Teesside University School of Health and Social Care
Mentor/Sign off Mentor Record
The purpose of this document is to provide a record of your mentorship qualification/s, role and experience. It should be included within your professional portfolio and used as part of your triennial review in order to evidence how you have maintained your mentor/sign off mentor status.
Mentor Name:………………………………………………………………………….…….
Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) PIN:………………………………...………….
Mentor qualification:……………………………………………………………………..
NMC Mentor Standard
“An NMC mentor is a registrant who, following successful completion of an NMC approved mentor preparation programme – or comparable preparation that has been accredited through an Approved Education Institution (AEI) as meeting the NMC Mentor requirements – has achieved the knowledge, skills and competence required to meet the defined outcomes.
A mentor is a mandatory requirement for pre-registration nursing and midwifery students” (NMC 2010).
Once you have met the initial mentor standards you will be entered on the local mentor register. In order to remain on the register you must:
- Attend an annual mentor update
- Mentor at least two students with due regard in each three year period
- Demonstrate through your triennial review that you have maintained your mentorship knowledge and skills,and continue to meet the mentor/sign off mentor standards.
NMC Sign Off mentor Standard
Only sign off mentors and practice teachers who are on the same part of the register and in the same field of practice may confirm that students have met relevant Competencies/Standards of proficiency for the programme leading to registration or a qualification that is recordable on the NMC register. They must be identified on the local register as a sign off mentor or practice teacher. They must have been supervised on at least three occasions signing off proficiency by an existing sign off mentor (The final period of practice and practice competencies within the programme). All midwife mentors must be sign off mentors.
Please read in conjunction with NMC (2010) standards to support learning and assessment in practice NMC Standards for mentors, practice teachers and teachers
Name of Mentor:
Annual update:
All mentors must attend an annual update to maintain their mentor status
Date attended: / Type of update: e.g. Mentorship for Pre-registration Nursing Programmes or Midwifery ProgrammesRecord of mentorship:
You must mentor at least 2 students with due regard in each three year period in order to maintain your mentor and/or sign off mentor status. This means that you must be registered in the same part or sub part of the NMC register as the student that you are to assess and for the nurses’ part of the register be in the same field of practice (adult, children’s ,mental health or learning disability) as the students you act as mentor or sign off mentor for.
Student(please give details of placement number and field of practice rather than the students name) / Placement Start date / Placement end date / Please identify type of mentorship you provided:
Mentor or Sign off Mentor / Please identify whether you were being supervised in order to become a sign off mentor: Yes/NA
(supervision in this context must be for a final placement student) / If this episode was supervised by a sign off mentor:
Name of the Sign off mentor supervisor / Verified by:
Signature of manager or zoned academic mentor
and Sign off mentor if applicable
Record of triennial review:
This is usually completed as part of your annual appraisal
Date: / Reviewers name / Reviewers role / Triennial review requirements met yes/no / Signature of reviewerPlease inform the person who holds the mentor/sign off mentor data base of the outcome of the triennial review meeting (the Practice placement Facilitator for NHS Trusts or Alison Robinson Placement co-ordinator Teesside university for if you are an independent sector placement provider)