Exhibit Hall - Includes 10 Tables/80 Chairs
Renters responsible for reading meter in winter months. Deposit held until reading is furnished. Turn thermostat to 50 upon leaving facility. Use only nailer strips and hooks to hang displays.
Memorial Hall/Kitchen - Includes 4 Tables/25 chairs
Heat included in rental fee. Turn thermostat to 50 when leaving. / $40 / $100
Valley Event Center(Dining Hall & Kitchen) - Includes 245’ round tables160 Chairs. Use only hooks to hang displays. Turn thermostat to 50 upon leaving facility. Heat included in rental fee. DO NOT NAIL/SCREW/STAPLE INTO THE WALLS/CEILINGS / $120 / $100
Certified Kitchen / $75
$250/week / $150
Additional Tables/Chairs, on or off-site / $1/Chair
$5/Table / $100
Indoor Arena - *Commercial/gate admission
With alcoholic beverage & appropriate state liquor permit / $100
$200 / $400
Indoor Arena - **Community event
With alcoholic beverage & appropriate state liquor permit / $50
$200 / $500
Move In/Move Out- Buildings and Indoor Arena / $25 / ---
Outdoor Arena - *Commercial/gate admission
With alcoholic beverage & appropriate state liquor permit / $450
$550 / $400
Outdoor Arena - **Community Event
With alcoholic beverage & appropriate state liquor permit / $350
$450 / $300
Move In/Move Out- Outdoor Arena / $50
$25 extra days / ---
Vendors with each event - Event promoter responsible for collecting booth fees/$1,000,000 liability insurance and furnishing to Fair Office prior to each event / $35 / ----
Equine Boarding Facility - Includes electric/water/camping in summer months / $35 stall
$200/barn / $100/entire barn
Horse Barn - ( 20 stalls) / $15 stall
$100/barn / $100/entire barn
Display Cases - 4 glass enclosed/locked / $25 / $50
Platforms - (7) 8’ square platforms.Platforms stored in livestock barns. If renter places and removes platforms there is no additional charge, if personnel move there is an additional $25 per move fee. / $25 / $50
PA System, wireless or portable – Includes all mics/stands / $40 / $200
BBQ, Uses wood or briquettes, 2” ball. Proof of car liability insurance is required prior to towing off-grounds / $25 / $50
Upright cooler – For use with Memorial/Exhibit Hall rent only / $25 / $50

*Commercial Event is one where there is a gate admission and/or proceeds taken from the event with the exception of 4H, FFA and Boundary County Fair Board.

**Community Event is one where there is no gate admission and no proceeds taken from the event.

All buildings, grounds and equipment are to be left in the same or better condition as when rented. Notify the office before occupying or as soon after as possible if there is a problem or burned out lights.

All rentals and deposits shall be paid in advance of rentals and before keys will be issued. Deposits will be returned after the next scheduled Fair Board Meeting if deemed by fair personnel that the property was left in satisfactory condition. If maintenance/repair is needed to restore premises or equipment to original condition you will be contacted by administration before additional cleaning/repair is done to review the condition of the facilities/equipment. If personnel time is then required because no meeting was established between the two parties, a fee of $25/hr, with a minimum of $50, will be assessed for cleaning or the difference between a new purchase price and withheld deposit for replacement of damaged equipment will be assessed.

Cleaning and paper supplies are located in all facilities. All facilities shall be maintained with:

Proper sweeping/mopping of all floors

Cleaning all restroom and kitchen fixtures

Emptying trash cans into the dumpster and replacing liners

Removing all posters and decorating supplies brought into the halls/ticket booths/grandstands

Removing soiled shavings from barns into the designated area

Picking up all garbage and cigarette/cigar butts from the outside grounds

Thank you for your cooperation and keeping our fair grounds clean!

Boundary County Fair Board

Effective 6/1/12/Rev 2/5/2018

Per Commissioners, Memorial Hall Deposit increased