Due: Friday, February 7
Students will be making bookmarks that include four parts: summary, character details, a review, and images. Student may choose a book of any genre.
· Bookmarks must be typed in black ink (font size 8-10) in any font style that is friendly to the eye and not all capitalized. Clip art may be in colored ink.
· Bookmarks must completely assembled, glued front to back on February 7. Students may add yarn or ribbon for extra decoration.
· Be sure to use the Planning Sheet, and Rubric to assure the bookmark is created correctly. The bookmark must fill the entire page as shown in the planning sheet.
Elements of the Bookmark:
Front of Bookmark(Left side) / § the title
§ the author
§ a summary telling the beginning, middle and end of the story
§ an image
Back of Bookmark
(Right side) / § a character list with a short description (name the main characters and describe each using at least two sentences)
§ a review of the book that uses stars, thumbs-up, or a similar symbol to rate the book. (I would give this book 4 out of 5 stars because…)
§ additional image and student name
Directions to create Bookmark:
1. Open a word document.
2. Page Layout, find columns, click on two, OK
3. Begin typing and your information will automatically form into two columns for you to then print and cut out.
Grading Rubric:
1. Name (2pts) ______
2. Title (2pts) ______
3. Author (2pts) ______
4. Summary (15 pts) ______
5. Clip Art (2pts) ______
6. Character list/descriptions (10pts) ______
7. Book review (2pts) ______
Front of Bookmark(title, author, summary, image) / Back of Bookmark
(Character list, description, image)
Review of book with rating
(I would give this book 4 out of 5 stars because…)
Your Name
Grading Rubric
1. Name (2pts) ______
2. Title (2pts) ______
3. Author (2pts) ______
4. Summary (15pts) ______
5. Clip Art (2pts) ______
6. Character list/descriptions (10 pts) ______
7. Book review (2pts) ______
TOTAL ______
Grading Rubric
1. Name (2pts) ______
2. Title (2pts) ______
3. Author (2pts) ______
4. Summary (15pts) ______
5. Clip Art (2pts) ______
6. Character list/descriptions (10pts) ______
7. Book review (2pts) ______
TOTAL ______
Grading Rubric
1. Name (2pts) ______
2. Title (2pts) ______
3. Author (2pts) ______
4. Summary (15pts) ______
5. Clip Art (2pts) ______
6. Character list/descriptions (10pts) ______
7. Book review (2pts) ______
TOTAL ______