Elementary Handbook
Hopewell City Schools
Dupont Elementary School
Harry E. James Elementary School
Patrick Copeland Elementary School
Hopewell City Schools Mission Statement…………………………...……………..... 3
Message From The Administration ………………………………………………....….4
Elementary School Directory.……………………..…….…………………….…5
Qualifications of Instructional Personnel ...…………...……………………..….6
School Curriculum ………………………………………………………..…..7-10
· Special Education Services
· Title 1 Schoolwide Program
· Gifted Program
· Remedial Instruction Program
· Media Program
· English Language Proficiency Services
· Grade Reporting System/ Parent Connection
Expectations of Elementary School Students ……..………………...……..10-15
· Attendance Expectations
· Achievement and Work Habits Expectations
· Behavior Expectations
Health and Food Services...... 15-18
· Health Services Information
· Food Services
Student Protection Procedures ……………………………...... ……...…...18-19
· Visitors to the School Policy
· General School Safety Information
General Information...……………………………………………...... ……20-22
Reminders ……………………………………………………………………23-24
Student Code of Conduct ……………...………………………………...... 25-45
Communication Devices...... 45
SOL Tests...... 46
School Calendar for 2015-16…………………………….....…………….....…..47
The mission of Hopewell Public Schools is to develop students who achieve at their highest ability in pursuing life and career choices that will enable them to become productive and contributing members of the community and society.
Each elementary school has developed a mission statement based on the school system’s mission and has written goals and objectives to meet its mission.
School Board Office
Dr. Melody Hackney, Interim Superintendent
103 North 12th Avenue
Hopewell, Virginia 23860
Phone: 804-541-6400
Office hours: 7:30 AM –4:30 PM
The Hopewell City Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Melody F. Bage, Director of Personnel has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies. Her contact information is as follows:
103 North 12th Ave., Hopewell, Virginia 23860.
Phone: 804-541-6400
We welcome all students and families to Hopewell City Public Schools. We look forward to working with you and your child. The family and school must be a TEAM so each student can have a successful year. We want the best for your child so please work with us.
Please begin by taking the time to read our handbook. It will help you understand day-to-day procedures and programs we offer. Keep this important handbook and use it to help you throughout the year.
We need your support, become involved!
· Support the school, the PTO Program and all of its’ activities
· Volunteer… be visible
· Make time for reading and mathematics practice at home everyday
· Make sure all homework is completed, help when possible
· Have consequences at home for discipline problems at school
· Communicate with your child’s teacher and visit the school as needed
· Visit the school and division website to learn about events, updated school information, and resources.
Children whose parents are involved in school activities perform better in school. They are motivated to do well when they know you think school is important. Feel free to contact teachers, administrators and guidance counselors with questions or concerns about your child.
Elementary Administration Team
Dupont Elementary School
300 S 18th Avenue
Phone: 804-541-6406 Fax:804- 541-6407
Ms. Carla Fizer, Principal
Miss Patricia Lobo, Assistant Principal
Ms. Rhindra Gilliam, Guidance Counselor
Student Hours: 8:00-3:00 Early Release Hours: 8:00-12:00
Harry E. James Elementary School
1807 Arlington Road
Phone: 804-541-6408 Fax:804- 541-6409
Ms. Judy C. Barnes, Principal
Mr. Keith Crews, Assistant Principal
Ms. Annessa Jones, Guidance Counselor
Student Hours: 7:30-2:30 Early Release Hours: 7:30-11:30
Patrick Copeland Elementary School
400 Westhill Drive
Phone: 804-541-6410 Fax: 804-541-6411
Mr. Byron Davis, Principal
Mrs Carnell Myrick, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Dana Clemons, Guidance Counselor
Student Hours: 7:30-2:30 Early Release Hours: 7:30-11:30
Transportation Department (Buses)
Phone: 804-541-6418
Allen Buford, Division Transportation Manager
Qualifications of Instructional Personnel
Our instructional personnel meet state and federal endorsement requirements. You, as a parent, have the right to know the professional qualifications of the teachers who instruct your child. Federal law allows you to ask schools for information about your child’s teachers and paraprofessionals. Schools are required to provide this information in a timely manner. Specifically, you have the right to know:
Ø Whether the Virginia Department of Education has licensed/qualified teachers for the grades and/or subjects he/she teaches.
Ø Whether the Virginia Department of Education has decided the teacher can teach in a classroom without being licensed or qualified under state regulations due to special circumstances.
Ø The teacher's college major; and if the teacher has any advanced degrees.
Ø Whether any teacher assistant (paraprofessional) provides services to your child and their qualifications.
Ø If a nonqualified teacher or paraprofessional is assigned to your child’s classroom for more than four weeks, you will receive written notification.
Call your child’s principal to request this information.
Federal No Child Left Behind Regulations
The curriculum of our schools is based on the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) objectives. The majority of the instructional day must be spent studying the four core subjects of English (reading, writing and other language arts), mathematics, history, and science. Students are regularly assessed to measure their growth and mastery of the SOL content and skills, (See the Standards of Learning for Virginia on the Hopewell Public Schools website under Elementary Curriculum Maps.)
The content on SOL Tests is taught through the identified Standards of Learning objectives. Parents are encouraged to be aware of these learning goals and to help their child (ren) at home in acquiring the skills and knowledge they need.
SOL Tests are administered online each spring in grades three through five. These tests were designed by the State of Virginia to measure student learning in English (reading and writing), mathematics, science, and history courses. Locally developed benchmark tests (also administered online) are given to assist our staff in monitoring student progress toward mastering the SOL objectives. Passing SOL scores (set by the state) are: 400-499 (Pass/Proficient) and 500 -600 (Pass/ Advance with 600 being a perfect score). All scores below 400 are failing. The results of these tests will be used as one criterion to determine promotion or retention. Other state and local assessments are administered to students to measure their progress in meeting state Standards.
Each year, the Virginia Department of Education provides detailed information regarding student achievement on each school in the state. It is referred to as the school report card and provides data on key indicators of school quality. To access this document, parents can visit the Hopewell City Schools website at www.hopewell.k12.va.us.
1. Go to Hopewell web page
2. Click on Division (left hand tab)
3. Select Division Report Cards
You may also access the report cards through the Virginia Department of Education’s website at http://www.doe.virginia.gov. Once there, you can locate the documents in two ways.
1. Select “Parents and Students” tab on the left side.
2. Scroll to the middle of the page and click the link for school report cards.
1. From the home screen, select “Statistics and Reports” tab.
2. Select the tab on the right, titled, “School, Division, and State Report Cards.”
3. From the drop down boxes, choose Hopewell City Schools and select the specific school in Hopewell. You will receive notification each fall when school report cards have been updated and published.
Technology is an important tool for the delivery of the curriculum. Each school has Internet access all over the building. Students may use the computers and the Internet to research subjects and increase their knowledge of a variety of topics. The computer labs and computer carts in the schools are used to provide computer literacy, remediation, and enrichment activities.
Students also spend time in health and physical education, library, and fine arts instruction.
Special Education Services
Students who are determined eligible for special education services may receive services for emotional disturbances, intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, developmental delays, health related handicaps, and speech/language problems. Call your child’s principal or Dr. Sheila Bailey at the School Board Office (804-541-6400) for information about this process.
Due Process
Procedures are in place for ensuring the rights of children with disabilities and their parents are protected in decisions affecting them. Parents are involved in the identification, evaluation and educational placement of all children with disabilities. Due process is afforded to all students.
Title 1 Schoolwide Program
Each school has selected this program option for serving students with the Federal No Child Left Behind funds. We believe the Schoolwide Program focuses on integrating services assisting our schools in overcoming the effects research has shown poverty can have on student performance.
One of the goals at each school is to increase parent/family/community involvement in the education of all children. A survey to identify your interests and needs will be sent home during the year.
Gifted Program
Identification of students eligible to participate in the Gifted Program will be ongoing. Parents, teachers, or administrators can make recommendations for students to be tested for this program. Each school has a gifted coordinator. In grades 3-5, identified students have the option of attending the Central Pull-Out (CPO) Program at Dupont or receiving differentiated instruction in cluster groups at their home school. Questions about the Gifted Program should be directed to the Gifted Coordinator, Dr. Sheila Bailey, at the School Board Office (804-541-6400) or a school administrator.
Advanced Placement in Mathematics
Students in grades 3-5 have an opportunity to study advanced curriculum in mathematics. Math data, along withother information, isused to guide the recommendations of candidates. Questions regarding this placement can be directed to the principal or Supervisor of Mathematics (Dr. Tina Barringer) at the School Board Office (804-541-6400).
Remedial Instruction Program
An important goal for all students is to read on grade level. Each school has implemented prevention, intervention and remediation programs for students who are educationally at risk. This includes students identified as needing additional academic support by the Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) in grades K-3, local benchmark tests and Standards of Learning tests in grades three, four, and five.
English Language Proficiency Services
The Virginia Board of Education adopted English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards in November 2002. With parent permission, each school will annually administer the English Language Proficiency Test to identify their language needs in learning to speak English. Schools are responsible for providing assistance to students based on their needs. Call your child's school for more information on this program.
Grade Reporting System
A report card is sent home four (4) times during the school year to keep parents informed of their child's progress. Also, an interim report will be sent home in the middle of each nine weeks period. Interim reports and report cards are sent home for parents to keep. Parents are required to sign the envelope containing these reports and return only the envelope to school.
Grading Periods 2015-2016
Report Period / Dates / Number of Days Per Reporting PeriodFirst Nine Weeks / September 8 – November 13 / 47 days
Second Nine Weeks / November 16 - January 29 / 42 days
Third Nine Weeks / February 2 -April 15 / 47days
Fourth Nine Weeks / April 8- June 16 / 44 days
TOTAL 180 days
Report Card and Interim Distribution Schedule
Reporting Period / Interim Report Home / Report Card Home1 / October 19, 2015 / November 23, 2015
2 / December 17, 2015 / February 16, 2016
3 / March 10 , 2016 / April 26, 2016
4 / May 19, 2016 / June 16, 2016*
*Elementary report cards will be distributed on the last day of school.
Parents are urged to come to school and confer with their child's teacher whenever there is a need. Teachers will request conferences with all parents during Parent Conference days. It is helpful if both parents can attend the conference. Try to follow the schedule. Check with the teacher to arrange a time if you are unable to meet as scheduled.
Grade Scale
A 93-100
B 85-92
C 77-84
D 70-76
F 69 and Lower
Recognition of Student Achievement
Alpha Honor Roll
Students in grades 2-5 are placed on this roll if they earn all “A's” in all graded subjects. First grade students will become eligible second semester
Beta Honor Roll
Students in grades 2-5 are placed on this roll if they earn all “A's and B's” in all graded subjects. First grade students will become eligible second semester. Students are also recognized by the schools for meeting attendance criteria, citizenship and work habits.
Parent Connection
Hopewell City Schools have a method of communicating your child(ren)’s progress and sharing of information on a daily basis. Parent Connection is an Internet based school-to-home connection tool. As a parent you will be able to access information about:
· Attendance
· Current class averages
· Messages from your child’s teachers
· Assignments
· Receive emails when a grade average falls below a level you set and when an absence or tardy occurs.
Guidance Services
The elementary school guidance and counseling program is a developmental, sequential program for all elementary school students, not just for those experiencing serious difficulties. The program is designed to help all students develop their educational, social, career, and personal strengths and become responsible and productive citizens. There are objectives, activities and expected outcomes with emphasis on helping students learn more effectively. The counseling program is an integral part of our school’s total educational program. (See Policy for School Guidance in appendix for more information page 42).
Students must come to school daily, on time, and ready to learn
It is the responsibility of the parent to contact the school when his/her child is absent. When a student is absent or tardy, the school should be notified by phone and a note sent to school when the student returns.
School Attendance Policy and Procedures