See DueDates in April and May2017
- Your report must haveFIVE paragraphs.
- Please follow the directions very carefully, and answer all the questions (in complete sentences)
- If you write your report by hand, please skip lines and use your neatest handwriting.
- Indent each new paragraph and proofread for spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes.
- Must have readbook and complete graphic organizer by April 28th (worth 4 points)
Paragraph 1: Due Tuesday, April 11th, 2017 (worth 6 pts.)
Start with an opening introduction sentence that will grab your reader’s attention!
Tell the title and author of the book, as well as the number of pages.
Answer these questions:
Why did you choose this book for your report?
What were you hoping to learn about this person?
Paragraph 2: Due Friday, April 14, 2017 (worth 10 pts.)
Describe WHY the subject of this biography is so interesting that he or she deserves an entire book written about his/her life.
Next, list some interesting facts (3 or more) that you learned about this person.
Answer these questions:
What was the most important thing about this person?
What are some things (2 or more) that you were surprised to learn?
What did you read that you already knew?
What part of the book do you think would be most interesting to your classmates and why?
Paragraph 3: Due Wednesday, April 19, 2017(worth 5 pts.)
Name at least 5 new vocabulary words that you learned while reading this book, and explain what each word means. (DO NOT just list these words. You must put it in paragraph form). For Example: Theodore Seuss Geisel was an American writer and cartoonist, a person who draws cartoons.
Underline the vocabulary word in the sentence.
Paragraph 4: Due Friday, April 21, 2016(worth 3 pts.)
Make sure you answer these questions:
What other strategies, besides the writing in the book, did the author use to help you learn about the subject?
Were there photographs, illustrations, diagrams, maps, charts, timelines, glossaries, or other features?
Did the author put important vocabulary words in bold (darker) letters?
Paragraph 5: Due Monday, April 24, 2016 (worth 4 pts.)
Make sure you answer these questions:
Was this book a good choice for you to read? Why or why not?
Which parts of the book were your favorites and least favorites? Why?
** Reminder: Don’t forget a great closing sentence to “wrap up” your report. **
PART 2: “The Dress Up Biography”
(preparation for this part will be done at home)
- You must create at least a 1.5-2 minute oral presentation about the life of the person you chose. Focusing on the question, why washe/sheimportant (significant)?
- Use questions and answers in part one to help you
- You must “walk the walk and talk the talk,”- dress like them, take on gestures, mannerisms and even try to master the tones of their voice. Be creative!!!
- You may use index cards for your presentation. Have your parents help you withthis portion.
- This portion is worth 15 points
- Presentations during the week of March 24th. (You will be scheduled a day to present week of May 8th)
Oral Presentation Rubric
Points / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3Speaks clearly and loudly / Did not speak clearly and loudly / Spoke clearly and loudly some of the time / Spoke clearly and loudly most of the time / Spoke clearly and loudly all of the time
Costume and/or props / Performer recites the presentation, but did not dress up or use props, does not use voice inflection, facial expressions, or movement to make the presentation more believable, interesting, or clear / Performer dressed up a little, or used one prop, tries to use voice inflection, facial expressions, and movement to make the presentation more believable, more entertaining, and more easily understood. / Performer dressed up a little, or used one prop, often uses voice inflection, facial expressions, and movement to make the presentation more believable, more entertaining, and more easily understood. / Performer has an excellent costume, multiple props, uses consistent voice inflection, facial expressions, and movement to make the presentation more believable, more entertaining, and more easily understood.
Length of presentation / Less than 1 min. / 1 minute / 1.5 minutes / 2 minutes
Good eye contact / Slouches and/or does not look at or try to involve audience during presentation / Sometimes stands up straight and establishes eye contact. / Establishes eye contact with all members of the audience during the presentation. / Looks relaxed and confident. Establishes eye contact with all members of the audience during the presentation.
Ideas and facts organized / The performer could not say the presentation on his/her own. / The performer knows some of the presentation. The performer appears ill-at-ease. / The performer knows the presentation pretty well. The performer is relatively confident / The performer knows the presentation well. The performer speaks with confidence.
Presentation: Numbers 1-5 Present on Monday 05/08Numbers 6-10 Present on Tuesday 05/09
Numbers 11-15 Present on Wednesday 05/10Numbers 16-20 Present on Thursday 05/11
Numbers 21-25 Present Friday 05/12