Booster Club Meeting Minutes
September 8, 2014
6:00pm Bellevue West High School
Kathie Britten, John & Rosie Imig, Andrea Johnson, Ellen Schmidt, Tina Targy, and Laurel Wiegand were in attendance.
1. Poster Distribution – Posters were handed out for distribution to sponsors:
Andrea Johnson will deliver posters to: Hats Off Motor Sports, HyVee & Farrells
Tina Targy will deliver posters to: GNC, Tuffys, Erwins, Lanskys, Bellevue Tire & Auto,
Honda Cars
We still need to add more sponsors for the winter printing of the poster. Sponsorships can be solicited for a reduced rate since they will have missed the first printing.
2. Next Poster Printing – Changes that need to be made for the next printing are:
a) HyVee sponsor wanted the 33rd & L location added to the poster. (3505 L Street). We will get this added with the next printing.
b) Remove old sponsors who did not renew sponsorship
c) It was also suggested that if we do not get enough sponsors to fill the poster that we place an ad for Jersey Mikes that says “Welcome to the Neighborhood Jersey Mikes”.
3. Tailgate –Friday, September 12th will be the first tailgate. We will have Chick-fil-A Sandwiches, chips, cookie and water. Kathie B. will order 100 sandwiches. We can order more that night if needed. Rosie I. will take care of getting chips, cookies and water. Kathie B. has napkins left over that she will bring. It was suggested that we get brown bags and have the sandwich and chips bagged so it will be easier for people to carry. Rosie will get the bags. Andrea will work on the flier for the tailgate. Kathie B. will send her the template for the flier. The cost will be $5 for the meal and $3 for just a sandwich. We will be set up inside the admission gate and will sell sandwiches through half-time. Shaved Ice will be sold weather permitting.
We will also have membership forms for people to sign up as well as yard signs and football helmets. We will also hand out sponsor posters.
4. Fundraising Ideas –
a) Purple Footballs – New this year we will have purple footballs with the T-bird logo on them. We can take presale orders for these. The footballs will be sold by FBLA and the Booster Club. Kathie B. will check with FBLA to see what they are charging so we are both charging the same price.
b) Half-Time Field Goal Kick - We again discussed the Field Goal Kick. We will try to work this out for the East vs West game. We will sell chances on both sides and pick 2 winners; 1 from the East side and 1 from the West side. We will have consolation prizes of a Jersey Mike’s sandwich. Andrea J. will contact Jersey Mike’s to donate the sandwich certificates.
Next Meeting will be in October, date to be announced.