Boone/DeKalb/Ogle Extension Unit

Extension Advisory Council Meeting

September 20, 2017—6 pm

Monroe Center Village Hall, Monroe Center


Present: Bill Hall (B), Pam Stock (B), Jane Zien (B), Kris Aves (D), Sally DeFauw (D), Emily Plapp (D), John Prendergast (D), Carl Dumoulin (D) ,Dan Dietrich (O), Susana Guzman-Holland (O), Michelle LaPage (O), Stephanie Wascher (O). Not Present:Ellen Genrich (B), Toney Xidis (D), Lisa Hinrichs (O). Also present: Vicky Broos, County Director.

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:03 pm by Carl Dumoulin, outgoing chairman. Those present introduced themselves and gave one item of information about themselves as part of an icebreaker activity.

Minutes of 6-8-17 Meeting

Minutes of the June 8, 2017 meeting were reviewed and approved on a motion by Stephanie Wascher, second by Susana Guzman-Holland.

Election of Officers for 2017-2018

Motion by Carl Dumoulin to elect Stephanie Wascher as chairperson, second by Kris Aves. All ayes, motion carried. Motion by Kris Aves, second by John Prendergast, to elect Emily Plapp as vice chairperson, motion carried. Motion by Susana Guzman-Holland, second by Stephanie Wascher, to elect Michelle LaPage as secretary, motion carried.

Council Orientation

Vicky provided a PowerPoint (on paper) detailing information about the mission and history of the Extension organization, an overview of Extension in Illinois and the roles, structure and operations of the Extension Advisory Council. This also included information about the County Cooperative Extension Law, the Open Meetings Act, and risk management. Information was shared about the staffing in each county as well as office information. As part of the staffing review, Vicky shared recent comings and goings. The financial structure for Extension was reviewed including the 3-way funding partnership, the budget process, and matching guidelines.

The Job Description for council members was provided for each member and the various responsibilities reviewed. Vicky shared an e-mail providing instructions for each of them to complete the electronic training for the Open Meetings Act. Members were asked to let Vicky know when they complete the training.

Fiscal Matters

  1. Previous FY Financial Statement: Vicky reviewed the final statement for FY 17 July – June. She noted the end of year balances for each county and reminded members that we received no state match.
  2. Current Budget/Financial Statement: Vicky shared the financial statement current through August 31. The statement shows the FY 18 budget along with 2 months expenses. Vicky answered any questions.
  3. FY 19: Vicky shared that she has already submitted county funding requests for FY 19. We have requested level funding, but will not know for a month or so whether our requests will be granted. The counties are struggling too.

Program Planning: Unit Statistics, Characteristics, Demographics,

Vicky shared some handouts regarding Boone, DeKalb and Ogle Counties. These included the Census Bureau QuickFactsreports that show population, demographics, housing and poverty information. Also provided were County Health Rankings and Roadmaps. Vicky shared this is the kind of information we review as part of the Civil Rights process as our programs are open to the public and we hope to reach all sectors of our population. Vicky also shared information about our contacts from the last year looking at each county and how we are reaching the Latino and African American populations. Vicky talked about the goal of parity and that as a unit, we are achieving parity. Some individual staff may not be reaching parity, but as counties and a unit, we are meeting that goal. Many of our school-based programs build the numbers for reaching more diverse audiences.

Set Future Meeting Dates

The group discussed meeting dates for the year and came up with the following schedule:

November 9, 2017; March 8, 2018; May 24, 2018; September 20, 2018.

Other Business

Carl Dumoulinwas thankedfor his service on the council and for serving as chairperson. Susana Guzman-Holland was thanked for her years on the council. Other members not present who were thanked in absentia: Kari Eskew, Mary Brubach, Carla Raynor, and Larry Hageman.


There being no further business to come before the Council, motion by Sally DeFauw, second by John Prendergast to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:31 pm.