1. Call to Order (6:20)
  2. Tyler Childress: The meeting is called to order. To be clear everyone here has voting rights today.
  1. Officer Reports
  1. Tyler Childress, Chairperson
  2. I have been on this committee since I was an undergrad. Everyone has speaking rights. In order to extend speaking time we should have a motion to extend by the number of questions. If you have a question just raise your hand and we will write your name down. Please say your name before you speak.
  3. Mady Womack, Vice Chairperson
  4. Hello I am Mady.
  5. Jessie Pringle: (Interrupts) Stand up!
  6. Oh okay thanks… Oh I thought she said shut up. Yeah I’m here to make people join finance. Email me if you have any questions about finance! Thanks!
  7. Trent Allen, Secretary
  8. Hello I’m Trent Allen. I take the notes so ill be furiously typing while you guys speak.
  9. Madeline Sniezek and Allyssa Castilleja, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer
  10. Hey guys we deal with the dollar amounts for all the bills.
  11. Aaron Quisenberry, Sr. Associate Dir. of SILC and Finance Committee Advisor
  12. Good evening. I’m the advisor for the finance committee. Starting my 19th year. Just remember that its year one for some in here so let everyone learn. There are a lot of resources available if you want help. Tyler is very knowledgeable. Everyone please be professional when groups are talking. Be courteous. Senators need to be prepared and we should work to make sure they’re on top of things.
  1. Consent Agenda
  2. Tyler – Consent agenda is the agenda that we generally pass all in one go because we have looked at the finances and put the bills on the regular agenda in the interest of time.
  3. Chance Maginness: I move to call to question the consent agenda
  4. Seconded
  5. Tyler Childress: All those in favor of passing the consent agenda
  1. Bill passes
  1. 2015-009: A BILL TO FUND UNICEF AT KU
  7. 2015-019: A BILL TO FUND FIT & FIERCE KU
  8. 2015-020:A BILL TO FUND OSTEM AT KU
  1. Regular Agenda
  2. Adam Moon: Hi I’m the Chief of Staff of Student Senate for those of you who don’t know me. This is a bill for some funding for Willow.
  3. Emily Crane: Hi we needed more than the $100 because a banner costs $50 and also printing which is $50 so we are here asking for $140. We are a brand new organization so we are trying to bring awareness to our club. We also need to buy chalk. We will be tabling to raise awareness about sexual assault. We need tablecloths and flyer holders. We will be doing a lot for the Sexual Assault awareness month so we need funds for this as well. One of our goals for the semester is to bring the Phoenix project to campus. This is a project where people share their stories by creating art
  4. Madeline Sniezek: The quote for the banner came from where?
  5. Emily: Our Vice President told us how much it would cost.
  6. Jessie Pringle: Is your advisor employed by KU?
  7. Emily: Yes.
  8. Madeline Sniezek (Negative speech): amendment to amend amount down to $100, banners cost $38 online so we disagree and we generally only fundgroups $100. Sometimes groups don’t use those funds so we would like to keep things uniform at the beginning of the year.
  9. Jessie Pringle: Would you do another line for banner?
  1. No, banners can be used for general funding. It’s easier that way.
  1. Jessie Pringle: So they can get more chalk later?
  2. Yes when they get approved they can buy stuff from staples. Fill out a purchase order and we can purchase items for them at a cheaper price.
  1. Chance Maginness: Move to call to question on the amendment to the bill
  2. Amendment passes
  3. ???: Motion to call to question the bill as amended
  4. Bill passes
  3. Brittney Oleniacz: Hello I’m a graduate student senator. This group is run through the KU Natural history museum. We will be showing anaconda and will be having a speaker to talk about the movie. We will also have a presentation around Halloween. We would like funds for PR for these events. We would also like $100 for general funding.
  4. Weston Halberstadt: We are trying to be an intermediary to the museum and the public to get people interest. Showing Anaconda and having professor come to talk about what is true about Anaconda. Also funding for the Halloween event. Film estimate for best estimate of film. It Is going to be $351. Can we amend that up?
  5. Allyssa Castilleja:What kind of things do you need for the design
  6. Weston Halberstadt: Funds to create things for PR. We will be working with a graphic design student to create these things
  7. Madeline: We need contractual services forms in they’re to pay the student
  8. Tyler Childress: When are you planning on being done with the design?
  9. Weston Halberstadt: Near the beginning of November.
  10. Madeline Sniezek: How much time do you need to order film rights?
  11. Weston Halberstadt: We are in contact with the movie rights holder and also have other mechanisms to pay if senate doesn’t come through.
  12. Weston Halberstadt: The museum will pay for the movie if senate doesn’t come through
  1. Brittney Oleniacz: We don’t have that much money to give them at the museum
  2. Chance Maginness: Can we not fund them since it is a rule that groups must seek out funds from other sources?
  3. Tyler Childress: They sought it outthey just did not get it yet so its fine.
  4. Aaron Quisenberry: Are you showing the full movie? You don’t have to get film rights if you are not.
  5. Weston: We are showing the whole thing.
  6. Tyler Childress: If we decide not to table it and we take the design off the table will the museum fund it?
  7. Weston: Yes.
  8. Taylor Childress: Move to table the bill until 2nd finance meeting.
  9. The motion passes
  2. Chance Maginness: Hi This is a bill to fund DSA. The organization promotes harmony among different cultures. They want $5000, which falls under the half under $1000 rule. They have all of their forms in.
  3. Member: A group from Turkey will be here from Turkey on September 20 and they will be performing a special spinning dance which represents universal love
  4. Jessie Pringle: How much are they getting from MEF
  5. They’re getting $6000
  6. Tyler Childress: Are you a KU student?
  7. Member: I graduated last year
  8. Tyler Childress: Are you listed online as president?
  9. Member: Yes but that is outdated. We have a different president now
  10. Tyler Childress: You have to amend to break out the honorarium into who is getting what funding Chance.
  11. Chance: Ill do that right now.
  12. Chance Maginness: Can we amend or friendly it?
  13. Tyler Childress: You have to amend it
  14. Tyler Childress: You must have a dash next to the name of the speaker with how much they’re getting paid. This causes problems for Sabina so when writing a bill. From now on we’re going to do this.
  15. Tyler Childress: Going forward we will be printing fewer copies of the agenda. If you request one from me I will print one but otherwise no.
  16. Jessie Pringle: Motion to table bill
  17. Motion passes
  2. Angela Murphy: Hello everybody I’m the Graduate Affairs director for Student Senate. This bill is to fund the Graduate Student Research area in Watson Library. There are 2 computers and 1 printer. Grad students print off around 150-300 pages per week. This doesn’t include pages for personal research. I want to maintain funding of this group. I was told 2 weeks ago that the funding has been completely eliminated due tobudget fears. This creates a strain on grad students. I am asking for $5000. This is less than the place has had for the last couple of years. I am working on a set of larger conversations about printing. I don’t see a bill like this coming later in the year. Some of the language in the bill discusses aspirations of students at this research university. If we don’t fund them we are diminishing the ability of these students to have an impact. Grad Students deserve the help of this university.
  3. Sashen (???: When the program was cut did you talk to the administration
  4. Yes.
  5. Sophia Templin: Where does the money go?
  6. It goes to paper and ink among other things.
  7. Aaron Quisenberry: Is it a monthly amount paid to a department or is it all at once?
  8. I have talked to IT about how to do it. We can put it in a pool dedicated specifically to that area or we can have it come directly from our accounts.
  9. Each student will get an amount and then if they need more they can attempt to get more
  10. Jessie Pringle: Can we not do it with the libraries and then try this out for a few months to see if it works
  11. Yes. I would love to have it through the students because the administration doesn’t
  12. Brittney Oleniacz (positive speech) I can attest that we print a lot and we read on average 700 pages a week and on top of that we do research and we need to be able to print off these documents. This is an important bill.
  13. Dylan Jones: Has the graduate school looked into alternative methods such as digital textbooks
  14. Angela: Some resources are online but we have to print off journal articles to send to a publication to get a job. We must also print off dissertations. This is cost prohibitive because this is incredibly expensive. Graduate students do not have much and they need this money.
  1. Brittney Oleniacz: Dissertations are incredibly long and we have to print off multiple copies of these papers.
  1. Chance Maginness: Move to call to question on the bill.
  2. Bill passes
  3. Chance Maginness: Motion to untable bill 2015-014
  4. Motion passes
  5. Madeline Sniezek (negative speech): Group wanted to split up the bill as shown on the board. One is a speaker and one is a calligrapher
  6. Jessie Pringle: What will the calligrapher do?
  7. Member: He will perform for about 10 to 15 minutes.
  8. Aaron Quisenberry: Make sure the contractual service forms are in.
  9. Madeline Sniezek: They’re good to go.
  10. Jessie Pringle: No students have to pay to get in correct?
  11. Yes
  12. Chance Maginness: Move to call to question on the amendment
  13. Amendment passes
  14. Mady Womack: Move to call to question on the bill
  15. Bill passes
  1. Madeline Sniezek: Move to untable bill 2015-017: A BILL TO FUND NATURAL SCIENCE COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION
  2. Madeline Sniezek: Move to strike both design lines from the bill and leave the film rights and raise them one dollar and leave general funding since we cant fund the payment of the students.
  3. Sophia Templin: Move to call to question the amendment?
  4. Amendment passes
  5. Sophia Templin: Move to call the question the bill
  6. Bill passes
  1. Elections

Tyler Childress: We now have elections. Fee review is under MA. First we have Status of Minorities subcommittee. They work to fund the underrepresented clubs on campus. This is chaired by Bahar.

  1. Status of Minorities Subcommittee (1)
  2. Tyler Childress: Any nominations?
  3. Nobus (Onobeoghere Ogherekaro): I nominate myself
  4. Jessie Pringle: I motion to acclimate Nobus
  5. Motion passes
  6. Multicultural Education Fund (MEF) Board (1)
  1. Tyler Childress: This is for multicultural groups that we can sometimes not fund.
  2. Madeline Sniezek: MED is similar to finance. Generally meetings are before finance. Bills can simultaneously go through MEF and senate. On this committee you see a lot of great groups and they put on a lot of great events. This I a great committee since it is similar to finance. These meetings are generally fairly short. There will be elections for a new chair of MEF next week since the chair ha resigned.
  3. Tyler Childress: Nominations
  4. Mady Womack: I nominate Logan
  5. Joseph St. Pierre: I nominate myself
  6. Sophia Templin: I nominate myself
  7. Allyssa Castilleja: Motion to close floor to nominations
  8. Motion passes
  9. Logan Albers: I’m a freshman at KU planning on majoring in Political Science. I want to be involved in setting up events on campus. In high school I was on student council for 3 years and want to get involved in multicultural events on KU.
  10. Chance Maginness: What is your definition of multicultural?
  11. Logan Albers: All different types of people with different religions, races religions, cultures getting along together
  12. Joseph St. Pierre: I don’t feel like I understand this fund enough to be nominated. I decline the nomination
  13. Sophia Templin: I’m a junior and a holdover senator. I love senate but it’s hard to make time because I’m a member of the softball team. This committee would work for me. I’ve done a lot with multicultural affairs
  14. Chance Maginness: Definition of multicultural
  15. Sophia Templin: Multicultural affairs describe everybody. Everyone comes from different backgrounds.
  16. Brittney Oleniacz: How will this effect future endeavors
  17. I want to go to law school and be a judge. I love working with people and this would be a great opportunity.
  18. Brittney Oleniacz: Sophia will have much more experience for this board. This will help her become more familiar with multicultural endeavors
  19. Mady Womack: Logan seems excited and is a new member that wants to get into senate
  20. Chance Maginness: I agree with Mady. Logan will work very hard.
  1. Jessie Pringle: Sophia has a lot of experience with multiculturalism while Logan does not so I think Logan would be great because he would have his mind opened the multicultural
  2. Tyler Childress: we will now vote by paper ballot
  3. Tyler Childress: Sophia will be the finance MEF member
  1. Legal Services for Students Advisory Board (1)
  2. Tyler Childress: I was named chair sophomore year and this is dear to my heart. Group of 5 attorneys who do things for student. They teach students how to do their taxes. They are critical to international students due to the amount of paperwork. This is an important office. This is my favorite board.
  3. Sophia Templin: I nominate Haris
  4. Christina Ostmeyer: I nominate Joseph
  5. Ryan Billups: I nominate myself
  6. Allyssa Castilleja: I nominate Logan
  7. Tyler Childress: Motion to close nominations
  8. Passes
  9. Haris Vrahliotis: Hi I’m new to senate even though I’m a junior. I’m on the prelaw track and just came back from Cambridge study abroad so I have a lot of experience. This board is important and I didn’t even know it existed until sophomore year.
  10. Joseph St. Pierre: Hi I’m a student sociology and economics. I was appointed a Supreme Court justice in boys state. I do have experience in simulated legal proceedings. I am fair and know when to not involve myself.
  11. Tyler Childress: There is a crooked light on the wall
  12. Ryan Billups: I’m a political science major and I’m in the LIED program and want to attend law school in 3 years at KU. I don’t have much experience with the law but I want to get involved. I was on StuCo for 4 years and want to take my experience and expand on it.
  13. Logan Albers: I am a political science major and this interests me. I’m in Air Force ROTC. Through the AF there are a lot of programs to go into law, such as JAG. I want to be involved and interact with all students. I want to get my feet wet.
  14. Tyler Childress: We will now have discussion on the nominees
  15. Allyssa Castilleja: I think so fresh faces would be great for this board
  16. Mady Womack: we need more younger people involved in senate rather than shutting them out so we should consider that
  17. Tyler Childress: Logan will have this position
  18. Newspaper Readership Program Advisory Board (1)
  1. This committee looks to see if we are charging students the correct fee. They also will negotiate the contract for newspapers this year.
  2. Sophia Templin: I nominate Christina.
  3. Christina Ostmeyer: I do not accept
  4. Kurtis Lieber: I nominate myself
  5. Allyssa Castilleja: Motion to acclimate Kurtis
  6. Motion passes
  1. Student Environmental Advisory Board (1)
  2. Jessie Pringle: Board that oversees sustainability fee. Seeks out projects to have sustainable campus. Work with KU Recycling. You will work with Tomas who is on the exec staff. The time commitment is maybe once a month.
  3. Tyler Childress: The floor is open to nominations
  4. Brittney Oleniacz: Id like to nominate myself
  5. ??: Move to acclimate
  6. Student Survey Board (1)
  7. Tyler Childress: Board to poll students if senators do not feel comfortable voting on controversial issues. This committee does not meet frequently. Zach George used this board last year a fair amount.
  8. Jessie Pringle: We will use this board to poll students once a semester
  9. Tyler Childress: Nominations
  10. Chance Maginness: I nominate Ryan
  11. Joseph St. Pierre: I nominate myself
  12. Steven Galluzzi: I nominate myself
  13. Ryan Billups: Political Science major and I hope to work with surveys and public opinions. I have strong opinions but I’m not sure what would qualify me to be on this board
  14. Brittney Oleniacz: What is the purpose of surveys
  15. Reach out to students and get the collective opinion of the student body
  16. Logan Albers: I have quite a bit of Student Council experience
  17. Yes I was and I’m on the blood drive committee
  18. Brent Lee: What is one survey question you would ask?
  19. Gun control. Do you own guns? Do they make you feel safe?
  20. Joseph St. Pierre: Experience I have in Sociology in high school surveys were made. I did well in the class. I don’t want to be a bragger. I would know how to write a survey due to my experience
  21. Brent Lee: One survey question?
  1. I would ask about sexual education and how that covers or fails to cover consent and other things along that line.
  1. Cody Wood: does economics experience help here?
  2. I don’t think it relates directly unless were specifically talking about economic issues
  3. Steven Galluzzi: I’m a non-traditional student.