Case Studies

Booth, Andrew. 2009. "A Bridge Too Far? Stepping Stones for Evidence Based Practice in an Academic Context." New Review of Academic Librarianship no. 15 (1):3-34. doi: 10.1080/13614530903123534.

Brown, Carol Perruso, and Barbara Kingsley-Wilson. 2010. "Assessing organically: turning an assignment into an assessment." Reference Services Review no. 38 (4):536-556. doi: 10.1108/00907321011090719.

Case, Beau David. 2000. "The acquisition of faculty member publications at their university libraries." Library Resources & Technical Services no. 44 (2):84-91.

Chen, Yu-Hui, and Mary K. Van Ullen. 2011. "Helping International Students Succeed Academically through Research Process and Plagiarism Workshops." College & Research Libraries no. 72 (3):209-235.

Corrall, Sheila, and Sriborisutsakul Somsak. 2010. "Evaluating Intellectual Assets in University Libraries:: A Multi-Site Case Study from Thailand." Journal of Information & Knowledge Management no. 9 (3):277-290.

Daniels, Kate. 2010. "Got Value? Journal Collection Analysis Is Worth the Effort." Medical Reference Services Quarterly no. 29 (3):275-285. doi: 10.1080/02763869.2010.494521.

Derven, Caleb, and Valerie Kendlin. 2011. "Evidence-Based Librarianship: A Case Study of a Print Resource Cancellation Project." Journal of Academic Librarianship no. 37 (2):166-170.

Dole, Wanda V., and J. B. Hill. 2011. "Community users in North American academic libraries." New Library World no. 112 (3/4):141-9. doi: 10.1108/03074801111117041.

Elteto, Sharon, Rose M. Jackson, and Adriene Lim. 2008. "Is the Library a “Welcoming Space”?: An Urban Academic Library and Diverse Student Experiences." portal: Libraries and the Academy no. 8 (3):325-337. doi: 10.1353/pla.0.0008.

Epstein, Barbara A., Nancy H. Tannery, Charles B. Wessel, Frances Yarger, John LaDue, and Anthony B. Fiorillo. 2010. "Development of a clinical information tool for the electronic medical record: a case study." Journal of the Medical Library Association no. 98 (3):223-227. doi: 10.3163/1536-5050.98.3.010.

Fielden, Ned, and Mira Foster Sr. 2010. "Crossing the Rubricon: Evaluating the Information Literacy Instructor." Journal of Information Literacy no. 4 (2):78-90.

Garibay, Cecilia, Humberto Gutierrez, and Arturo Figueroa. 2010. "Evaluation of a Digital Library by Means of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and the Kano Model." Journal of Academic Librarianship no. 36 (2):125-132. doi: 10.1016/j.acalib.2010.01.002.

Griffin, Melanie, and Barbara Lewis. 2011. "Transforming special collections through innovative uses for LibGuides." Collection Building no. 30 (1):5-10. doi: 10.1108/01604951111104989.

Hye-Kyung, Chung. 2008. "The contingent valuation method in public libraries." Journal of Librarianship & Information Science no. 40 (2):71-80. doi: 10.1177/0961000608089343.

Kim, Jong-Ae. 2006. "Measuring the Impact of Knowledge Management." IFLA Journal no. 32 (4):362-367. doi: 10.1177/0340035206074075.

Lei Hsieh, Ma, and Hugh A. Holden. 2010. "The effectiveness of a university's single-session information literacy instruction." Reference Services Review no. 38 (3):458-473. doi: 10.1108/00907321011070937.

Lewis, Martin. 2010. "The University of Sheffield Library Information Commons: A Case Study." Journal of Library Administration no. 50 (2):161-178. doi: 10.1080/01930820903455040.

Nazari, Maryam. 2010. "Design and process of a contextual study of information literacy: An Eisenhardt approach." Library & Information Science Research no. 32 (3):179-191. doi: 10.1016/j.lisr.2010.02.003.

Nicholson, Scott. 2010. "Inviting the World Into the Online Classroom: Teaching a Gaming in Libraries Course via YouTube." Journal of Education for Library and Information Science no. 51 (4):233-240.

Sarli, Cathy C., Ellen K. Dubinsky, and Kristi L. Holmes. 2010. "Beyond citation analysis: a model for assessment of research impact." Journal of the Medical Library Association no. 98 (1):17-23. doi: 10.3163/1536-5050.98.1.008.

Scigliano, Marisa. 2002. "Consortium purchases: case study for a cost-benefit analysis." Journal of Academic Librarianship no. 28 (6):393-399. doi: 10.1016/s0099-1333(02)00346-4.

Seeholzer, Jamie, and Joseph A. Salem. 2010. "The Learning Library: A Case Study of the Evolution From Information Commons to Learning Commons at Kent State University Libraries." College & Undergraduate Libraries no. 17 (2/3):287-296. doi: 10.1080/10691316.2010.481609.

Standera, Oldrich R. 1974. "Costs and effectiveness in the evolution of an information system." Journal of the American Society for Information Science no. 25 (3):203-207. doi: 10.1002/asi.4630250310.

Walker, Teresa, and Regina Mays. 2012. Aligning Assessment Efforts with Institutional Priorities: A Case Study from the University of Tennessee. In QQML 2012. Limerick, Ireland.

White, Marilyn Domas, and Peiling Wang. 1997. "A qualitative study of citing behavior: contributions, criteria, and metalevel documentation concerns." Library Quarterly no. 67 (2):122-154.

Zhao, Dangzhi. 2010. "Characteristics and impact of grant-funded research: a case study of the library and information science field." Scientometrics no. 84 (2):293-306. doi: 10.1007/s11192-010-0191-y.