUNICATIONThe school’s weekly newsletter is emailed home each Friday, plus any other letters about events, matches, concerts etc. Mrs Plumpton will e-mail you directly with updates and any information that you may need in general and particular to your child.


This is found in your Parent Portal which can be accessed viathe school website

HOUSEPARENTSMrs Carol Plumpton


Mr Joe Davis, Mrs Bird,

AssistantsMr Julian Speirs

Telephone07767162986 – Boarding House Mobile(evenings only from 7pm)

01329 820378 – Houseparent’s landline

01329 281063 – Boarders’ telephone (evenings only from 7pm)

01329 280955 – The main school office (office hours)

TelephoneThe Main School office is contactable during day work hours, any other times, please contact the Houseparent.


Parents are asked to inform us immediately of any change of address, telephone number or e-mail address, so that our records can be kept as up to date as possible. This is of the utmost importance in case of emergency.


Boundary Oak School has a full time boarding house that caters for boys and girls from Year 3 to Year 10sevendays a week, during term time. We also accommodateweekly and ‘Flexi’ boarders, subject to availability. These are children who come and stay with us during the weekandthose that stay on an‘as and when’ basis, although it can be a regular day throughout the term. Parents are requested to inform the office one week before their child comes for ‘Flexi’ boarding. There is a resident Houseparent with Gap Students in the main building , other resident boarding staff are on site but not in the main building .

Statement of Boarding Aims

  • To safeguard and promote each child’s welfare.
  • To reflect the Mission Statement of the School and its caring ethos: to provide an environment that will give each child the fullest opportunity for growth – spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, culturally and physically.
  • To provide children with comfortable accommodation in which they can relax
  • To encourage the children to show respect and consideration for others and their belongings.
  • To nurture good manners, common sense and an increasing degree of independence
  • To treat the children as members of the Boundary Oak Family and to ensure a happy, balanced and constructive school life.
  • To provide a structured evening programme which balances prep (homework), recreational time and educational activities.

Dear Parents,

Your son/daughter is entering a new world, and at first many things may feel strange. There will be plenty of opportunities for work, games, music and leisure, but inevitably there’ll be some anxiety about the enormity of this new venture. Soon, however, the routines become familiar and so do the faces; the weeks roll by and before you realise it, your child is busy, happy and full of things to tell you at the weekend.

Who can help?

The Boarders

The Boarders are very supportive of each other and as a new Boarder, your child will have a “buddy” for the first few weeks - a friend who knows how everything works and who wherever possible will be in the same class as your child. The buddy’s job is to make sure your child never feels lost, confused or left out. Your son/daughter will also have the support of a Boarding Prefect (someone in Year 8 to Year 10) who can lend a sympathetic ear and give sensible advice. They will have been chosen on the strength of their experience and approachability.

Evening / Weekend Duty Staff

Mrs Plumpton has overall responsibility as the Houseparent. We have several other boarding staff members that live on site and carry out duties during the week. We also have Gap Studentswho help with all the games, activities and duties.

What can you do?

There may be times when your son/daughter gets upset. He/She might ring you and tell you that everything is awful. This kind of situation can be a real wrench for some parents. The initial feelings of homesickness are common. Within a week they usually pass and soon your child will have made new friends and adjusted to the pattern of the Boarding House. If possible we would request that parents do not contact their child within the first week as experience has shown that this is the quickest way for children to adapt. However please do not hesitate to contact us at once if you have any concerns.

We very much look forward to getting to know you and your child.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Plumpton



Mrs Plumpton (Mrs ‘P’) is the Houseparent. She lives in the boarding house in a self contained flat and is also the school Matron. She is responsible for first aid during the day, evenings and during the night.

All boarding staff undertake regular safeguarding training and have qualifications at level 1 in Safeguarding.

Other Resident Members of Staff

Mr Davis is Head of Sport and also Year 6 form teacher. Mrs Bird is aYear 5 teacher and also has several years’ experience in Boarding schools. Mr Speirs teaches Humanities and Games. Staff work on a rotabasis to care for your child.

Boarding Assistants

Every year we have Gap Students who come and work at the school. These students are vital to the ‘family feel’ of the boarding house. They can often bridge the age gap between the staff and the children. Gap students (or “Gappies”) work throughout the school giving them a broad spectrum of experiences. They assist the staff on their morning, evening and weekend duties, helping with activities, mealtimes, snack and bedtime routines.

Staff Meetings

Each week the boarding staff meet to discuss any issues connected to the Boarding House. All meetings are minuted and a record kept. Mrs Plumpton regularly meets with the Head, Mr Polansky, to discuss boarding matters.

Boarders Meetings

Once a week there is a Boarders’ meeting with the Houseparent. This is an opportunity for all boarders to discuss any matters they wish to bring up. In addition, boarding staff also take the time to regularly talk to the boarders individually and in small dorm groups to ensure that all the children have the opportunity to share their ideas, suggestions and/or any concerns.We also have a suggestion box where boarders can write suggestions anonymously if they wish.The box is opened at the meetings and suggestions read out. We also review the weekly Rewards and Debits and announce who is the boarder of the week and which Dorm is Dorm of the week.


Beginning of Term Routine

Boarders have the option to arrive at school on the evening before school starts, between 5.30pm and 7.00pm, or on the morning it starts, in time for breakfast at 7.40 am. If they arrive in the evening please ensure they have been well fed. Their luggage may be brought to school on the eve of the first day of term, or on the first day itself. Help will be on hand to take luggage upstairs.

Internationals may arrive anytime after 4pm to accommodate different flight arrivals and will be provided with sandwiches and refreshments.

Beginning of week routine

At the beginning of every week boarders return on Sunday evening(at6.30pm) or Monday morning.

Boarders’ Daily Routine

You will notice that various aspects of the routine differ according to age group. This is how the age groups are organised:

7.00a.m.Wake up, Dressing, Bed Making

7.30a.m.Meet up for breakfast in common room.


8.30a.m. Registration - School Day Begins/ First Aid administered if required.

3.30p.mSchool day finishes for Pre-Prep children (Year 3 and under). Boarders go to After School Club or other Clubs.

4.00p.m.Lessons finish for Year 4 - 8 children. They go to the Astro and play until 4.30pm. During this time they have a small snack.

4.30p.m.Year 4 -10 go to co-curricular Clubs.
5.30p.m.All Clubs end. All children to dining room for ‘Big Tea’ (cooked meal)

6.15p.m.Big Tea ends. Children upstairs to change to non-uniform, then to allocated quiet areas for Prep (Homework) to begin.

Years / Prep / Tech/Phone home / Up to bed / shower / Lights Out
3,4,5 / 6.30 – 7.00 pm / 7.00 – 7.30 pm / 7.30 pm / 8.00 pm
6, 7 / 6.30 – 7.30 pm / 7.30 – 8.00 pm / 8.00 pm / 8.30 pm
8, 9 / 6.30 – 8.00 pm / 8.00 – 8.30 pm / 8.30 pm / 9.00 pm
10 / 6.30 – 8.30 pm (flexible) / 8.30 – 9.00 pm / 9.00 pm / 9.30 pm

One evening a week will have a 30 minute Boarders meeting and one evening a week will be dedicated to music practice subject to completion of Prep. Seniors can practice music any evening as long as Prep is completed.

Boarders’ Daily Routine Explained in Detail

7.00a.m.Wake Up

The members of staff on duty wake up the children.The children dress, make their beds and tidy up their things. It’s important that the boarders are efficient at this time so a member of staff is on hand to give the children a helping hand. When the children are dressed the member of staff will check their bed area for tidiness and ensure that all laundry that needs washing that day is placed in the basket. Each dorm operates a rota of ‘laundry duty’ whereby a designated child will take the dirty linen down to the laundry house.

7.30a.m.ready for breakfast

Everybody meets up in the common room ready for school. Children should be properly dressed for school. Clean uniform, hair brushed and shoes cleaned. Boarders on laundry duty go first to the Laundry House. They must make sure that they have what is needed for school including sports kit. They are not allowed up into the dormitories during the day without permission. If they need to, they must sign in at the Office. The duty staff will check they are ready for school and their dorm is clean and tidy.


Duty staff and Gap students supervise the breakfast. Other day children will join the boarders at this meal as the school operates a ‘Breakfast Club’ open to the rest of the school.

Juice, and a variety of cereals for the first course are served, followed by a cooked breakfast. This differs from day to day. You can view the following week’s menu at the end of the weekly newsletter which is emailed home every Friday evening.

At 8.10 a.m., the children clear away and wipe the tables.


Prep Department children go to registration. Pre-prep Children are accompanied up to school by the duty staff.

This is the time when boarders can visit Mrs Plumpton in the office to take any regular medicine or vitamins. They can also see Mrs Plumpton, if necessary, during the day if they feel unwell or unhappy.

3.30p.m.School day ends for Pre-prep

For Year 3 boarders the school day ends 30 minutes earlier than the Prep Department. After school the Year 3 boarders go to the After School Club or to a club. Thereafter and until 5.30pm they go to after school club where a member of staff will supervise them.

4.00p.m.Year 4 to Year 8 end of school.

They go to the Astro and play until 4.30. During this time they have a small snack.

4.30p.m.Prep ClubS and After School Club

All children will go to their chosen co-curricular club.

5.30p.m.Big Tea

All boarders to line up at the dining room for the main evening meal called ‘Big Tea’. Children clear away their tables at the end.

6.15p.m.PREP (homework/free time/music practice)

See above timetable for the timing of each.

PREP: Children complete their homework according to their dedicated homework timetable in the Widley Block classrooms under supervision and with adult support where required.

TECH/CALL HOMEPlease see timetable above for good times for the boarders to make a phone call home. Parents can ring the Boarders phone to speak to their children on 01329 281063 or the Boarders’ mobile on 07767162986 after 7pm. In case of an emergency they can call the school office until 6pm otherwise they can call the boarding emergency phone between 6.30-7.00pm on 07487508238. Children can have quiet time on their own tech equipment, use the ICT suite, read quietly, play games or use the facilities in the Boarder’s Common Room.

Tuck (sweets):

The boarders eat their tuck on onenight per week chosen at Boarders’ meeting.On a Saturday or Sunday there will be a Movie Night at which they are also allowed their tuck.

The school operates a strict anti-nut policy due to some of our pupils being allergic to them. Please ensure that any sweets and cakes brought into school do not contain nuts or traces of them.

Film Night:

The Prep children’s film will be age appropriate and is shown in either or both Common Rooms on a Saturday or Sunday night.

7.30p.m. to 9.30p.m.Boarders bedtime routine /surgery

  • All boarders get the clothing they need for the following day from the laundry room and a laundry bag for their dorm. This is done each evening as the girl boarders are not allowed in here until the morning due to having to cross paths with the boys and their showering routine.
  • All boarders take a shower and wash hair – towels must be hung back up in the showers.
  • The boarders areable to see Mrs Plumpton at this point if they need to regarding any medication or first aid.
  • Depending on how quickly they have got ready, the boarders may have 5 or 10 minutes of quiet play/reading in their dormitory.
  • At 7:30pm the 1st bed group (years 3,4 and 5) shower and get ready for bed. Lights out 8pm.
  • At 8.00pm the 2nd bed group (years 6 and 7) shower and get ready for bed. Lights out at 8.30pm.
  • At 8.30pm the 3rd bed group (year 8 and 9) shower and get ready for bed. Lights out at
  • At 9.00pm the 4th bed group (year 10 upwards) shower and get ready for bed. Lights out at

Occasionally, pupils decide to go to bed early after a particularly busy day. The Boarders’ Common Room is the communal room, but boarders are also allowed to use the IT Room and the Library. If children show signs of being particularly tired, bed times may be brought forward.

Occasionally, five to ten minutes quiet “talk time” will be allowed after lights out.


Parental Contact

Parents are very welcome to contact the Houseparent about any boarding matter and may telephone anytime on the School telephone number (01329 280955)or email . Alternatively, they can call the member of staff on duty on 07767162986.

There is also a dedicated boarding emergency phone on 07487508238for use after the school office has closed and before the boarding phone is available at 7pm.

Parents should not hesitate to contact the school if any small problem or query arises, as it is important that problems are not allowed to develop.

Home/School Communication

Experience shows that often the greater the contact between parents and their boarding children by phone, particularly when they are new to boarding, the more upsetting this can be for your child. We would ask you to phone as little as possible and also to discourage your child from phoning. However:

1. To comply with the Children Act 1989, there is a telephone available to pupils "at all times" in the office.

2. If parents wish to speak to their children by phone, please call the Boarders phone on 01329 281063. The best time to ring is between 7.00pm and 9.00pm, see table above for individual Year group times. You can also e-mail: