10th Grade War and Its Effects
Essential Questions for this Unit:
1. Is war necessary? Inevitable?
2. What causes wars?
3. How does war affect people differently? What common issues affect everyone the same?
4. Is there an end to a war? Is it the only resolution?
Short Stories/Epics
“Leaving Manzanar”
“By the Water of Babylon”
“The Lottery”
“There Will Come Soft Rains”
Eli Wiesel Nobel Peace Prize Speech
“On Nuclear Disarmament” pg. 652 Carl Sagon
Letter to Sullivan
“Second Inaugural Address” Abraham Lincoln
“Gettysburg Address” Abraham Lincoln
“Presidential Proclamation,” September 12, 2001 George W. Bush
“Guantanamo Bay Naval Base” The New York Times
“To Save American Lives from Ruthless Terrorists: More Waterboarding, Please.”
“Abu Ghraib Tactics Were First Used at Guantanamo” Washington Post
“Statement on the Atomic Bomb” Harry S. Truman 1945
“Testimony Before the Special Senate Committee on Atomic Energy” Philip Morrison 1945
“An Account of a Late Military Massacre” 1770 Paul Revere
“Affidavit Given At Nuremberg” 1946 Rudolf Hess
“Request for a Declaration of War” 1941 Franklin D. Roosevelt
Articles about recent world events
“Do not Weep, maiden, for War is Kind”
“Lady Freedom”
“Memorial Day for the Dead”
“From a German War Primer”
“Letter to a Young Refugee”
Julius Caesar
Ender’s Game
Lord of the Flies
Writing Goals
The teacher will use instructional materials that emphasize the following information:
- Achieving focus, addressing audience & achieving purpose
- Narrative- Letter to Sullivan, personal response in final paper
- Information Research- World Leader’s Project and final civilization research paper
- Argument- Literary analysis in final paper
August 18-22
Day / Objective / Class / Homework / StandardMonday / First DAY! / Bring Back Paperwork signed!
Tuesday / Students will analyze nonfiction and the Soapstone Method. / Introduction to War Unit, nonfiction and soapstone
Read Sullivan / W.9-10.3
Wednesday / Students will analyze war letters written from multiple perspectives. / Read other War Letters / Refugee Letter due Friday / W.9-10.3
Thursday / Students will write war letters from multiple perspectives. / Group writing activities / W.9-10.3
Friday / Students will write a letter from the perspective of Sarah Sullivan. / Write Sarah Sullivan Letter / RD of Sarah Sullivan Letter due Monday / W.9-10.3
August 25- 29
Day / Class / Homework / StandardMonday / RD Letter due
Peer Revise and Type Sarah letters / W.9-10.3
Tuesday / RD Letter due
Peer Revise and Type Sarah letters
Begin Ender’s Game TEACH BACKGROUND and read Chapter One / Read Enders Game 2&3
Wednesday / Enders Game Ch. 4 / Enders GameCh. 5 / RL. 9-10.2
Thursday / Ender’s Game Chapter 1-5 Quiz
Enders Game Chapter. 6 / Enders Game Chapter. 7 / RL.9-10.3
Friday / Start World Leader Research / Enders Game Chapter. 8 / SL.9-10.2
September 1-5
Day / Class / Homework / StandardMonday / No School Labor Day
Tuesday / Common Core Test Practice
Discuss Ender / Enders Game Chapter. 9
Wednesday / World Leader Research / Finish Chapter 9
Thursday / Enders Recap
TPCASTT Read “Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind”
Pg. 481
1, 3, 4, 6, and 7 / Pg. 481
1, 3, 4, 6, and 7
Read Chapter 10 / RL.9-10.9
Friday / Ender’s Game 1-9 Quiz
Pg. 602- How do we treat humans as a whole?
Pg. 652 On Nuclear Disarmament- discuss persuasive writing and tie into speech by Carl Sagon= graphic organizer with use of evidence and how they support argument / Pg. 660 4, 5, 6, and 7
Look @ chart on pg. 663 / RL.9-10.9
September 9-13
Day / Class / Homework / StandardMonday / Chapter 10
Read articles on torture techniques / Chapter 11 / RL.9-10.9
Tuesday / Chapter 12 / Finish
Chapter 12
Wednesday / Chapters 10-12 Quiz
Chapter 13
Thursday / Chapter 14 / RL.9-10.10
Friday / Read Enders Game 253-273 / Finish the Book / RL.9-10.10
September 16-20
Day / Class / Homework / StandardMonday / Review Ender’s Game
Tuesday / Enders Game Test
Wednesday / TPCASST “The Fall of Rome” and “War Music”
And “Sonnet-Ballad” / RL.9-10.9
Thursday / RL.9-10.9
Friday / “WAR” Game
September 23-27
Day / Class / Homework / StandardMonday / Label a map of the Roman Empire
Tuesday / Introduction to Rome and Julius Caesar / RL.9-10.10
Wednesday / Pg. 1158 Define and look at Oedipus
Pg. 1184 When does ambition lead to tragedy?
Pg. 1190-1191 Brutus as a tragic hero
Pg. 1194 reading for foreshadowing
Pg. 1198 Can your Conscience mislead you? / RI.9-10.4
Thursday / Summarize JC Act 1.1
Read 1.2 and 1.3
Analysis of Cassius speech and the character of Brutus / SL.9-10.3
Friday / JC Act 2.1 – pg. 1227 / RL.9-10.10
September 30- October 4
Monday / Act 1 and 2 packet dueAct 1 &2 Quiz
JC Act 3.1 / RL.9-10.10
Tuesday / JC Act 3.2 / RL.9-10.10
Wednesday / Act 3 Packet due
Act 3 Quiz
JC Act 4.3 / RL.9-10.10
Thursday / SUB
Friday / JC Act 5.1 and 5.4 / Study and work on projects / RL.9-10.10
October 11-18
Day / Class / Homework / StandardMonday / Julius Caesar
Tuesday / Julius Caesar Review
Wednesday / Julius Caesar Test
Thursday / Work Day / Projects Due
Friday / Julius Caesar Projects due
October 21-24
Day / Class / Homework / StandardMonday / Antigone Background / RL.9-10.10
Tuesday / Antigone BACKGROUND / W9-10.8
Wednesday / Students choose a post-apocalyptic novel of their choice. / RL.9-10.10
Thursday / Read book / RL.9-10.10
Friday / Read Book / RL.9-10.10
October 28- November 1
Day / Class / Homework / StandardMonday / Antigone- Prologue – motif treachery and loyalty / READ BOOK and work on project / RL.9-10.10
Tuesday / Read Scene 1 and ode 1 / W.9-10.8
Wednesday / Read Scene 2 / RL.9-10.10
Thursday / Read Antigone Scene 3 / RL.9-10.10
Friday / Read Book / RL.9-10.10
November 4- 8
Day / Class / Homework / StandardMonday / Substitute- Read Book / READ BOOK AND WORK ON PROJECT / RL.9-10.10
Tuesday / Antigone Scene 4
Wednesday / Antigone / RL.9-10.10
Thursday / Read Book / RL.9-10.10
Friday / Novel Test
November 11- 15
Day / Class / Homework / StandardMonday / Antigone / RL.9-10.10
Tuesday / Antigone Jeopardy
Antigone Project Due / STUDY / W.9-10.8
Wednesday / Antigone Final Test / RL.9-10.10
Thursday / Class Projects- Build a Civilization / PROJECT / RL.9-10.10
Friday / Class Projects- Build a Civilization / PROJECT / RL.9-10.10
November 18-22
Day / Class / Homework / StandardMonday / Class Projects- Build a Civilization / PROJECT / RL.9-10.10
Tuesday / Civilization Projects Due
ElieWeisel’s Nobel Peace Prize Speech / W.9-10.8
Night / RL.9-10.10
Thursday / Night / RL.9-10.10
Friday / Night / RL.9-10.10
November 25-29
Day / Class / Homework / StandardMonday / Night / RL.9-10.10
Tuesday / Night / FINISH Night / W.9-10.8
Wednesday- Friday / Thanksgiving Break
December 2-6
Day / Class / Homework / StandardMonday / Night Jeopardy / RL.9-10.10
Tuesday / Night FINAL / W.9-10.8
Wednesday / RESEARCH
Thursday / RESEARCH
December 9-13
Day / Class / Homework / StandardMonday / TRANSITIONS / RL.9-10.10
Tuesday / LITERARY ANALYSIS- / W.9-10.8
December 16-20
Day / Class / Homework / StandardMonday / PAPER / FINISH PAPER AND STUDY FOR FINAL / RL.9-10.10
Tuesday / PAPER / W.9-10.8
Wednesday / RL.9-10.10
Thursday / RL.9-10.10
Friday / FINAL PAPER DUE / RL.9-10.10