Born at first day of summer, 1965 in Pula.
Elementary school (prof. Vera Kos Paliska), a series of competition awards.
Art high school (prof. Ivan Obrovac) graduates in sculpture in 1983. and goes to Art Academy in Beograd, sculpture section, which graduates 1988. (sulpture in stone and metal).
1989. accepted for master's degree, but it was interupted because of the war in Yugoslavia.
In January 1990. starts to work in elementary schools as a teacher of art classes.
Except pedagogic work in schools, works in adult education and explores and develops her own artistic expression.
Works as court expert at county court.
1993.-1994.- conductor of workshop for psycho-social help for refugee and exiled children, Red Cross Pula.
1994. - work in international humanitarian organisation „Suncokret“ in Pula; conductor of group for adults education of textile processing techniques.
1995. - fashion show with students of elementary school „Veli Vrh“, as guest at Miss Teen Croatia show in Rijeka.
1995.-1996. - art workshop for children „Pitura“ in Fažana
1997. - independent picture book, Andromeda - Rijeka
1998. - Croatian Railroad award for students of elementary school „Veli Vrh“
1999. - 1st prize with students in « Uskrs, dijete, željeznica ekologija» competition
1999. - Special prize from Glas Istre (Istrian daily newspaper) for work on subject „Cycling and ecology“
- 1st place on state LIK (with students 5th grade, elementary school)
2000.- county award for drawing in „ZARO“ competition
- silver medal on world competition of childrens drawing JAPAN
- project: everithing „Glas Istre“ could be – exibition of city cultural monument replicas in paper mache technique (recycled news paper)
2002. - 1st prize on state LIK
2003. - 2nd county award on subject „Giro d'Italia“
2005. - „Vincentu pozvoni,fresci se pokloni“ program under ministry support
2005. - Glagolitic academy Roč ... ilustration of poem collection Đ. Valić
2006. - author of public sculpture (Laštra) and conceptual co-author for monumental Sardine park
Author of copyrighted tekstile design for national park Brijuni.
Director of art program in galery of tourist association of county Fažana
Author of multiple copyrighted designs for tourist association of county Fažana
Author of first prize for „Croatia Open“ satelite tenis tournament for invalid persons.
Author and organizer of international one-day art manifestation: OPEN RIVA Art
Associate journalist in „Glas Istre“ - art talks
Conductor-lecturer in Glagolitic academy Roč.
Professor/mentor in „spring in Novigrad“ (creative school for talented kids) – ministry of education.
Creator of unique jewelery and cheramic objects.
Member of every profession organisations in Croatia.
Selector of Croatian authors for international organisation IWANO Project.
2000 - Portarata Fashion nights
2001-2004 - Christmas Fashion
2000-2006 - Associate of Agency Sandra (wedding design)
2001 – 2006 - member of Stile and management org.
Fashion organisation AKT
2006.- author of label design for IQ wine,organised by ROTARY Club
2006. - author and organiser of FAŽANA'S ART CIRCLE group and exibition in Circolo
2008.- author workshops in etnographic museum in
2008 - Padova, project of a group of artists from Fažana and
2007.- Graphical map for the Public Library
2008.- author of PUF prizes (international theatre festival)
1982-88. Grisia, Rovinj ( STUDENT)
1998.Priština,Novi Sad,Beograd (STUDENT)
1993.Šišan-« Spod murve»
1994Circolo Pula-« Spod murve»
1994. Ližnjan,placa
1994Filodramatika Rijeka LUMs
1995. Grožnjan
1995Poreč- association Vukovar-Hotel Parentium
1998.Memory hall Pazin- association Vukovar
1998 Pula – association Vukovar
1999.Annual, HDLU Istra
1999. EX Tempore Vodnjan
1999.EX Tempore Grožnjan
2000.Bale –Castel Bembo-Prskalica
2000Pula –Galerija Nemeš-Prskalica
2000. Cvajner- association KUUM – Ghost's touch
2000.International colony Medulin
2000.Annual, HDLU Istra
2000.Time and to be of art -Circolo Pula
2000.EX Tempore Vodnjan
2000. Grisia
2001. Nemeš gallery - Pentecost, association KUUM
2000. Castrum Vallis Bale XXXVI
2001. EX Tempore Vodnjan,
2001. Annual, HDLU Istra
2002. Scent and colours of the sea, TZ Fažana
2002. Castrum Vallis XXXVIII
2002. Annual, HDLU Istra
2002. International colony Čortanovci, Novi Sad
2002. UIPIDIV Novi Sad
2002. Annual, HDLU Istra
2003. Castrum Vallis Bale
2003. Pula Dom HV,association KUUM
2003.Annual, HDLU Istra
2004.Castrum Vallis
2004-5. IWANO project –international juried Beograd-Novi Sad –Prag…
2005.Venera Creativa international project of 13 female artists:Rovinj –Pula-Umag- Poreč-Kassel- London
2005.Castrum Vallis Bale
2005.Public Library Pula
2005. International exibition ZRENJ
2005/2006 Annual, HDLU Istra
2006.Kovine (Metals) Fonticus Grožnjan
2006.EX tempore Vodnjan,3rd prize
2007.Tijelo/tjelesnost (Body/bodilly) Grožnjan Fonticus
2007.St.Lovreč, international colony
2007.Vodnjan, , international colony – ceramics in citu,Solidea Guerra
2008.Air, selected exibition FONTICUS,Grožnjan
2008. Fontenay – sous-Bois,FRANCUSKA, may-june (19.5.08.)
2008.Pariz ,Croatian tourist association, july 08
2008.Bale,Castrum Vallis
2003.Tourist association Fažana
2004.Tourist association Fažana
2005.Public Library Pula
2005.3rd prize, EX tempore Vodnjan
2006.Tourist association Pula
2006. LIONS club Histrija
2006.MUL ( MMC Luka Pula)
2006.Tourist association of Istra - Pula
2006. Fonticus gallery Grožnjan
2006.Public Library Karlovac
2007.MMC Luka Pula
2008.Helsinki,Galerie PINOMAA,FINSKA