18 FEBRUARY 2010

The Meeting commenced at 7pm and concluded at 11:16pm


Councillor, the Reverend Meachin (Mayor)

Councillor Mrs Lavender (Deputy Mayor)

Councillor Bulteel (Sheriff)

Councillors Adams, Allen, Ms Atkinson, Brooke, Brown (from 7:25pm), Burden, Mrs Butt, Chandler, Clements, Collier, Curtis, Mrs Dion, Eades, Mrs Evans, Gillard, Mrs Haines, Leverett, Mrs Long, Maiden, Mason, Mrs Moore, Parker, Plummer, Rampton, Mrs Rampton, Sorton, Mrs Stribley, Trent, Mrs Walton, White, Wilkins, Wilson and Woodcock

Members of the public present at the Meeting: approximately 12

Members of the Standards Committee: 1


Prayers were said.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs Deas, Martin, Montrose, Matthews and Miss Wilson and from Councillor Brown for late arrival.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the last Meetings of the Council, held on 15th December 2009, 14th January and 11th February 2010, having been previously circulated, be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Mayor as correct records subject to the following amendments:-

15th December 2009 Extraordinary Meeting

Minute No.C84.09 - Conferring Freedom of the Borough on “The Rifles”: Report of the Leader of the Council and Chairman of Cabinet

Page 2, second paragraph, 3rd line – delete “wanted”, insert “invited” to read “invited him to address the Council …”.

Council Meeting 15th December 2009

Subject to the deletion of duplication of Councillor Bulteel’s name in the list of Members present.

11th February 2010 State of the Area Debate Council

Subject to the addition of Councillor Allen’s name in the list of Members apologising.


Councillors Mrs Evans, Bulteel, Wilson and Wilkins all declared prejudicial interests in Agenda item 8 and 9 as Directors and Board Members of Poole Housing Partnership Limited (PHP), in the following items: The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Rent Setting and Budget 2010/11 and Poole Housing Partnership (PHP) Annual Delivery Plan 2010/11.

Councillor Trent declared a personal interest in the above items relating to Poole Housing Partnership and Rent Setting as a tenant of Poole Housing Partnership Ltd.

Councillors Allen, Bulteel and Gregory declared personal interests in Agenda item 10, Medium Term Financial Plan 2010-2013 (including Budget and Council Tax 2010-2011) as Members of Dorset Fire Authority.

Councillors Mrs Moore, Brooke and Wilson all declared personal interests in Agenda item 14, Building Schools for the Future Procurement Strategy as School Governors.

Councillor Mason declared a personal interest in Agenda item 8, Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Rent Setting and Budget 2010/11 as the Council’s representative on Ragland Housing Association.

Councillor Adams declared a personal interest in Question 6 to Council relating to Local Authority benefits as a family member was a claimant.

Councillor Bulteel declared a prejudicial interest in Agenda item 11,” The Borough of Poole Gambling Act 2005 Draft Statement of Principles” as his wife and daughter were employed in the Gaming Industry.


The Mayor referred Members to his Communications tabled that evening and listing details of engagements he and the Civic Party had attended since the last Council Meetings.

The Mayor was particularly pleased to introduce and welcome to the Meeting the recently elected Members of Poole Youth Parliament: Vicky Olive, the Member of the Youth Parliament for Poole and her Deputy, Elizabeth Harker. The Council joined in congratulating the young people on their success in the elections.

The Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People, Councillor Woodcock, praised the young people for their involvement in the Youth Parliament and for their contribution generally to the life of the Town, referring to the success of the Shadow Board of the Children’s Trust Board and how it helped in understanding what young people wanted to see in the Town. He congratulated the young people on their campaign to reduce fares for young people on Wilts and Dorset Buses as previously they had had to pay full fare before 9am. The successful campaign had resulted in half price fares before 9:00am for those eligible.

Councillor Mrs Moore congratulated the young people on the wealth of ideas and suggestions for improving services for young people. She particularly welcomed the contribution of young people at the State of the Area Debate.

The Mayor invited Vicky and Elizabeth to address the Meeting.

Vicky explained that she had an interest in politics from the age of 8 and that she favoured a “hands on” approach. She was an active member of the Poole Youth Forum and would relish the opportunities she had been given to influence the agenda in her role as Youth Member of Parliament for Poole. She commented that she felt there was no point just talking about issues, action was required to resolve issues.

(Councillor Brown joined the Meeting at 7:25pm).

Liz addressed the Meeting, explaining that the Youth Forum gave young people a voice and that she had got involved in youth politics as she wanted to make a change and a difference to the lives of young people.


(a)From Members of the public

No petitions had been received.

(b)From Members

No petitions had been received.


No questions had been received.


Note: Councillors Bulteel, Mrs Evans, Wilkins and Wilson left the Meeting prior to discussion and voting on this item, having declared a prejudicial interest as Directors of and Members of Poole Housing Partnership Limited (PHP) Board.

Note: Councillor Ms Atkinson declared a personal interest in this item as she rented a Council owned garage from Poole Housing Partnership Limited.

Councillor Ms Atkinson introduced this Report, explaining that the revised report circulated to all Councillors on 17th February 2010 had been prepared on the basis of the final Government Subsidy Determination received on 3rd February 2010.

She reminded Council that the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) was a separate, ring-fenced account, recording the incoming expenditure associated with the Council’s landlord function in respect of the Council’s housing. The Account did not impact on the wider, general fund budget setting, nor the level of Council Tax. Councillor Ms Atkinson explained that the rent for each individual property was set by determining a target rent (the formula) for each property, which took account of both property value, number of bedrooms and the County average earnings compared to the National average. A phased move from 2001 to actual formula rent in ten steps had commenced in 2002/3 and should have been completed in 2011/12. Changes in Government Policy in 2009/10 had meant that now convergence for 2010 rents would be in 2023/24. The main part of the rent calculation was the Retail Price Index (RPI) for each September. It was likely that for 2011/12 the convergence date would be 2016/17, making rent calculations extremely complex. Initial measures used for setting Local Authority rent increases was the Retail Price Index plus 0.5%. The RPI value used was that for September, which, in 2009 was minus 1.4%. For forecasts in future years, the RPI of 2.5% for 2011/12 and 3.5% thereafter had been used. The overall impact in rent restructuring meant that the rent increase for 2010/11 would be on average, 1.93%.

She referred to the revised Appendix F to the Report dated 18th February 2010 and circulated to all Members, giving the latest consultation results and proposals and communal heating and lighting. Heating and lighting charges had been the subject of a review since 2009/10 when, in setting those charges it became evident that the charging mechanism needed to be reviewed because only tenants provided with hearing via the District Housing System (community heating and hot water supplies) contributed. It was also established that a significant number of other tenants benefitted from light power or communal heating facilities but did not receive district heating and so did not currently contribute towards those utility costs.

In addition, the Housing Revenue Account had been meeting the costs of communal heating and lighting that should be met by those residents living in the blocks that received the Service.

It was proposed to break the current heating charge into two separate charges:

  • An individual heating charge for those in district heating systems; and
  • A communal utility charge for all tenants who benefited from communal facilities, whether in the District Heating System or not.

She explained the methods that were proposed to be used for charging. Extensive consultation had been undertaken on these proposals and the revised heating charges were to take effect from 5th April 2010 and the new charges for those tenants not contributing to the cost of shared communal heating, lighting and tenancy would also commence in April 2010.

She drew Council’s attention to the fact that, through the Consultation meetings and responses, it had been made clear to residents that these proposals were fair and reasonable for all those affected.

A Liberal Democrat Member commented that whilst he accepted the Rent Formula,he was pleased to note that the date for convergence had moved to 2017. He queried how the Anti-Social Behaviour and Community Worker were funded whether it was from the General Fund or the Housing Revenue Account as the whole Community benefited from these services, not just tenants of Poole Housing Partnership? He also raised concerns that, although the majority of tenants would be better off under the Scheme, a small minority would have a large increase in their utility costs and queried whether these costs could be phased in?

Another Liberal Democrat Member queried what was the maximum percentage increase any tenant would have to pay? There were increases in rent and heating charges.

In response, Councillor Ms Atkinson referred Members to Appendix A and B2 of the Report, explaining that, in some Schemes the rent would actually go down and as detailed at Appendix B2, paragraphs 1.39 and 9.2, new tenants rent would go up by the Retail Price Index. She assured the Member that the £25 increase in rent quoted by him was incorrect. With regard to the query,the funding of Anti-Social Behaviour Officers, this was part of the PHP Management Fee and was not a separate formula showing how the cost was split.

It was Moved, Seconded and


(i)the average increase in dwelling rents in 2010/11 will be 1.93% but that individual properties will move towards their formula rent as required by the adoption of the Government’s rent restructuring policy (as shown in appendix A). Additionally it is approved that any property that falls void during the year moves to its formula rent for the relet.

(ii)garage charges for tenants will increase in line with rent increases at 1.93%, but for non-tenants to be increased to either £12.00 per week (Poole Old Town) or £7.50 per week (Rest of Borough) charged over 48 weeks.

(iii)the charging proposals for the Communal Heating and Lighting to Council Housing Properties be approved as explained in the Report to Council.

(iv)service charges are increased in line with the Government inflationary targets (as shown in appendix B to the Report), the exception being a new calculated charge for Guest Bedrooms in Sheltered Accommodation.

(v)the Management Fee for Poole Housing Partnership (PHP) of £8,255,000 to undertake the management and maintenance of the HRA dwellings be approved as described in paragraph 8 of the Report.

(vi)the amount received for allowances for management, maintenance and major repairs within the HRA and the projection of surplus resources be transferred to fund the HRA Capital Programme for 2010/11.

(vii)the proposed Housing Capital Programme be approved (as detailed in Appendix E1 and Section 9 to the Report).


Councillor Ms Atkinson introduced her Report, explaining that the Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee had considered the PHP Annual Delivery Plan for 2010/11 at its Meeting in January and recommended it to Cabinet for approval by Council. Cabinet had considered this issue at its Meeting on 9th February 2010 and unanimously resolved its acceptance for Council approval.

Councillor Ms Atkinson informed Council that last year the Council had entered into a further 5 year management agreement with PHP for it to manage the Council’s housing stock, administer capital investment for the Council in respect of its housing stock and manage the Council’s Housing Revenue Account (HRA).

This Agreement required PHP to provide an Annual Delivery Plan for the Council to consider, setting out performance against standards in the previous 12 months, Action Plans where performance had not achieved target, performance targets for the next 12 months, the proposed capital investment programme funded from Council resources administered by PHP and a resourcing plan for the proposed capital works.

The Delivery Plan for 2010/11 was before Council for consideration. Councillor Ms Atkinson reminded the Council that PHP had achieved the highest possible Audit Commission Assessment in the Country of “3 star excellence with excellent prospects”. It had demonstrated a very strong record of year-on-year service improvement, developed a very strong relationship with residents and had rising customer satisfaction levels. She recommended acceptance of the Delivery Plan and targets to Council.

A Liberal Democrat Member queried why there was a shortfall in making good, decent homes? Councillor Ms Atkinson explained that some tenants did not want improvements to be undertaken so, although PHP was aiming to achieve 100% this may not be achievable. She extended her congratulations to Jo Logan, Chief Executive of PHP and his team and to Cally Antill, the Head of Housing and Community Services and requested that Council formally endorse this proposal.

It was Moved, Seconded and


(i)That Council approve the targets set out in the 2010/11 Poole Housing Partnership Delivery Plan as detailed at Appendix A of the Report to Cabinet and Council;

(ii)That Jo Logan and the Chief Executive, PHP and his Team and Cally Antill, Head of Housing and Community Services, be congratulated and thanked for their hard work in ensuring the best services for Poole Housing tenants and residents.


It was Moved, Seconded and

RESOLVED that Council Procedure Order 14.4 be suspended to allow the Leader of the Council and one representative from the Liberal Democrat and Independent Groups to speak on this item for longer than the 5 minutes allocated in the Constitution.

Note: Councillors Bulteel, Mrs Evans, Wilkins and Wilson returned to the Chamber.

The Mayor invited Councillor Leverett to address the Meeting, which he did in the following terms:

Councillor Leverett’s, Leader of the Council, Budget Speech

“Mr Mayor

In presenting the budget to Council I would like to thank all our staff for their commitment and dedication to Poole and its residents. Earlier in the year we saw local Government at its best, when Members of the gritting teams working the most unsociable hours in the bitterest weather conditions for a decade, kept our roads open and passable. The problems created for bin collections compounded by the aftermath of the Christmas Holidays were speedily dealt with. Across all departments Staff have continued to improve their effectiveness, finding £9.4m worth of efficiencies between 2006 and 2010 and they are now providing even better services at relatively lower costs to our residents.

We are continually seeking to improve our Town, using external funding wherever possible.

Amongst the achievements of the past year was the securing of the long term future of Broadstone Leisure Centre, thanks to the timely intervention of the Council in making an agreement with the Y.M.C.A to take on the running of the operation.

Next month we will see the opening of Hamworthy Community Library, a £2m project partly funded by the Lottery which will provide in addition to the new Library a Children’s Centre, youth services provision and a range of community facilities. Five Playbuilder sites dedicated children’s play areas, were completed during the last year with a further six set to come on stream next month and an additional eleven next year. Alexandra Park was refurbished and the plans are being finalised for the upgrading of both Parkstone Park and Oakdale Park. Poole has received national recognition for its successful street recycling bins enabling 30% of street litter to be recycled. This is part of the continuing improvement in our policy of reducing waste to landfill.