Group Assignment Cover Sheet
for OUA Students
A Group Assignment Cover Sheet needs to be included at the front of each assignment submitted.
Details of one group member is to be provided – this is where your group assignment will be returned once marked
Address details
Full name:
Assignment details
Unit code: ACG10 / Unit name: Communication and Information Systems in Business
Assignment no.1 / Due date: 29 April 2012
Assignment topic (as stated in the Unit Information Booklet): REPORT
Student names / UniSA email ID
1. Courtney Peake /
2. /
3. /
4. /
Student Declaration
We declare the work contained in this assignment is our own, except where acknowledgement of sources is made.
We authorise the University to test any work submitted by us, using text comparison software, for instances of plagiarism. We understand that this will involve the University or its contractor copying our work and storing it on a database to be used in future to test work submitted by others. We understand that we can obtain further information on this matter at
Note: The attachment of this statement on any electronically submitted assignments will be deemed to have the same authority as a signed statement.
Signed / Date
If you are submitting the assignment in hardcopy please staple this sheet to the front of the assignment.
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University of South Australia

Communication and Information Systems in Business (CISB)


Assessment Name: Assessment 2 Report Group No: DAVID 16

The following is a declaration of your individual contributions towards this team assessment. If any contribution does not meet the assessment requirements, the coordinator may adjust individual marks up or down, depending on the level of contribution made.

Team Member 1

Name: Courtney Peake

I contributed ______words/slides (select whichever is appropriate) towards this assessment.

I worked on the following sections/questions/slides (select whichever is appropriate). ______


Team Member 2

Name: Lauren Philp

I contributed ______words/slides (select whichever is appropriate) towards this assessment.

I worked on the following sections/questions/slides (select whichever is appropriate). ______


Team Member 3

Name: Christy-Lee Czerny

I contributed ______words/slides (select whichever is appropriate) towards this assessment.

I worked on the following sections/questions/slides (select whichever is appropriate). ______


Team Member 4

Name: Glen Phelps

I contributed ______words/slides (select whichever is appropriate) towards this assessment.

I worked on the following sections/questions/slides (select whichever is appropriate). ______




Case Study

Google, Apple, and Microsoft Struggle for Your Internet Experience

Laudon, K. C., and Laudon, J. P. (2012), Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, Global Edition,12 Edition, Prentice Hall.

Word Count 2500

Due 29 April 2012

Prepared by

Courtney Peake

Lauren Philp

Christy-Lee Czerny

Glen Phelps

Table of Contents

Executive Summary 4

Introduction 5

Q1. Define and compare the business communication processes and business

models and areas of strength of Apple, Google, and Microsoft 6

Q2. Why is mobile computing so important to these three firms? Evaluate the mobile

platform offerings of each firm 7

Q3. What is the significance of applications and app stores to the success or failure ofmobile computing?...... 8

Q4. Which company, communication and business models do you believe will prevail

in this epic struggle? Explain your answer 9

Q5. What difference would it make to you as a manager or individual consumer if

Apple, Google, or Microsoft dominated the Internet experience? Explain your

answer. What would be the impact and/or implications for your business

communication processes?...... 10

Conclusion 11

Recommendations 12

References 13

Appendices 14

Executive Summary

An executive summary is no longer than half a page. It provides a snapshot of your assignment in the order in which the sections appear. REMEMBER TO DELETE THIS TEXT>

<Place your text here>.


<Place your text here>.


Define and compare the business communication processes and business

models and areas of strength of Apple, Google, and Microsoft.

<Place your text here>.


Why is mobile computing so important to these three firms? Evaluate the mobile

platform offerings of each firm

<Place your text here>.


What is the significance of applications and app stores to the success or failure of

mobile computing?

<Place your text here>.


Which company, communication and business models do you believe will prevail

in this epic struggle? Explain your answer

<Place your text here>.


What difference would it make to you as a manager or individual consumer if

Apple, Google, or Microsoft dominated the Internet experience? Explain your

answer. What would be the impact and/or implications for your business

communication processes?

<Place your text here>.


<Place your text here>.


For the recommendation section of thereport,you should look at adding to the case study your point of view in relation to the future direction of the case study. For example, identifying potential opportunities for businesses to improve their IS and Comm areas with the issues raised in the case study. You could also identify potential risks and a small direction or suggestion to avoid the risks from the business perspectives. REMEMBER TO DELETE THIS TEXT>

<Place your text here>.

<Insert number of words here> words

Note: The word count for the case studyDOES NOT include the Executive Summary, References and Appendices sections. Sections included are: Intro, Body, Conclusion and Recommendations. REMEMBER TO DELETE THIS TEXT>


Provide details of all references used in your work here. References must use the Harvard standard for referencing, see for further details. REMEMBER TO DELETE THIS TEXT>

<Place your text here>.


This is supplementary material and not included in the word count of your assignment. Appendices are labelled by letter, rather than by number (eg refer to Appendix A).This section is optional. REMEMBER TO DELETE THIS TEXT>

<Place your text here>.

/ Assessment feedback
Communication and Information Systems in Business
Assessment 2: Report - Case Study (2500 Word limit, + or – 150 words) 35% of final grade
Group Number & Case Study: ______David-32______
Student Names: Craig Lawson, Gerrie De Wet, Christopher Glynn Robinson, Christiane Guise ____
Student Names: ______
Key assignment criteria / Performance on this component / Comment
Very Poor / Poor / Fair / Good / Excellent
Display accuracy and guidelines met
Introduction, main body and conclusion
Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and use of inclusive language
Word length (as per course info.)
Harvard, author-date format
Correct use of references within text
References - minimum 6
Evidence of wider reading
Identification, clarity and comprehensive discussion of key ideas with adequate depth
Relevance of answer to the question
Logical planning & sequence of ideas
Supporting documentation for arguments
Engagement with key readings and theory
Summary comment
The Graduate qualities being assessed by this assignment are indicated by an X:
X / GQ1: operate effectively with and upon a body of knowledge / GQ5: are committed to ethical action and social responsibility
GQ2: are prepared for lifelong learning / X / GQ6: communicate effectively
GQ3: are effective problem solvers / X / GQ7: demonstrate an international perspective
GQ4:can work both autonomously and collaboratively
Assignment grade/mark: ______